Click. [22 part 3.25]

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Happy Amity kissed Luz day! Here you go!

"Why are there so many flowers in your hair Luz?" Mrs.Willis asked, helping the witch remove petals, grass, and flowers from her hair.

"Uh..I dunno?"

She does know. Earlier, when Amity actually caught up to her, the Blight tackled her in to the grass. They both laughed at the dumb interaction, Amity having put flowers in Luz's hair while the witch was laying down, examining a caterpillar. Then when the bell rang, both rushed to get their bags and just went to class. "Can I keep these?" Luz asked.

"I suppose." Mrs.Willis shrugged, placing the flowers, petals, and grass in front of her.

Luz separated them while Mrs.Willis got the rest of the greens out of her hair.

Eventually Luz had a pile of flowers, and petals. She just put the grass in the bunny pen Mrs.Willis had. "I'm still unaware of why you call a bunny hamster.."

"Hamsters a good boy, let him be."

The bunny squeaked, eating the grass happily, Luz going back to her desk. "I am also unaware of what we are doing today. And by we, I mean me and you."

"Well it's Monday, so it's a slow day. I also have nothing planned-"

"What if we just make papers for the announcement this week for the fundraiser that goes on."

"Wait why was I not informed?-"

"Mrs.Willis you were there yesterday!"

"I was?"

"Yes! You had a bagel for Brunch!"

"Did I?"

Luz sighed, slamming her head down on her table; "Hey we should get some posters for the fundraiser!"

"Great idea Mrs.Willis.."


Luz had managed to make a flower crown, and six (6) different versions of the poster. She picked number three (3), it was including rainbows, and had cute drawings on it. The witch was currently in the office, humming quietly while she waited for these to print.

The witch heard a clicky pen, her ears perking up, the witch looking over in the direction she heard it in. "Hey Willow!"

"Hey Luz! What are you doing here?"

"Printing! The sounds this thing makes is interesting, I like it." Luz smiled. "I heard a clicky pen, was it you?"

Willow pulled her hand out of her pocket, clicking the small box. "It's called a fidget square, I got one to mess with when I'm stressing out. It was this light switch side, I like to press down on it." The human spoke, offering it to Luz.

The witch curiously took it, examining all the sides, joystick, buttons, weird pokey rolling things, cool shiny mini ball, light switch, and a soft part. "Fidget..Fidgettt squarre. I like this thing!"

Willow sat down beside her, Luz handing the fidget square back. "So why are you in here?" Luz asked.

"My teacher wanted me to go to office for something, she told me to wait here while someone in ASB comes to give me papers." Willow explained.

"Oh! Amity's in that class!"

"She is? What do they do there?"

"Nothing! They hang and talk."

"Then what am I waiting for-"

"I dunno! Hey, want to grab lunch after school today?"

Willow shrugged; "I'll ask my dad, he might say yes, but my dad might say no."

"Your dad is probably overprotective."

"Yeah he is. He knows when he's going to far though."

The printer beeped, Luz getting up, taking the papers out; "Hooray! They have completed the inking process!"

"Indeed they have." Willow giggled.

Luz continued her happy tune, waving at Willow, leaving the office, opening the door for the next person. "Thanks Luz."

"No problem Amity- Amity!"

"What?" The Blight asked, turning around to face her.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Okay okay. I see how it is. I was just printing paper on the very interesting human machine. I enjoy pressing the buttons."

Amity ruffled her hair, Luz liking when the Blight did that. "Yeah it's nice to hear it beep when you press the buttons."

"Well I'm going back to class, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Not sure, Ay is coming over again and he was persistent to model all day til dawn." Amity shrugged. "If you're lucky, you'll see me by third (3rd) period."

"If not?"

"By fifth (5th)."


"I know I'm lovable and all but you don't have to miss me when I'm not even gone yet." Amity teased, pinching her cheek lightly.

"Oookay..Go do your thing while I do mine."

Amity nodded; "Bye Luz."

The witch smiled up at her, not being able to wave with all the papers, heading back to class.


Luz had made cranes with the posters, currently, it's been an hour since school ended. Luz had waited for the custodian to clean the desks, the witch putting a crane on each desk right after. They talked about what they might do when they've completed their tasks. "That's sounds fun Mrs.Quill!"

"It is, I'm as excited as I can be. You sure do alot for this school, are you sure it's not too much to handle?"

Luz shook her head, placing another crane on the desk. "I can handle this much so far. At my old school I tutored my classmates for cookies! Marshall really knew how to bake those."

Mrs.Quill wiped down the final desk, looking down at Luz; "The next class is the last, so let's make this quick. I am excited for my date with my husband."

Luz nodded, following Mrs.Quill out of the class and to the next.

They eventually finished that room too, Luz going to the front office where she left her stuff. The witch tensed up, the person she did not want to see just a few feet in front of her. "Luz.."

The witch looked down at the ground, going to her things, taking her phone out, putting her bag over her shoulder. She walked past Amelia, leaving the office, knowing very well the greenette was following her. "Can we- Talk?"

Luz stayed silent, walking down the street, Amelia grabbing her hand; "Please just listen-"

"Don't touch me.." The witch mumbled, pulling her hand back.

Amelia gently took her hand, rubbing the back of her hand gently with her thumb; "Luz..I didn't mean to force on you like that..I don't know what came over me, you probably hate me.."

"I don't want to talk to you right now.. Please leave me alone.."

"I get it..I'm really sorry.." Amelia sighed, letting Luz's hand go. "You have my number..Text me when you're ready.."

Luz nodded slowly, Amelia turning around and heading up the way she came from. 'Distance Luz..You have to keep your distance..'

To be continued.

Stupid episode won't stay published!!

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