Another Incident, the Tretology. [29]

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First day of being a Freshman. My sister woke me up at 5:59 am and i thought she was dream mom who just got in the shower, first thing I said to my sister was "What a B--ch." My gift to you for me not killing my sister. Happy reading.

Amity had stayed over for awhile to have lunch, then went home after getting some leftovers, the rest of the day was great now that Nero was back, so now it's the next day. And let's say, today is going to be weird.

When Luz woke up, the first thing she usually does is yawn, then stretch. So she did. When she pushed the sheets off herself, she felt off. She got up, wow was she really this short? Luz looked down; "Wha-"

She got up, four paws, fluffy tail, a muzzle, fluffy ears!? She jumped off the bed, so very grateful the door was open, slipping out and going downstairs. When she did, Prince opened his room door, sniffing the air. "New dog.." He barked under his breath, sniffing around.

Prince looked up slightly, spotting the- "New dog! Who are you?" He barked. "Did Luz let you in? Who's your owner?"

"Prince it's me!" Luz barked, going over to him. "I don't know what happened!"

"Luz? Wow! Just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler! How does it feel? Are you okay? What are you?"

The witch- Or rather, dog, went back upstairs. She quickly went in to the bathroom, Prince helping her get up on the sink to look at herself in the mirror, "So what are you?" He barked.

"I'm a..German Shepherd I believe.."

"Humans think they're aggressive! They just don't trust other humans, I used to know a Shepherd dog! Her name was Penelope and she liked to cuddle her owner and others!" Prince recalled.

Luz jumped back down, pacing around the bathroom, letting out small whine. "Come on, let's go to Lilith's."

"I can't come with you, Gator is coming over and you know he hates walking."

"Oh right, I'll see him when I leave anyways, protect the house Prince."

He stood proudly, "Won't disappoint you!"

Luz nuzzled him, turning around and running downstairs, going to the front door, struggling to unlock and open the door. When she finally did, she slipped out, knowing Willow would come by, close, and lock the door when she dropped off Gator.

The German Shepherd walked down the street, spotting fuzzy fur, picking up the pace. Willow came from around the corner, spotting the other dog. She stepped back, knowing these were aggressive. "Gator step back."

He growled at Luz, barking in her face, doing a small jump. Luz barked back at him, the dog whining, backing up a bit. "Gator it's me Luz! I don't know what's happening!"

"Luz? Wow! Are you okay?"

"No I'm not! I can't stay like this! I have work tomorrow and I need to do my chores!" Luz whined, shaking her head and backing up.

Gator looked up at Willow, then at Luz, stepping forward, nuzzling her, the shepherd relaxing a bit. Luz nuzzled him, her tail lowering itself, swaying from side to side slowly. "If anyone can figure it out, I know it'll be you Luz. See you later!" He barked cheerfully, tugging at his leash.

Willow cautiously walked past her, Luz going down the street, trying to recall where Lilith lived.


She's failing miserably. Being shorter then usual isn't helping her see the signs. Literally, she can't see which street she's on. Luz is currently in a park, the passerbys keeping their distance from her, alot of them on their phones for some reason. Til, she found out why. A van stopped in front of her, a man coming out with a catch pole. "Ruh-Oh, that's not good."

Luz backed up, the male stepping forward, catching her in one fell swing. Luz whined, pulling back, the man dragging her to the back of the car. "You're lucky little one. Didn't bring me drugs for ya. So we'll just put a muzzle on ya."

He picked her up, Luz trying to bite him, the man covering her snout. He got a muzzle, putting it over her head, letting it hit her when he let go of the metal basket. Luz tried to take it off with her paws, the man taking off the catch pole. Luz hit him with her muzzle, shaking her head, trying to scratch it off.

She jumped out of the van, following the path, looking back at him, picking up the pace. 'Why do humans do this? Dogs don't deserve to be treated this way when they don't have a home.'

Luz looked both ways before running across the street, the dog catcher loosing her when the cars started coming and going. The shepherd whined quietly, walking down the street, knowing this place. She turned right, going through the alley, jumping over the trash bags, and going out the other way.

Not the right street but still familiar. Luz looked both ways before crossing the street, trying to recognize the street she was on. Doing so, got her distracted, the mutt bunking in to someone's leg. Luz looked up, her tail wagging as she knew who this was. "Oh- Uh-"

Luz let out small happy whines, well, tried to at least, her muzzle not allowing her to do so much. The human kneeled down, "Who would do that to you hm? Let's take that off, so don't bite me okay?"

'Yes! Please take it off me Blight!'

Amity pulled it off carefully, Luz getting on her hind legs and licking her face. "Yuck- You're welcome- Geez-"

"Thank you!" Luz barked, licking her face, nuzzling her cheek.

"Come on, you hungry?"

To be continued.

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