*slaps hand over mouth* Ruh-Oh. [51]

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Next day, after school, Luz went to Amity's house with the human. She just wanted to check out the house, nothing more nothing less. When they arrived, Luz and Amity just talked, the human mostly talking about Noah and their next date.

Luz didn't exactly, trust him? But she did trust Amity, and that was enough for her. "So where are you two going again?" Luz asked, taking a bite out of her cookie. "Wowza these are good!"

Amity shrugged, having been laying on her stomach, holding herself up with her elbows, "He says it's a surprise." Amity said, doing jazz hands and sighing.

Luz giggled, "I love how you humans show sarcasm. We do not make it of fun, we do it of teasing."

Amity smiled slightly, "I'm glad you're here Luz, are you sure you don't have anything to do?"

Luz nodded, "I'm sure. I like hanging out with you, you're my favorite human."

Ah. So that wasn't a joke. If you don't know what I'm typing about, please refer to Click goes the Camera (45.) Amity flipped over to lay on her back, and sighed, "Is it hard to be a witch?" Amity asked.

Luz thought about it, "It is fairly difficult yes. But, you get the hang of it after the baby class." Luz said.

Amity held her hand out, "What if I was a witch?"

Luz took her hand, gently squeezing it and shrugging, "You have a lot to go through Amity, it's not easy in the beginning."

The human looked up at the witch, Luz moving over, crossing her legs, Amity moving about and resting her head in Luz's lap, "If I start now, will I be ready before you leave?"

Luz shrugged, "If you pay attention, practice often, and can hold the magic, maybe!"

"Emira said you lended her magic, if you do that to me, and I do what you do to get magic, will it stick?"

Luz paused, her ears perking up, "You are a genius!" Luz kissed Amity's forehead. "Let's go try it out."


"Okay, you should be able to see the mushrooms, right?" Luz spoke, taking a step back.

Amity had her eyes closed, yet, she could literally see the mushrooms, but in black and white. "Yeah.."

"Just focus on that, and imagine you, like literally you, picking them up. If you got that part down, you'll end up taking the life from it, and get magic."

Amity relaxed, and did as she was told. She stiffened as she saw herself in black and white, going around the ring, slowly picking up the fungi, then she came and dropped them all, and stepped on them. The colors that the fungi originally were, came towards the other her, and now it had color.

The other Amity returned, and the human opened her eyes, then she shivered. "Wow."

Luz smiled, "Pretty cool right? How did it feel?"

Amity got up, then shivered again, "It felt weird- And cold?"

"That's good! Try to cast a spell, just a small one."

Amity drew a small circle, a pink ball of light escaping it, Luz tackling the human, pushing her in to the grass. Luz giggled, "You did it!"

"I did it!"

"I'm so proud of you Amity!"

The human froze. Oh. Someone was proud of her? For doing something she was actually interested in? Amity sat up, and hugged Luz, the witchling hugging her back tightly, "Thanks Luz.."

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