The sleepover, part 1. [14 part 2]

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Woo! 50th Episode!

Willow opened the door to this very nice home, entering first and letting the other three (3) come in. "Dad, Dad I'm home!" Willow exclaimed.

"Hey honey!" A male exclaimed, his voice a bit high pitched.

"Welcome back!" Another male exclaimed, his voice being deeper.

Luz peeked around the corner, spotting two men and a dog asleep in the corner, both males coming over, one of them taking off an apron that said; 'Kiss the cook!' The one that took it off had a brown bushy beard, a hair toofy on his head, being of color, and being just a bit taller then the other male. He had poofy greyish blue hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes like his husband.

*Please ignore my childish words, I love to call that little patch of hair that stands up a hair toofy

The witch moved away from the corner when Gus poked her side, Luz being quite timid at the moment. "Is something wrong? Never seen a gay couple?" The pale human teased.

"Where I'm from it's very common to see same-sex relationships- B-But my dad always shouted at me if he saw them and seeing you just brings back memories- Y-You two are fine though! It's great that you're being yourselves! Very cute- S-Sorry! I-I'm Luz Noceda-" The witch fumbled, grabbing on to her arm.

They other male pat her head; "It's alright, we just finished making the snacks, we'll bring it up for you in a bit."

Luz gave him an uneasy smile, though they were both gay and had no interest in women, she had to get used to men again, this would definitely take awhile.


"Sleepover, not a nap over then sleep when you feel like it." Willow said, poking Luz's cheek.

The witch waved her off, letting out a yawn, Nero nuzzling her calf, purring quietly. "Nap time.."

'Ring Ring!' Luz groaned, reaching for her bag, groggily unzipping it, taking out her phone, and answering it. "Who are you and what do you want from me.."

"Someone sounds tired."

"Hey Amity.." Luz smiled slightly, sitting up. "Sorry for sounding rude, I didn't sleep much last night from a clingy little kitten."

Nero perked up, hearing the name Amity just ticked him off, if he heard that name and Luz in the same sentence ooh boy you're in trouble. He's known Luz for two days, already having bet on her love life and her future partner. "Should I hang up then? I wouldn't want to disturb you or anything."

"Luz you know Amity Blight!?" Gus whisper shouted.

"The most popular and coolest person in school!?" Willow joined in.

The witch quietly shushed them, both humans shaking from excitement and shock. "It's okay, I need to stay awake anyways. Why'd you call?"

Nero got on her shoulder, attempting to push the phone away from her ear, only to fall on her pillow, wanting to try again. "Nero I'm talking, please be calm or I'll have to call Camilla to pick you up."

Willow took him, holding him close and running her finger down his muzzle, shushing him. "I'm not sure, I was bored and just wanted to call you. Amelia's busy, Skara's with her mom shopping for some reason, and my siblings are- GET OUT MY GOD-"


The witch moved her phone away from her ear, both Blights arguing with one another. "Amity. Sensitive." Luz muttered.

"You don't know any curse words right?"

"No, I don't. But since we're on the topic, what's a curse word?"

"Goddamnit Boscha would kill me if you weren't innocent when you go back- I'll call you in twenty seconds." Amity said, hanging up a second later.


"For like maybe two (2) weeks and six (6) days.." Luz mumbled.

"What do you know about her?" Willow asked, scratching Nero's chin.

He purred loudly, his tail making a small heart in the air; "Well, I know she considers me a type of friend. She's come over quiet a few times to take care of me, I've been to her house a few times with Amelia and Skara too.."

"THREE (3) POPULAR GIRLS!?" Gus shouted, pacing around. "Walk this off Agustus Porter, walk it off."

"Prince likes her alot, he's closer to her then Amelia, she also did a photoshoot with him. I drew it in my new sketchbook, which I did bring." Luz said, reaching through her bag.

She pulled out the black book, flipping a few pages over, then handing the book to Gus. He examined it, Amity having put her signature in the corner if her male friends ever bunked in to Luz and threatend to rip it. "You..Have..Her signature..?"

"Lots of things in my home used to be hers..Her mother did come by and move lots of things around.." Luz smiled nervously, scratching her cheek.

Gus felt his soul leave his body, falling back and on to his pillow with a muffled thud. The door creaked open, a muzzle poking through; "Oh, hey Gator! Come here boy!" Willow cooed, placing Nero in Luz's lap.

The dog, who was a Bernese Mountain dog, had a green collar, his tail being safely dyed green, his left eye being yellow, right being a pretty blue, the rest of his fur black except his chest and paws that were white, with some parts of his fur being brown, came over. He nuzzled Willow, his tail wagging swiftly; "Gators a Bernese mountain dog!"

He looked over at Luz, sniffing her out, eventually licking her face, his tail picking up the pace. He barked many times, Luz knowing every word. "I'm Luz, how are you buddy?"

Gator moved back, tilting his head to the side, letting out another bark. Luz winked at him, the dog knowing now to talk to her in private. 'Ring Ring!' Luz quickly answered the call, putting her phone up against her ear. "Alright I kicked her out. She'll be back soon to ask when you work again though."

"Tuesday, an hour after school ends till 7:45." Luz giggled. "I think you'll be able to call Boscha tommorow."

"Oh great, I've been wanting to scold her for awhile."

"I'll have to try and talk to my mom first though, Lilith is older and can do you know what more then I can so she calls my mom often."

"Alright, what are you doing right now?"

"I'm with my friends at a sleepover. Do you want to say hi?"

"I guess.."

Luz offered her phone to Willow, the human getting extremely nervous and hesitantly putting the phone up against her ear. "H-Hello Amity!"

"Oh great you know I'm popular. Who are you and what's your relationship with Luz?"

Willow nervously swallowed the lump in her throat; "I-I'm W-Willow Park, clingy one aren't you?"

"Answer the question dweeb."

"We're friends, best friends, I know Luz's full name." Willow lied.

"That so?"


"What is it then?"

"Luz Mary Noceda.." Willow mumbled, hoping that'd sound legit.

"You are so incorrect it's hilarious. Who else is there?"

"Our friend Agustus Porter." Willow said, gently slapping his face. "You have a caller."

He groggily opened his eyes, his soul returning, the male sitting up. He took the phone, putting it up against his ear. "Hello..?"


"OH MY GOD AMITY BLIGHT-" He dropped the phone, falling back again, fainting once more.

To be continued.

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