All jokes aside. [28 part 2]

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Luz ended up being okay, Lilith having dropped her off at home, the older witch needing to talk to the three idiots. Willow did end up apologizing to Luz before she left, Luz accepting the apology. So right now, we're at Luz's side while Lilith talked to the idiots about her.

A scratch at the back door caught Luz's attention while she was cooking, the witch putting down the stick of cheese and going over to the back door. She unlocked the door, opening it a bit; "Rose. Hey kitty.."

"Witch. Nero. Why hasn't he been over?"

"He..He moved away.."

"Away? Luz please elaborate."

"He went back to his old owner..He's across town and lives with him now.."

"Take me."

"You want me..To take you there?"


"Rose I can't. It'll take three (3) hours to make the commute. If he wants to come he will..But..He hasn't.."

The white kitten mewed in distress, coming in, trotting towards Prince's room scratching at the door. "Luz open the door!"

The witch went over, pushing down the handle, Rose nudging the door. It opened, Luz letting the handle go, the kitten entering the room. "AH- MEAN KITTY-" Prince barked, letting out whines.

"Be quiet! Where's Nero!?"

"He's gone! He left! Adios!"

*Luz understands every word Prince says, so it's not in italic

"Wow Prince that was a great bark." Luz congratulated.

He stood proudly; "Been practicing a bit." He barked. "Momma taught me a few things and assumed I got it right."

"Oh? What'd she tell you?"

"Te-Te amo Amistad!"

"I love Amity..?"

"Yes yes it worked! I knew you liked the human!"


"I got you I got you! Camilla said you'd say that eventually!"

"Wha-What!? P-Prince I don't like Amity!"

"What..? I thought you liked the human.." Prince barked quietly, giving her sad puppy eyes. "She comes over all the time and I just assumed.."

"This is cute and all but Nero!!" Rose hissed.

"Right! Nero! We-" 'Knock Knock'

Luz paused, leaving the room, she went to the front door, unlocking it and peeking out. "Luz! Your aunt is at the Cafe! She's scolding Amity and Skara and this turquoise haired chick!"

"Woah woah woah, what?"


"Lily cut it out!" Luz exclaimed, grabbing her aunt's arm, pulling her back.

The witch snarled, glaring at her niece, "Raven brought home a partner."


"Lily you gotta calm down!"

The older witch looked at the trio of idiots who made Luz cry earlier, though Skara wasn't responsible for that part, looking back at the witchling, sighing heavily. "I'm going to murder their parents."

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now