The Blight takes first. [44 part 2]

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Luz had made strawberry syrup for Bo, having topped Cat's pancakes with whip cream and a strawberry. So far, she was winning. Bo glared at Cat as she sliced her pancakes, drizzling the syrup on top. Gus came out of the pets room, Willow coming downstairs in her morning attire, "Morning." Willow waved.

"Morning! You want pancakes?"

Willow nodded, Gus trailing behind, Luz sliding him over chocolate syrup, "Here you go."

He thanked her, taking a fork and knife, efficiently cutting his breakfast. Willow just sliced the pancakes with her fork, drizzling some of the strawberry syrup she took from Bo on top, and eating. Til Bo and Cat noticed, Amity got her own meal, "Hey Luz? Why did Amity get something other then pancakes?" Bo asked first.

"She isn't allowed to have sugar in the morning, her dad keeps her meals specific. But I made my pawsome tacos for her, they're pretty healthy-"

A crash ensued upstairs, then footsteps neared, "Pawsome tacos-" Viney blurted out.

"I was going to make you macaroni bites later-"

"No- Wait- Yes! Can I get both-" Viney fumbled.

"I'll have to check, I'm going to the store later." Luz said.

"I'll come with you!" Cat and Bo exclaimed, both glaring at one another. "No! I'll do it! Shut up Bo/Cat! I'll go with Luz! Tell her Luz!"

The witch shook her head, "I'm much faster alone, besides, Viney's coming. As well as Willow, and Gus- And that's already enough stress for Grace."

"How is she anyways?" Amity asked, sipping on her apple blood. "Oh, and Joey. I remember seeing a hamster one time in his store too.."

"He put it down, it got pretty old and Joey didn't want it to suffer." Luz shrugged. "Anyhoot, I'll go get ready while you guys eat. Viney, you can ransack my fridge, like you always do."

Viney clasped her hands together, rubbing her palms, "Great! Don't have to tell me twice."


"This one?" Luz asked, showing the cheese to Viney.

The witch examined it, checking the list of ingredients, "Garbage." She hissed.

Luz put it back, grabbing the one that resembled the cheese from back home, offering it to Viney, "How about this one?"

Viney checked the ingredient list, humming, "Royalty. Boscha would absolutely buy this for me."

Luz took it back, putting it in the basket, "Did you call?"

Viney shook her head, "Couldn't. But I know Puddles didn't come through, if he did, he'd have been on top of me, heck, he would've found me by now!" Viney sighed. "I'm not bothering you for arriving on these terms, am I?"

"No no, neither of us could've known something like this would have happened. At least you weren't kicked out, I'm glad you're here though."

Viney stopped, Luz being pulled back as she and Viney were holding hands, the witchling knowing the older witch would get lost. "It's..Shiny.." Viney ooed, taking the sticker packet. "What exactly is this? Healing stickers?"

Luz took the packet, "No, just stickers! These can be used for some positive reinforcement. Like getting a star for doing something good!"

Viney felt the plastic, "Hm. This will definitely hurt the environment."

"You have no idea.."

Luz had payed for her groceries, the girls, except Willow and Viney, arguing over who could help Luz more. It was Willow. When they got back to the Noceda home, they all helped Luz put the groceries away. Gus went back home after explaining to Luz what pollution was and how to help by recycling, Luz having decided to let Willow help explain further.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now