Boring evening. [16 part 3]

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"Phew. Okay Bo, you can head home. I'll just get the macaroons ready for tomorrow morning, careful okay?" Luz said, putting on an oven mitt.

Bo hugged her from behind, giving her a gentle squeeze. "I will be, night Luz."

"Night Bo."

It was technically evening, since it's maybe 7:34-35, but it was still getting late. Bo gathered her things, waving goodbye to Luz and the others, taking her leave. "You guys should head home too." Luz called out to her friends.

"I can wait for you Luz, we're neighbors and I need my dog back." Willow said, drinking some more of her tea.


"My dad's coming to pick me up right now so I can wait a bit longer."

"What about you Amity?" Luz asked.

"Gary's coming too, so I can be patient." Amity said, looking over at the witch. "Also my stuff is still at your house."

Luz hummed, going over to them; "Are you finished with it?" The witch asked, signaling to the cup.

Willow nodded, Luz taking her cup, the other dishes as well, going back to the kitchen; "You guys go without me, I'll be back at around 8."

"Overtime?" Amity inquired.

"I wouldn't say that, yet you're kinda right, but you guys should go before Camilla goes to sleep. She's had a rough week so far."

Amity got up, pushing her chair in, putting her backpack on. "We'll see you tomorrow then Luz, be careful on your way back."

The witch nodded, the other two getting up as well, pushing their chairs in, all leaving cash to pay for their meals, Amity taking a little while longer since she was doing something else. They said goodbye to the witch, taking their leave, two heading to Luz's home. The witch sighed heavily, going out to the front.

She turned off the open sign, dimming the lights a bit, going to the kitchen to get a few things, then going back out. She wiped down the tables, chairs, and bar like seating area, eventually getting to her friends table. A little note, and money. Luz gathered all the bills, folding the note neatly, putting it in her pocket.

She put all the cash away, making sure to lock the register, wiping down the counter. She took the tip jar, second full one today. She went to the back, emptying it out in this big gallon that the manager kept for the fun of it. Luz washed her hands, drying them off, continuing to work on the macaroons.

After twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) minutes later, Luz finally finished up. She washed her hands again, just having cleaned the dishes. She felt her pocket, taking out her notepad, and her pen, a paper slipping out. The witch knelt down to pick it up, unfolding it and reading it. "Have a nice night Luz. I'll see you tomorrow for most of the day, please get my notes and homework for me the last 2 classes, I'll get you felt~ -Amity"

Luz giggled, folding it neatly, shaking her head slowly. "What a dum dum.." She smiled slightly, a light blush spreading on her cheeks.

She put the note in her pocket, getting ready to head out, she changed out, getting her things, turning off the lights, and leaving the cafe. She locked the door, making sure but gently shaking the doorknob, good. She looked up at the sky, said sky being a mix of red, yellow, orange, and pink, the sun setting.

Luz fixed her bag, heading down the street, beginning the walk home.


Just as she arrived, Camilla opened the door to take out the trash; "Oh, Luz! You're here!"

"Sorry for being so late, I had to close and do other things." Luz bowed.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're back. I'm going to take a shower and head to bed, dinners in the fridge." Camilla said, taking a step towards her.

Luz took the trash bag from her; "I got it, thank you Ms.Noceda."

"Mom is fine Luz." She smiled.

"Right, yes, I-I know..Don't forget your gummies before bed!"

Camilla nodded, going back inside, Luz throwing the trash away, going inside too, closing and locking the door behind herself. Prince rushed over, barking excitedly; "Luz Luz! Luz Luz Luz!!" He barked.

"I'm listening to you Prince, calm down." The witch giggled, taking her bag off, putting it by the door.

She took her shoes and jacket off too, putting her sneakers by the door, hanging her jacket up. "Another dog came over! Gator! He's fluffy!" He barked.

"Did you two have fun?"

"Lots! Tons! So much fun!" He yipped, his tail wagging furiously.

Nero trotted over, mewing up at Luz, his tail making a wave motion. "Did you both eat?"

The kitten nodded, Prince shaking his head violently; "No we didn't! Huh Nero! We didn't eat yet!"

"Meowrr, lying." Was all Luz understood from the kitten.

"Prince, don't lie to me." Luz huffed.

"We ate an hour ago. Too long! I'm hungry Luz!!" He barked.

"Prince! Calmate!" Camilla shouted from upstairs.

He clamped his mouth shut, sitting down; "I think she's on her human bloody days." He barked quietly.

"I don't know what that is, can you go get my shower started? I'll be there in a bit after I start to heat up my dinner."

Prince nodded, nudging Nero, heading upstairs to her room, the kitten struggling to get up the steps. Luz went to the kitchen, washed her hands again, and checked the fridge. A container with her name on it caught her eye, the witch taking it out, it was pretty cold. She sighed, letting out the stress from today, gently slapping herself. "Come on Luz, for mom."

She hummed proudly, wanting to have a nice night so tommorow could be as well! "Go me!" She cheered quietly, getting a tad bit excited for the dumb thing she did, very much having fun on Earth.

To be continued.

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