Surprise! [13 part 4]

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When they finally arrived, Sarah had to make Elizabeth stand at a specific spot, then untie the bandanna, putting her glasses back on. "We're ready.."

The floral teacher took a peek, letting out a quiet gasp; "Wha- You- I-" She fumbled to find the right words, staggering back a bit.

"Woah woah, can't have you passing out on us." Sarah joked. "Are you going to go have fun or what?"

Elizabeth called Luz over, the witch skipping over and looking up at her, one ear perking up, the other drooping down. "What is it Mrs.Hazel?"

"Did..Did you plan this?"

"Well I did rent the venue..And a few other things..My only job was to distract you long enough so the others could get everything ready.." Luz mumbled.

"If I could, I would adopt you. But you have parents-" She blurted out, cupping Luz's face. "You are so sweet-"

"Thank you Mrs.Hazel." Luz mumbled, attempting to speak correctly.

"You're the best student I've ever had-"

"Thank you-"

"Is there a cake?-"

"I mean there should be- Brian?-"

"Yeah it's on table 7, can we like- Party already?-"

"YEAH!- I mean- Yes we may.." Liz said, clearing her throat nervously, very well looking forward to the cake.


Luz had stepped out during the two hour mark, wanting to have some time alone, but couldn't. "You alright?"

The witch looked to her left; "I'm okay Amity, just wanted some time alone.."

"Do you want me to go back inside?"

Luz shook her head slowly. "Come sit with me..?"

The Blight nodded, closing the door behind herself and going towards the witch, sitting down beside her. "Did something trigger your past?"

She nodded. "Don't do well with big groups Noceda?"

"He hid in those alot..I was never safe in them.." Luz mumbled. "People aren't really my thing anyways. Especially humans..I've been doing research about your world Amity.. You people did horrible things to witches.."

Amity gently nudged her, putting her hand down, palm facing up, by Luz. The witch hesitantly put her hand over Amity's, the Blight interlocking their fingers and gently squeezing her hand. "Lots of humans are idiots..A bunch of them voted for an orange."

"An orange?"

"That's off topic-" Amity blurted out.

Luz giggled, her ears relaxing. "Back then, people thought witches were bad. Thinking they could curse or kill us, but..Meeting you..You guys aren't as bad as they said you were..You're incredible.."

Feelings. For a human that wasn't Amelia? Impossible. 'Was that aimed at me or my kind?-'

Luz fumbled with her words, stuttering on the first word she said, "W-Well we are kinda cool.." Luz said quietly.

"What can you do ice spells too?" Amity teased.

"Wh-What if I could? Would you laugh at me?"

"You're so cold and bitter, lighten up a bit." Amity joked, booping Luz's nose.

"Go back inside!"

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