The badarse witch. [10 part 3]

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Luz very efficiently and quietly knocked him out and destroyed his weapon by smashing it against his head once, rather cool to be honest. She was in search of the Blight, not wanting anything to happen to her though she acted quite homophobic.

The witch looked around the school, just doing quick checks around the secret spots Luz hid and some of the bathrooms. She got on one of those concrete things that hold up this pipe that holds up the metal celling thing. She jumped, grabbing the metallic part and climbing on to the roof.

The last time she did something this exciting was when she had to break Eda and King out of prison. Then again, they had to break her out after when she turned herself in for being really rude to the chief. She apologized again with a goodie bag.

He accepted it and took down the bounty, so she's technically a free witch. Nevermind that, Luz got up to a more higher part on the roof, looking around. Two men, probably, one (1) on the D section of school, the other on the G section.

None of them had Amity, heck Luz couldn't even see her- "Oh, there she is." Luz blurted out, getting a bit giddy.

"Who's there sugar pie?" A deep voiced male asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"My dance partner. Do you know how to dance?" Luz asked, looking up. "Do you want to dance?"

"You're annoying." He hissed.

"And you're about to fall off the roof!" Luz smiled, putting her hand over his.


The witch flung him over her shoulder, using her foot to push him down the slanted part and off the roof. "Ooh that was kinda fun- Sorry!" Luz shouted.

She slid down, walking alongside the rim to a more safer spot and on to the grass. Luz skipped to where she expected Amity to turn up, completely surprising the captain when she was correct. "AH! LUZ!" The human exclaimed. "You scared me.." She muttered.

"You do know we're in a lockdown right?~" Luz questioned, her tone sounding a bit to sweet.

"E-Erm- No..?"

"Duck for me yeah?~"


"Because I don't want you to die silly willy!~" Luz smiled, moving the Blight aside.

She caught the small pellet again, examining the little ball. "Do you want this back?~" Luz asked, skipping towards the owner.

He fired again, this one just scratching Luz's shoulder. The witch threw the pellet at him, just hitting his forehead and leaving a red mark. "You know it's really rude to bully someone.." Luz pouted.

"What the he|_|_ are you up to kid?" He snarled.

"Just stalling till the popo arrive." Luz smiled sweetly. "By the way, I'm going to hit you really hard where your brain is supposed to be."


Luz clenched her fist, hitting the side of his as hard as she said she would. He shook his head, getting a bit woozy then falling back. "Dang it I really wanted to break his weapon with his head.." Luz mumbled, taking whatever the human term for riffle was. "Come on Blight." Luz said, looking back.

The cheerleader was gone. The witches ears drooped down, Luz now even more worried for the human. She used her knee to snap the weapon in half, the possibility of a bruise forming on her knee very high. Luz continued walking around the school, doing a second search.

This took like 3 minutes, she was quick on her feet and really wanted to search for Amity again. A loud scream ensued, the witch jumping off the roof and heading towards the direction she heard it in. She turned the corner, spotting the Blight tightly holding on to her arm.

Luz quietly rushed over to hide behind a pillar, catching her breath. "Look Rick, we have a Blight~"

"I see her Aaron."

Amity panted heavily, taking a step back. One was in front of her, the other behind her, there was no way she could get out alive without having the need to run away. Luz sighed, this Blight the dumbest she's met after Emira. The witch quietly rushed behind the first guy, closer to her actually.

She snatched his weapon, kicking behind his knee and pushing him down. "Touch her and I'll shoot.." Luz muttered, obviously bluffing, she'd never hurt anyone this badly.

"Take the Blight Aaron." He hissed, attempting not to move.

Luz elbowed his neck, quickly firing at the other guy, just his leg, nothing bad. He staggered forward, a loud bang ensuing, then both fell.

To be continued.

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