Electrifying. [53]

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Next morning, no one could visit Amity because she was taken to the omth- I'm not spelling it out. The eye doctor! She was taken there and had a few tests. So, Luz went there the second she woke up at 5:43 am. Luz took Nero there, as a Griffin, with a potion.

He flew back home because Amity would give her a ride if Luz wanted her to or not. The witchling hung on to the windowsill, knocking on the window. "Amity!" Luz whispered.

After a minute or two, the blinds opened, the window being carefully pulled up. Amity rubbed her eyes, still very tired, "Huh..?"

"Amity!" Luz sighed in relief. "Are you okay?" She whispered.

"Luz?! What are you doing here!?" Amity whispered back.

The witchling adjusted on the railing and held herself up, "I wanted to make sure you were okay! I couldn't wait any longer and just wanted to make sure.."

Amity pulled the witchling in, closing the window behind her, "You're an idiot, you know that right?"

Luz nodded, "You say it alot!"

"Stay quiet, it's early.." Amity yawned, walking to her bed and sitting on it. "I wish you were patient.."

"Well you were distressed, and I would not like to be alone if I were in your position." Luz said, going over to Amity and sitting by her. "Are you okay though?"

She nodded. "I'm fine Luz. Just need to wear glasses now.."

"Huh. I thought you might be wearing contacts!"

Amity shushed her, "That's weird! I do not want the risk of poking my eye every gosh darn morning! But Mom also says it'll bring more attention to me if I wear glasses anyway.."

Luz lightly elbowed her, "I don't like that."

"Like what?"

"That your parents care about how popular you are or are not." Luz paused. "I like you better as a person."

"Person?" Amity cleared, still speaking in a hushed tone.

Luz nodded, "When we first met, you were always mad, focused on how much power you had." Luz said, leaning against Amity. "But now you, Amity Blight, are by far the best human I've met. You're sweet, a great hugger which isn't even the cherry on top, you're smart, better then bread sticks which are my favorite things-"

Amity giggled, "Such an honor." Amity teased.

The witchling shushed her, "Don't laugh at me- Bread sticks are amazing alright?- Ahem- You know how to make people happy, how to respect others, you're super polite, and you've taught me lots of things!" Luz yawned, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "Most of all..You are enough..Perfect just the way.." Luz yawned again, relaxing herself. "You are.."

Amity carefully pulled back, laying Luz down on the bed, and silently went to her restroom. So this is what it's like to be treated as a human being..


They went to the park after Amity got ready and Gary was up, now Luz was just enjoying the slides like a two year old. "Weeeee!" Luz giggled as she went down the slide.

Amity rolled her eyes as a smile spread on her lips, "You're such a dummy Luz. There's more to parks then just slides." Amity spoke, getting up from the bench.

She went over to the witchling, Luz getting up and looking around, "If I knew what to use the other stuff for, I'd probably use it.." Luz smiled slightly.

Amity took off Luz's beanie, her hair standing on end. Amity started laughing, Luz feeling her hair, letting out a gasp, "Oh my Titan-"

"Pfft- Oh my god- Ahahaha! Luz-" Amity cleared her throat. "Ahem- Heh- Sorry-"

Luz poked Amity, the human yelping at the shock, "Lightning spell?- Oh! This is called static! I'm powerful now!" Luz fixed her hair, turned back, going up the slides. "I rule the slides!"

"Nu-Uh!" Amity went to the other slide, climbing up it. "Mines is taller and it's red!"

Luz looked down at hers, "Mines is blue and has cool illegally written letters on it!"

Amity looked down at her own, "Well mines has more static in it."

Luz stuck her tounge out, going down her slide, going to Amity's, and going up it. The human helped her up the rest of the way, letting Luz sit by her. Then she was betrayed. "Bye-Bye!" Luz took Amity's rubber band, and pushed her down the slide.

The human stopped herself halfway down, cautiously turning, slipping, and sliding down the rest of the way. Luz giggled, Amity groaning, "Ouch.."

"I'm the ruler now!" Luz shouted proudly, putting the hair tie up her wrist.

Amity shook her head violently, her hair standing up a bit, the human still a bit stunned. "Ow my head.." Amity muttered, moving her hair back.

Luz took off her jacket, zipping it up, moving the sleeves to the middle, and rolling the bottom of the jacket to the hood. She tucked in the sides, and flipped the hood inside out, fixing it a bit, "Look I made a jacket baby!" Luz exclaimed, holding up her purple jacket.

Amity got back up, and climbed the slide once more, she got back up to Luz, poking the witch, sharing the electric shock. "Socks make the shock greater, correct?" Luz asked, pulling her knees close to her chest.

The human froze, "Oh no. Luz. Don't you dare take off your shoes."

"I'll give you a headstart Amity." Luz smiled sweetly as she untied her shoes.

Here comes the pain.

To be continued.

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