Her home. [13 part 4.25]

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Hey guys, told my guardian I didn't believe in God, now they're making me read the Bible and spend less time on my phone, this might take more time to post often so please bare with me!

Luz dropped her things off at home, not including her bag and Prince of course, she was currently getting her belongings out of Lilith's car, very excited to go in her aunt's home. She closed the door behind herself, catching up to Lilith and looking up at the two story house. "What are the other rooms for Auntie?"

"My roommate." Lilith said, searching for the house key.

She put it in the lock, turning it and opening the door. "Dottie I'm home!"


A old woman rushed down the stairs, circling Luz, then Prince, then Lilith. "Wha- She's here!?"

"Turns out she wanted to see cats from Earth and has been trying to get every single type." Lilith said, putting the keys up. "Toygers are next on her list."

"Hi Ms.Dottie!!" Luz exclaimed, waving excitedly at the woman.

She waved back too, smiling brightly, her sharp teeth showing. Luz took off her bag, Dottie hissing at it; "Is something the matter?"

She yowled, hissing at the bag. Luz opened it, a hiss coming from it; "A cats in my bag!" Luz said, clearly suprised and unaware of it being in there.

Luz put her bag down, picking the kitty up. "Prince come look at the cute kitty!"

It gave her a questioning look, tilting their head to the side in confusion. "Meowrr?"

"Cute kitty cat!"

Prince stood on his hind legs, sniffing the kitten; "Hello little guy~ What are you doing in my bag?"


His tail swayed from side to side, the kitten reaching out to cup her face with his cute tiny paws. "Weren't they looking for a cat back at the garden?" Lilith chimed in.

"Oh yeah you're right! We should call them." Luz said, putting him on her shoulder.

She reached in to her bag, pulling her phone out, unlocking it, going to contacts, and calling their number. After the second ring they did their introduction, who they were calling, if they wanted to rent a venue, book a time when they'd like to come and a few other things. "We were there earlier Sadie." Luz began.

"Oh! Hey Luz! Something up?"

"When we were there, a message came over the loud speaker thingies about a cat." Luz said.

"What about him? Did you find him?"

"He's a little stowaway, what were you guys going to do to him anyway?"

"Take him to get adopted, the little guys been eating the vegetables and hurting some of the birds. They might put him down though since he's so violent."

"Can I keep him?"

"Sure I'll tell the boss. Bye Luz!"


Luz hung up, putting her phone away and looking over at her aunt. "Is your guardian going to be okay about?"

"Oh- I should call her-" Luz blurted out, taking her phone out again.

She unlocked it, calling Camilla, Lilith very well noticing it also said mom on it. Luz put the phone up against her ear, Camilla answering right away. "Are you okay? The field trip isn't over yet- Did something happen?-"

"I'm okay Ms.Noceda, I found a kitty. He stowed away in my bag.."

"Oh. You're keeping it aren't you?"

Luz nervously laughed; "I knew it. Sigh. We can go to the vet later and get him chipped. I'll be home at 7, we can get late night ice cream after your shift."

"Okay! Thanks mom!- Camilla- Thank you Camilla-" Luz blurted out, glancing at Lilith. "M-My aunt's here!"

"Lilith right? Your step mom's older sister, yeah I remember. Did she pick you up or something?"

"Yeah! Do you want to talk to her?"

"I am on break. Yeah okay."

Luz handed the phone over, Lilith taking it and going to another room to talk privately with her, Luz's aunt definitely adding her sister in to finally get her a partner. The witcling pat Dottie's head, then Prince's, and walked towards the living room.

She sat down on the couch, picking the kitty up and putting him in her lap. "I don't speak cat that well, at least not yet, but do you have a name?"



The cat perked up, his tail swaying from side to side; "Mew!"


Prince barked, the cat looking over at him, mewing again. He, Prince, did understand the kitty, being very fluent in knowing the more aggressive words. "Oh! Prince what's he saying?"

He barked, the cat mewing, then Prince barking at Luz, then continuing the process multiple times till Prince shook his head. "No name."


"Let's give you one then, Ms.Dottie do you know any good names?"

The witch looked over at her, giving a small shrug before curling up on her bed. "Zachery. Nooope. That's a weird name for you. Froggery- No that's Mr.Freddisons ventriloquist dummies name- Theodore! No-"





He mewed, his tail wagging swiftly beside himself. "He's got a cooler name then you Prince." Luz teased.


"Kitten kitten, you have a very regal name Prince."

He sat down, putting his paw over his chest, making himself look very cool. "OH! JOEY!"

Luz got up, putting Nero on her shoulder, going to the room Lilith went in and doing some sort of high knees since she needed her phone back. Raven came out of the room he stayed in, landing on Luz's head, covering her eyes for no reason. "Lily! Witch Lilith!" Luz exclaimed, moving Raven's wings.

The older woman looked at her, patting Raven's head; "Yeah we can talk about my sister later, goodbye."

She hung up, handing Luz her phone back; "I have to go see someone! And I should probably go to work early to be with Bo-"

"I'll drive."

To be continued.

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