Oh, you know~ [38 part 3]

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This was a very fun episode to write! I hope you like it as much as I did.

Amity very desperately wanted the meal, but she had declined, she had eaten the meal her father told her to eat, a flipping tomato salad. No hate to those who actually like them, Amity has always eaten them, every day, no matter what, so it's pretty obvious she's tired of it.

The human just gazed at the food Luz made, her pawsome tacos. Yes. The food Amity wanted nearly 30 days ago. She declined Luz's pawsome tacos. Everyone was eating them! Except Amity, and the moth of course. Amity couldn't say she wanted them now though, she had declined three times when Luz insisted.

This was her punishment for listening in on Luz. The witch had noticed the human gaze at her food, knowing very well Amity was hungry and felt bad that she declined. Luz had two tacos already, so she was already full, but she had another on her plate. The witch pushed herself away from the table, Camilla knowing Luz's plan already, having rolled her eyes when Luz got up.

The witch cleared her throat, Amity glancing up at her, "Well, I'm full. Amity, do you want my taco?"

The human caught on fairly quickly, knowing Luz was being petty, "You're punishing me." Amity said flat out.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Luz smirked.

"Yes.." Amity grumbled.

"Do you want another one? Anything to drink?"

"Yeah one more, and can I try apple blood?"

"Want ice with it?"

Amity nodded, Luz sliding the plate of pawsome tacos over to Amity and her own, the witch going to the thing she treasured most in her earth home. She actually ended up naming it, what was the name of this thing you ask? Mc.Fresh. Mhm. Luz named her refrigerator, Mc.Fresh. Luz opened it, getting an apple blood juice box, placing it on the counter.

*You guys can call it M.C Fresh, or Mic-Fresh.

She opened up the cabinets from above, taking a cup, doing her own thing while the others ate.

When she finished with Amity's thing, she placed the drink right by her, "It kinda tastes like apple juice, just way better!" Luz explained.

Amity half shrugged, picking up her cup, taking a sip of the juice. Then another, til she finished it. Luz cleared her throat, getting prepared, resting her arms on the table, taking a napkin, putting it on her shoulder, glancing at Amity, "Another one?" She asked like she was sending remorse to Amity.

The human snorted, facepalmed, and shook her head slowly before she started laughing, "You're such a dork Luz." Amity cleared her throat, picking up the cup, holding on to it loosely but tightly. "Extra ice please, it's been a ruff week." The human joked.

Luz took the cup, elbowing Amity, snickering as she went back to the fridge to get her another drink. Amity smiled softly, feeling a pair of eyes on her. She looked over at Camilla, the human giving her a smug grin, "What is up with that expression?"

"Oh you know..~"


"Yeah, you know~" Camilla wiggled her eyebrows, signaling to Luz.

Amity looked over at Luz, then back at Camilla, "I have no idea what you're telling me."

Prince and Mattias barked, going over to Luz, putting their front paws on the counter, barking to Luz. "You know I know, but you think I don't know when I know."

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