Dinner.[23 part 2]

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The duo finished eating the shared sundae, both back at Joey's store, Luz taking the razor, throwing it in a far away trash can. "Do you want to come over for dinner Joey?"

They shrugged; "I'll have to close early if I do."

The bell to indicate someone entered the store ringed, Joey patting Luz's head, going to the front; "Welcome, how can I-"

He stopped in his tracks, letting out a small gasp. "Luz talks about you too much.." Amity mumbled.

The witch came up behind them, Amity walking towards Joey, offering him a paper iris. "A few students from class got worried when Luz started to panic..So we know how much she cares about you.." Amity spoke.

Joey pulled the little tab, reading the note; 'You got this FabricGuyJoey.'

Behind Amity were her butlers, each in total holding six (6) boxes. All of which were filled with iris'. "They all have little notes in em. One (1) for every day for over a year and a half (1 ½).."

Joey looked down at Luz, the witch looking up at them; "She'd make a nice partner for you Luz."

"For like videogames? Yeah she'd be great at fighting! I'd probably die if I tried."

Joey ruffled her hair, shaking their head slowly; "Goober. So, when's dinner?"


Luz unlocked the door, allowing Joey to enter first, Camilla having gotten home just a few minutes ago. "Stop!" Luz huffed. "You're not allowed in."

"Why not? Joey's being allowed in."

"Because I invited them, not you Amity."

"Prince would want me in." The Blight argued.

Camilla came around the corner, spotting- "Joey! Been awhile! You're welcome to stay for dinner!" Camilla smiled.

"It'd be my pleasure to join you two."

"Ms.Noceda, am I allowed to join you as well?" Amity asked, pushing Luz's head down to see Camilla.

Luz went down a step, Amity giving Camilla a charming smile. "Don't you have some rich people things to do?"

"No, we do that stuff on Thursdays."

"Listen Amity, we enjoy your company, but wouldn't you rather hang out with people worth your time?" Camilla spoke.

"But..You guys are worth my time.."

"Sweet but a lie."

"My own siblings don't hang out with me. I know I'm too much to handle but come on-"

"Dinner! Nothing else!" Luz finalized. "Got it?"

"Yep! Who's turn is it?"

"Mine! I won't take to long." Luz assured, heading inside.

She went to the kitchen, Amity entering the house, Camilla closing and locking the door behind her. Luz put her bag on a chair, hearing her phone vibrate, taking it out of her bag. She answered the call, putting the phone up against her ear. "Hey Grace!"


"Anxiety attack?"


"Alright! What's your favorite color?"


"That color goes good with hair ties, favorite snack?" Luz spoke, opening the fridge.

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