Boschlow. [48 part 3]

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Things began to go well, Boscha introduced herself properly this time, having gathered enough magic to show Willow some pictures on her scroll, the human very much enjoying the stupid pictures. Some were of Jerbo nearly being eaten by an acid spitting plant, others were of Barcus getting in trouble, giving the camera a sad puppy eyes look, and the next would be of him being shown love by the girls!

One of the pictures was for the Boiling Isles Valentine's day, everyone had to be in a bubble for this day. Cupid would come out of hibernation, and dart the people with love arrows who didn't have protection, making them kiss anyone. Luz was hit one year, but she didn't change. She had self control for nearly everything, and she didn't kiss anyone without consent.

Luz was kissing Barcus' head, the dog looking very happy. But let's move past that, we won't be talking about pictures all episode! Boscha answered many of Willow's questions, because apparently neither Luz or Viney wanted to answer. During this time, Luz, who was still a baby, was snuggled up and asleep with Amity.

Willow had taken many pictures, then asked Boscha about Luz. "Luz? Why do you want to know about her?" Boscha asked, drinking some of the apple blood.

The human shrugged, "You all let her do her thing, like let her kiss you, let her hug you, just let her be herself." Willow said.

Boscha leaned back in her chair, and sighed, "Luz is..Well..She's special.."

Willow nodded, "I get that, but, how so?"

Boscha scratched her cheek, "Luz was not in the best place when she was born. She couldn't do anything, just follow instructions and hope to eat. Hope to survive." Boscha explained. "I get that Luz is carefree right now, and she's sensitive, it's easy to figure that part out. But Luz, she's doing what she can to try and grow up as fast as we are, so we slow down a bit so she can catch up, hence, why she's so special."

Willow rested her head on her palm, nodding, "So, we take things slow for her?"

Boscha shrugged, "We took it slow for her, but when we did, she started closing up, ignoring us, just, stayed quiet." Boscha muttered. "I got it out of her eventually on why she became a bit distant, she said, I don't want to slow you guys down for my mistakes." She copied. "We felt bad for a long time after that, but you have to ask her if you can slow down for her."

Willow glanced down at the table, a bit tense, "ADHD?" Willow questioned.

"Yep. PTSD too. Just, don't raise your hand at her, if you'll high five, just hold on your hand just above your shoulder, she'll definitely understand. Don't show her too many things at once, she will pick something off menu and ask a whole lotta questions about it." Boscha sighed. "So many questions about the paint.."

Willow smiled slightly, "What color was the paint?" She teased.

Boscha glared at her, "It was an air force blue. It was coated with three layers of paint, made with a few lilacs, some binders, solvents, and additives. The wall was painted by the last owner of the building who was one hundred eighty three (183), not married, a widow, two children, twins, one boy, one girl who is now a boy, and a baby Griffin. The wall was originally painted brown, now can you please change the subject before I start talking about the structure of the wall?" Boscha pleaded.

"No no, I'd like to know, please, do continue." Willow smirked.

"The wall was very pretty, OKAY? IT WAS SWIRLY AND THE PATTERN FELT NICE." Boscha slammed her hand on the table. "The wall was made of concrete that came from an old man who was two hundred and eighteen (218), the wall was originally planned to be of wood but the rain would wear it down so it was changed- WILLOW-"

"Alright alright! I get the paint- Sounds like you have an issue with paint now..-" Willow mumbled.

Boscha pointed to the wall, "That wall is colored in ivory white paint, the lighter shade-"

"Woah- Hey- H-How about what Luz can't talk about?- L-Like what gets her in a sad or bad mood?--"

Boscha panted quietly, hesitantly relaxing, "T-Things that'd hurt her?" Boscha questioned.


"Uh..Well- Don't mention her dad, or mom, Eda is called momma so refer to Eda as such- Don't raise your hand if you're angry, do not decline her hugs, she will cry, do not, and I mean this part, do not force her to do anything." Boscha finalized. "Doing so only brings back horrible memories, she'll start crying, she will start to hate you until you apologize and give her a hug, a kiss will make her feel better in an instant."

Willow sighed, "Wow-"

"Yeah, whatevs, I'm used to taking care of Luz." Boscha shrugged.

Willow scratched her cheek, "So if I told her to say goodnight back to me, would she get mad, or giggle and say goodnight?"

Boscha shrugged, "She falls asleep later then we do, so we find no point in saying it. But if you said that, she would giggle and say night night!"

Willow nodded, "Okay yeah. That sounds like something Luz would say. Where is she now anyways?"

The stairs creaked as someone came downstairs, Luz, who was still a baby, came over. She carefully went over to Boscha, patting her thigh, the witch picking her up, "What?" Boscha questioned, sitting Luz down.

"My wife is snoring." She whispered.

Boscha kissed Luz's nose, "Then wake her up."

Luz shook her head, "I tried, she just gives me a kiss and goes night night."

Boscha facepalmed, Luz giggling quietly, "I thought you wanted her kisses." Boscha muttered.

"I do but she go night night after, and I don't want her to." Luz whispered.

"Well go wake her up." Boscha whispered back.

"..Okay I go wake her up." Luz said super quietly. "Can you put me down?"

Boscha helped Luz down, the witchling heading back upstairs to her room. Viney came over, just having set up the guest guest bedroom for Boscha, "Alright super star, I got it ready for you, dog helped me call Camilla to tell her, she'll get you in to school too."

Willow pushed herself away from the table, Boscha getting up as well, "Well, thanks Vines. You leaving?" Boscha asked, looking over at Willow.

"Yep, dads told me to be home before four (4), it's two minutes away." Willow explained. "Thanks for letting me stay, but I should get going."

"I'll walk you out." Boscha said, leading the way towards the door.

Willow followed, Boscha unlocking and opening the door, Willow stepping out, "Do tell what happens when Amity wakes up." Willow spoke.

Boscha nodded, "Will do."

Willow waved, then followed the path, and went home. Boscha closed and locked the door, leaning against the wall, looking over at Viney, "Yep. She likes me."

To be continued.

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