Lizard blood. [16]

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Two in the morning

"And that's the track system." Jerbo finished, closing the book.

Luz jolted up, rubbing her tired eyes, leaning against Amity, so close to dozing back off, til her body started to hurt. "Too long..You..Gotta stop.." Luz mumbled.

Amity looked over at the alarm clock by Luz's bed, the witch groaning quietly; "It's early! Luz you've been doing this for over ten (10) hours! Why are you still letting me do this?!"

"Just..Just turn it off.."

The human felt the witches head, no, no fever; "I'll call you guys eventually, later."

Boscha, Jerbo, and Eda waved, the scroll poofing away a second later. Amity nudged Luz, the witch glancing up at her, resting her head back on her pillow; "I'll go sleep in the guest bedroom, goodnight Luz.."

The witch nodded slowly, Amity getting off her bed, Prince taking her place, Nero deciding to follow Amity to the guest bedroom. She had gotten extra clothes from her Butler who passed by and dropped them off, the Blight haven gotten ready for bed four (4) hours ago.

Nero mewed, Amity opening the door, the kitten slipping in, getting on the bed, Amity soon following. She closed the door, charged her phone, and layed by the kitten; "Mew."

Amity rubbed his ears, the kitten relaxing, deciding not to hurt Amity tonight.


Amity was awoken with a knocking on her door, the Blight groggily opening her eyes, letting out a groan; "Who..?"

"Amity..Open.." Luz muttered.

She groaned, getting out of bed lazily, walking over to the door, unlocking it and opening it; "It's (7)..Go back to bed.."

Luz rubbed her eyes, Nero yawning, going over to her, climbing up the witch, curling up around her neck; "I want to..But Gary came over.."

"Gary..? My driver..?"

"Yeah..He..He uhm wants to take you back home.." Luz yawned, pointing to her left.

Amity looked over, that was her driver alright, he waved at her, pointing to his watch; "I'm actually taking you to school miss."

"Coming..Luz, go get ready.."

"I walk to school today.."

"We'll pick up the nerds on the way, just go get ready.."

Luz yawned again, nodding slowly, going back to her room, Prince haven come out of her room to make sure she was okay, having to go back in a second later. He growled, just laying in the doorway, dozing back off. "I'll be ready in a bit."

Gary nodded, Amity closing the door, getting ready for the day.

. . .

Amity called Willow for Luz, the witch having dozed off on her shoulder, the turquoise haired human coming out to the very fancy car; "Uh- Good morning Amity.."

The human nodded, Willow opening the car door, getting in and closing the door behind herself; "Why was this uhm..Necessary..?"

"Luz..Yawn..Said she would walk to school today, so I knew she was talking about you and Porter. Where does he live? We're picking him up too."

They eventually did pick up Gus, all being dropped off at school, til Luz realized, Nero never left her; "Nero go home!"

He mewed, shaking his body, sitting on her shoulder; "We're not allowed to have pets at school! Walk home!"

"I'm sure they won't mind him Luz, if they do my parents will have a word with them." Amity smiled deviously, scratching his chin.

Alright, she might have a chance. If Amelia is as he expects her to be, then Amity can not win Luz's heart. If she's horrible and nothing like he expects her to be, he'll go to Team Blight. "Nero? You're hissing there buddy.." Gus said.

He shook his head, letting out a cheerful meow. "Just stay quiet please, no hissing or biting."

Nero nodded, licking Luz's cheek, nuzzling her, knowing very well he was about to be smothered with love.


He was wrong. Very wrong. He caught a lizard and ate it in front of the students, some guys thought it was cool, but Luz did not. She was still learning about Earth and she knew cats did this, but why would he kill it out of the blue just like that!? "Nero, please be a good kitty and walk home. Prince will open the door for you.."

Nero mewed sadly, his ears falling back; "Please go home, I'll get you treats when I come back okay? Actually, Willow is it okay if he takes Gator to my house?"

"He can do that?"

"Well he's really smart, he's taken Prince on walks for salmon already."

"Sure I'll call my dads to be aware of him to take Gator home." Willow said, pulling her phone out.

Luz pat Nero's head; "Don't fight with Gator, just let him play with Prince when you get home. Lock the door."

He licked her palm, Luz pulling back, knowing very well it wasn't saliva; "A- Amity..-"

The Blight crouched down, looking at Luz's hand; "Lizard blood. You know, cats bring you things because they like you, this is his way of saying he loves you." Amity said, taking off her bag, digging through it.

She pulled out a wipe, removing the blood from Luz's palm, Nero sniffing out the wipe after she finished. Amity booped his nose with it, getting back up, helping Luz too. "Come on, 3rd period is going to start soon."

"Uh- Scuse me. Luz is in my class, not yours." Willow muttered.

"Actually, my schedule was changed." Luz blurted out, letting her bag fall to her side, unzipping it.

She shuffled through the papers, pulling one out, handing it to Willow. "Mrs.Brown really likes me and she made a deal with Mr.Henry, so I'll be back for science. Gus, who do you have?"

"Huh? Oh I uhh..Willow what was it called again?-"

"He's not the best at math so he gets a tutor who teaches him what we learned sometime ago instead." Willow explained. "His name's Dan."

Nero nuzzled Luz, the witch patting his head before he ran off, making sure to watch out for the students. "You know," Luz began. "I just remembered Sarah isn't my bus driver anymore."


"She's not yours ethier Amity." Luz continued. "She's working at a new job, my job."

"Oh, don't you go in today?"

"I do, please advise me beforehand if your sister comes over."

Amity nodded, ruffling her hair; "Come on, the bell will ring any minute now."

Luz nodded eagerly, giving the Blight a big goofy grin.

To be continued.

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