Please. [12]

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The next morning, Amity suggested she'd take care of Luz again, just to test her feelings. Though this time, she wasn't alone. "You two aren't allowed in the room, if I so much as catch you in there, I'll kick you out."

"Whatever you say Mittens." The twins said in unison.

Amity unlocked the door with the spare key Camilla gave her, opening the door and walking in. "2 hours. That's all you two are getting. Then it's back to school."

"You think we're smart enough to finish school?" Emira asked, pushing her brother down.

"Yeah Mittens, think we're smart enough?" Edric questioned.

Amity rolled her eyes, taking off 'her' -Luz's- jacket, and putting it up. "Play with the dog if you want." She said, opening his room door.

He poked his head out, wondering who would bother him during his nap. Emira awhed, Prince looking over at her in a questioning way. He trotted over to her, sniffing her out before barking excitedly. "Hold your arms out, give him a hug, he's a spoiled brat." Amity said, heading to the stairs.

Emira held her arms out, Prince taking the hug and nuzzling in to her shoulder. "What!? I want a hug from the dog! Emira give him to me!"

"No way! He's totally adorable he's mine!"

Amity shushed them, heading up the stairs and knocking on Luz's door. The witch stayed silent, the human opening the door a bit. "Luz?"


The human peeked in, the witch still in bed and seeming pretty overheated. Amity went over to her, the witch near the edge of the bed. The human knelt down beside the bed, putting her hand on Luz's cheek. "Amity.." Luz said, almost in a whimper.

"Sorry, are my hands to cold?" Amity asked, pulling her hand back.

Luz shook her head slowly. "They feel..Nice.."

Amity cupped her cheek, Luz letting out quiet purrs. "How'd you get this sick? You weren't this bad yesterday, you didn't even have a cough."

Luz whined, her ears drooping down. "To hot..Need a..Water..Something.."

Amity pulled her hand back, the witch letting out whines. "Come back.. Amity come back.."

"I'm going to get you a water, I'll be quick."

"H-Hurry back.."

The human nodded, leaving the room, closing the door behind herself, then heading downstairs. She went to the kitchen, passing the twins who were still fighting over Prince, and opening the cabinet. She took out a water, an extra towel that Camilla said she could use if she wanted, and a small bowl.

She got back up, filling up the bowl with cold water, putting it aside, she pulled her phone out, unlocking it and calling someone. After the third ring, they answered. "Hey Amity, is something wrong?"

"When did she last take her medicine?"

"I do it every 8 hours, she last took it at 2 in the morning because she woke up. Is it bad?"

"Very. She wasn't this sick yesterday, but she's really warm and really needs to rest."

Camilla hummed, talking with another person on her end. "Just keep her temperature low, make sure she eats later on, don't disturb her to much if she's going to rest, thank you."

"Okay, bye Ms.Noceda."

The nurse quickly said goodbye, hanging up right after. Amity grabbed the things she had, going back upstairs after passing the twins, then heading back to Luz's room. She closed the door with her foot behind herself, going over to the witch. "Amity.." Luz whined. "Amity..!"

"Shh, I'm right here. You're fine."

"Huff..It's to hot..But I'm cold..Huff.."

Amity handed Luz the water bottle, the witch hesitantly sitting up, opening it, and drinking some. Amity got on the bed, sitting on her leg as she gently moved Luz aside. "You'll fall off the bed. When'd you last take your medicine?"

"D-Don't know.."

"Camilla says you took it really early this morning."

"Two (2)..Two thirteen (2:13).."

"So you'll get your next dose in an hour. For now, go back to sleep." Amity said, pushing her down gently.

Luz sat back up, taking Amity's hand, flipping it over to show her palm, and moved it up to her cheek. "Don't..Don't leave me..Please?"

To be continued.

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