Another rabbit hole.. [55]

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The photoshoot went well, Luz having to stay and design for another hour after agreed time. "Okay, this is what I've gotten so far, just a sketch." Luz said, sliding over her sketchbook.

Alador looked over, pointing to one of the designs, "This would work nicely, make the gown a bit shorter, cover the shoulder a bit more, then it'd be great."

Luz looked back, waving Amity over, the human getting up and rushing over, "Alador says I should make it shorter and cover the shoulder a bit more, should I?" Luz asked, moving aside.

Amity examined the purple gown with white flower lacing lining the bottom, a white belt buckle, and a slightly revealing back, just below shoulder blades with a dip to partway down her spine. "How short exactly were you thinking?" Amity asked.

Alador took the pencil, drawing a like three centimeters above the current line, actually moving it to halfway up her calf. "There is where I was hoping to get it. The sleeves would cover your shoulders, if you were curious."

Amity nodded, "Can we cover up the back? It's weird having such a revealing back."

Luz carefully took her pencil back, moving it three fourths (¾) up her spine, just leaving a bit of it revealed. "Is that okay or would you just like to cover the entire back?" Luz asked. "I don't mind if you want me to cover it, we haven't made it yet."

Amity shrugged, "Either way is fine."

"I'm designing this to make you as comfortable as possible, any way you want this dress, it's going to happen." Luz said, handing the pencil to Amity. "You draw the line where you'll feel comfy comfy."

Amity switched hands as she was a leftie, drawing a line to where it's just be below her shoulder blades but wouldn't make a difference. "Alright, we'll call you for the next designs." Alador nodded.

Luz took her pencil back, Amity going to sit back down by Noah. "Think she'll forgive me soon..?" Amity asked quietly.

"Uhm..Don't count on it..?" Noah shrugged.


8:45 pm. Luz walked down the hall, stopping by a door, lifting her hand up and getting ready to knock. "Luz."

The witchling flinched, looking to her left, seeing Odalia, "Mrs.Blight- I-I was just going to say goodbye to Amity-"

The woman approached, "Actually, Luz. We would be grateful, if you cut contact with her."


Odalia nodded, "You heard me. She has gotten distracted, by you. If you don't leave my daughter alone, I'll see to it you're expelled from school. Actually, scratch that. If you don't leave my daughter alone, we'll keep her home. Homeschool, no visits from friends, no leaving the house."

The witchling bowed her head, nodding slowly, "Yes ma'am..I'll heed your warnings Odalia..Just..Leave Amity alone."

"Great! Have a nice night Luz, see you tomorrow for the rest of the designs."

Luz stood upright, and walked past her, going down the stairs, and leaving the home. Down another rabbit hole..

----------------The next morning--------------

First things first, once Amity got to school, she looked for Luz. She had spotted the witch like two seconds in, rushing over to her, and stopping in front of her. "Luz!"

The witchling jumped back, looking up at Amity, then down, pulling her hood up and walking past. "Luz-" Amity fumbled, taking her hand. "I- D-Don't leave me anymore-"

"I can't speak to you Amity..Please refrain from communicating with me til I've figured something out.."

Amity pulled Luz over, moving her hood down, "Luz, please. You can't- I don't want you to leave me. Not again- Please, Luz.."

The witchling glanced up at her, then averted eye contact, "Two days..I just need two days..I'll figure something out by then..And we can talk again.." Luz said quietly. "Now please let me go and refrain from talking to me.."

Amity gave her a hug with a tight squeeze for good luck. "Two days.."

Luz hugged her back tightly, then pulled back, "Two days. I promise you.."

Amity adjusted Luz's beanie, pulling her hood back up, "One day would be appreciated too.."

"I'll try Amity, but please go now. I can't risk them finding out.."

Amity nodded, hesitantly letting go of the witchling, and walking off. Luz sighed, grabbing on to her arm, and trembling. "All Blights really are bad luck.."

To be continued.

Chrys storytime update!

Okay, so you all know Her, right? Of course you do, you've been waiting for an update!

Let's name Her..Cariño, because she's a total sweetheart. Cariño recently, has hugged me a lot more often now that I'm back. So this morning, I asked, "Are you an over or under type of person?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" She asked while pulling away from the hug.

"Over," I put my arms over her shoulders. "Or under." I continue, moving my arms around her waist.

"When someone tall, like ____'s best friend, I go under because I'm too short." She answered. "I go over for you though."

Then she hugged me again, resting her head on my shoulder. I make a joke with my eight year best friend, alot, and when she looked over at me, I said it, "She took you from me, now I'm taking her from you. See you in three years loser."

She laughs, then hugs me when I pull away from Cariño. Let's call my eight year best friend..Jules. Jules also gives great hugs, and she's an over type of person, so it's okay for me to wrap my arms around her waist. And people, I'm gay, but if I'm to the point where I feel her chest, I pull back, because I'm respectful--

When the bell rang, I took Cariño to class, then she talked about her crush. 🙄 "No offense, but you have terrible taste in men." I blurt out.

"What? No I don't, he's cute!"

"I know I have no say in the matter, because who would ever date a man? Besides you, of course."

She rolled her eyes, gently nudging me, "I learned a word in Spanish."


"It's novia."


"Yeah, or was it novio?"

"Did you learn about the chickens?"

"I did! Pollitos."


"What's the difference? Well, the teacher said it was a big chicken."

"That's what she said."

Cariño paused. "The teacher?"

"Yeah, my teacher said."

"Oh, I thought you were trying to make a dirty joke, I was like that did not make sense." She laughed, nuzzling my shoulder from the side. "Jules' brother is in my class, he's right there."

"Hey! Gary!"

He looked back, adjusting his hat, "Huh?"

"Why weren't you a giraffe for Halloween.." I mumble.

He huffed, "I dunno."

The late bell rings, so I let Cariño go, "See you at lunch Cariño."

She nods, "Bye Chrys!"

I wave and leave, then, it's class. Now enter, Kathy. In the next storytime, bye!!

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