Choo choo, all aboard the love train!~ [34 part 2]

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After school, Amity happened to be going the same way Luz was, "Hey Amity?"


"Are we hanging out Friday?" Luz asked.

"Do you want to?"

"Yeah kinda, we haven't hung out of my home or school.."

"It's okay, I'll plan something out."

Luz perked up, looking over at her, "Hey, isn't there a game with us vs The Panthers?"


"Maybe we should go when it comes up." Luz suggested.

Amity half shrugged, "I guess. But I'll end up being on the field because of cheer so we won't be able to hang out during it."

"Well..That's going to be an issue.."

They both let out a worried sound, Amity carefully taking Luz's hand, "I guess we can wait in the car that day. If you want, we can hug before the game" Amity mumbled.

"Yeah! Where are you going now? Cheer isn't this way."

"Football is. Going to watch them practice."

Luz ooed, "Finally fallen for one of the boys? Who? I know all of them!"

"You do?"

Luz nodded, "I've drawn them all in a big group picture. Coach paid. They watched me draw it and started talking to me. Who'd you meat?" Luz ranted.

Amity interlocked their fingers, "A guy named Noah."

Luz thought about who she was talking about, "Noah Creed right?"

"That's him." Amity nodded.

"He's..Around 15. He's mean.."

"What?" Amity scoffed. "You're probably just going off what his friends say. He's not rude."

"You just met him, don't trust so easily Amity-"

The human pulled her hand back in an instant, already in a ticky mood, "I know witch. I know. I'm not an idiot." Amity hissed. "I'm going to go watch them practice..Call me when you're done so I can drop you off home."

Amity glanced at Luz and walked past her, heading to the field. The witch saddened, her ears slanting, Luz grabbing on to her arm. "And just like that..She's gone.." Luz sighed. "Quit trusting people too much Luz..! Don't do that..!"

She shook her head, letting out another sigh, and heading to a class.


"So what do you guys do here?" Luz asked, walking by Soup.

"We come up with ways to use puns more often when speaking. Also making dad jokes is a must." Soup smiled, moving their hair to the side again.

"Dad jokes?"

"Y'know, jokes your dad says."

"Uhm.." Luz paused. "My dad didn't really tell jokes..Only if he said my name he'd laugh.."

An akward silence fell in the room, the other students also silent after they heard Luz say that. "It's okay though! I was pretty used to it and he probably didn't mean it!-"

"Luz are you okay?-" Soup fumbled.

"Only on the outside- But then again I'm covered in wounds at the moment- Not on any side no!" Luz smiled nervously.

"Luz you need help-"

"Oh- My mom's a nurse, I'm sure I don't."

"No like- A therapist-"

"Oh those guys! Yeah they don't work for me. I've had..Six? No, seven therapists in two years because they didn't like how I talked so freely about what happened with my dad. They're here to listen, guess even that was to much." Luz shrugged. "Anyhoot, care to explain dad jokes?"


After things settled down, Luz finally got the hang of dad jokes. "Ugh..I'm hungry.." One of the members muttered.

"Hey hungry I'm Luz." The witch smirked.

The rest of the students laughed and giggled, Luz looking over at the clock, pushing herself away from the desk, "I have to get home, thanks Soup for letting me come." Luz smiled.

They smiled back, the human waving at Luz as she left. The witch left the classroom, going over to the field, spotting Amity pretty close by. She was leaning against the rim, talking down to someone. Literally. She was looking down at another human and talking to them.

Amity giggled, a small blush spreading on her face, the human smiling softly. Luz walked over, the Blight noticing her, "Hey, you done?" Amity asked.

"Yeah just finished up, they only meet up every few days because other teachers use that class." Luz fumbled. "You?"

The person below both girls handed Amity a phone, the Blight typing something on it, offering the phone back. "Thanks for watching us practice Blight, remember next Friday."

Amity nodded, "I know. Put on a reminder earlier. See you Noah."

He waved, walking back to his other buddies, his groupies all patting his back, ruffling his hair. Amity looked at Luz, leading the way back to campus, the witch quickly following. "You're going to work after right?" Amity asked.

"Oh yeah! Bo's shift! Gotta cover it. Can you call Amelia for me?"

Amity stopped, Luz stopping as well as a reflex to the humans sudden halt, "Amelia?"

"Yeah, Amelia." Luz nodded slowly. "Is that a bad thing..?"

"Luz she tried to kiss you and you've already started trusting her again?"

"Amity it's okay, we've been talking, trying to fix things. She says she can try to be better, but she doesn't know if it'll be enough for me to forgive her. We're just mutual right now!"

The Blight grumbled to herself, continuing to walk, Luz following pursuit. "Just..Just be careful.."

"I know. Thank you for worrying, Amity." Luz smiled.

Ooh boy, here comes the love train..

To be continued.

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