The sleepover part 3. [14 part 4]

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Gus had calmed down, super chill, super cool, cool as can be. "I-I'm Agustus Porter! It's really an honor for you to be in the same room as me-"

"That's nice." Amity said, completely ignoring the fanboy. "You sure I'll be able to call Boscha tommorow?"

"Mhm, maybe for an hour or two before I need to do you know what." Luz said, looking up from her phone.

When she looked back down, she had already died, the witch whining quietly; "Dangit."

"Luz, what's the meanest word you know?" Amity asked, drinking some of her iced coffee.

"Son a spirit. My mom says it's not that bad but to me it's awfully insulting." Luz mumbled.

Willow held out a frightening picture to Luz, shushing Amity so she would keep her distracted enough, possibly spook her to get even more spooked by the picture. "Ever heard of ghosts?"

"Hm? Yeah.."

"Know what they do to people who misbehave?"


"Do you want to know?"

"N-Not really.."

"They haunt you..Then strike when the times right.."

"A-And d-do what..?"

"Murder you!"

Luz felt Willow poke her shoulder, looking back, letting out a yelp and saying a phrase; "FEATHERY FRICKLE FRACK-" Luz shouted, backing up against Amity. "KILL IT- KILL IT- AMITY KILL IT-" The witch exclaimed, covering her face with her right hand, using her left to possibly swat the phone away.

Gator burst through the door, rushing to Luz and barking at Willow; "Back off foul demon!" He barked, also terrified of the photo.

Willow ooed, waving it in his face, Gator letting out a quick whine, hiding behind Amity. Nero rushed in, hopping on to Amity's shoulder, getting in between her and Luz, trying to push them apart before they possibly kissed! Luz picked him up, moving in front of the phone.

He hissed violently at it, yowling at the freaky picture; "BACK OFF! LUMITY CAN NOT HAPPEN!" He yowled.

Willow backed down, suprised he had so much fight in him. Gator barked at him, picking him back up and taking him back to the bed, the kittens yowls fading. "Is he all bark and no bite?" Willow asked.

"Probably." Amity shrugged, pushing Luz away.

The witch elbowed her, turning her phone on and loading the game back up. "Since Amity's being a meanie, and so is Willow, want to play LodeCraft with me Gus?"

He slowly nodded, glancing at Amity as he grabbed his device, unlocked it, and loaded up the game. "What's your username Luz?"

"Witchy_Luz14. When you join my world you'll have to turn around and go forward for maybe three (3) minutes." Luz said, getting off the floor. "Amity can you move a bit? You're on my sleeping bag and taking alot of space."

*I don't know if they're actual usernames, I just made them up

"No, I can't move. It's warm here and I like it." The human said, laying down.


He burst back in the room, looking over at Luz; "Lick!"

Amity sat up, Gator running towards her, pushing her back down and licking her face. "YUCK! PRINCE ISN'T THIS ANNOYING- LUZ GET HIM OFF!"

"Good boy Gator!"

He pulled back, his tail wagging furiously, letting out a cheerful bark before continuing to lick the human. "Okay okay, go back to Nero."

Gator nudged Amity, grabbing Nero before he scratched the Blight, taking him back to the dog bed. Amity wiped her face with her sleeve, hating that Luz had such a way with animals, especially dogs. "Going to move?"



"Fine fine!" Amity huffed, getting up.

She went to the bean bag chair in the corner, Luz getting back up and going over to the Blight. "I got off your sleeping bag, go sit or lay down." Amity said, shooing her away.

"Move over."

"Why? I was here first."

"I told you to move because I wanted you to see what I was doing, but now you're over here so I'm over here and now I'm staying over here so you can see what I'm doing!"

"That's alot of over here's Luz."

"Are you going to scoot over?"

Amity rolled her eyes, making some room for Luz on the bean bag chair, the witch sitting beside her and leaning against the human. "You have dogs?" Amity questioned, talking about the animals in the game.

"Yeah I named this one Buckleberry." Luz said, pointing to the dog on her phone.


"I dunno I felt like it." Luz shrugged. "Gus where are you?" The witch asked, looking over at him.

He flinched, looking back down at his screen, pretending that he didn't just stare at them in shock as all of this happened. "C-Coming!"

Willow fixed her glasses, quickly averting eye contact, messing with her device. "What's that game again?" Amity asked, pulling her phone out and unlocking it.


The human opened up her app store, searching for the game, and downloading it. After a few more seconds, she loaded the game up, just following the instructions while Luz gave Gus some materials in the game. "Let's go build something." Luz suggested.

"But I want a dog too! Look! You have one named Mr.FluffyBottoms!"

Luz giggled, now remembering the funny name she gave one of her dogs in the game. "Hey, give me your phone." Amity said, holding her hand out.


"Just give me it."

Luz shrugged, handing Amity her phone, the human leaving the game and going to her app store. She messed with it for a bit, Luz getting a notification. "Lilith texted you."

"Mm..What's it say?"

"You want me to read it?"

"I trust you."

Amity hesitantly clicked the message from the older witch, reading what it said, transferring that information to Luz. "Tell her she can come over tomorrow, and good night to her and Ms.Dottie."

The Blight typed all that out, sending it to Lilith, backing out of that notification. She spotted her name in Luz's messages, a yellow heart beside her name. Amelia's was right under it, having a red heart. She had a strong feeling, and kinda hoped it would change soon, even if she had to get closer to the witch.

To be continued.

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