Jumble of time. [24]

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4:23 in the morning. Luz was staring at her phone, having slept early made her wake up early if you were a curious person. Luz unplugged her phone, picking it up, turning it on. She went to messages, finding a name, clicking on their profile. She typed her thoughts out, pressing send.

Luz tensed up a bit, shaking off the feeling, looking to her right. Prince flipped over, letting out a yawn, then a low growl that was probably meant to be a snore. The witches phone lit up, Luz looking back down at it. She opened the message, smiling slightly, responding to the message.

She turned her phone off, putting it on her desk, pushing the covers off herself. Luz got out of bed, going to her dresser, getting out some clothing, then going to her closet, not wanting to go back in.


5:03 am. Luz had showered, dried her hair, gotten dressed, fed the pets, made breakfast for Camilla and herself, working on her lunch. "Luz!"


"I just re-remember-" Prince shook his head. "Remem-membered!"

"What'd you remember?"


"What about her?"

"I think she can understand me! She got really weird when I said bye last night!"

Luz looked down at him in slight shock; "You're kidding right?"

"No no! She knew what I was barking about!"

"We'll invite her over and test that out later if we can, Gator's coming over."

"Really? Gator Park? Gator from next door!?" Prince barked excitedly, doing downward dog.

"Yes he is! Tell him to be careful with my room, he shed everywhere." Luz said, packing the lunch she made.

She got her lunch pale from under the sink, putting her things away, getting a drink, putting that in her pale as well. "I'll be home at three (3), Gator is staying til four (4), then I get to work at five (5)."

"Wait where are you going? You come home at two thirty (2:30).."

"I'm..Hanging out with someone after school."

"Can I come?"

"It's private. So I'm sorry, not this time Prince."

He let out a small whine, his ears falling back. "I love you Prince, I'll be back later. I have to meet up with the supervisor for the school games before class."

Prince barked, getting up, going to his room, coming back out with a toy. "I will wait for Gator, can you unlock the back door?"

Luz went towards said door, unlocking it; "If you see a bunny or the neighbors cat, do not attack. If it is in fact the neighbors cat, let her hang out with Nero."

"But she's mean! She's going to wreck the couch! She ripped my bed!!"

"You know how to use the spray bottle Prince, bad kittens get spritzed."

Prince nodded firmly, Luz patting his head, going to the front door; "I'll see you later."

"Do good witch!"


Luz had talked to the supervisor guy before school, not having talked to Amelia, having hung out with her first two human school friends. Willow and Gus. Amity also decided to join them, mostly Willow for a secret reason, sitting on the floor with the trio of idiots.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now