Dummkopf. [61 part 2 & 3]

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Luz gasped, "No way! They scammed you?!"

Venom nodded furiously, "They did! They said the bubbles would be green or blue! They were clear and very disappointing!" Venom growled. "I'm going to write a note for Grace so she can return it for good reasons."

Prince huffed, "Despicable."

"Truly. They've deceived me. But, now it's time for me to go home. Grace is possibly going home in half an hour depending on the place of the sun." Venom said as he got up.

Luz perked up, looking around, quickly getting up, "Oh no it's so late! I had guests! Safe travels Venom, feel free to come anytime. Come on Prince, dinner time."

He got up, pushing the gate open, Luz patting Venom's head, rushing in after Prince, going to the door. Locked. Luz knocked on it, the door slowly being opened, "Luz!" Nero mewed. "You've been gone for four hours!"

"Is everyone gone?" Luz asked as she entered, closing the door after Prince entered.

"No, Amity is still here. She's waiting for you." Nero said, hopping up to her arm. "She's in your bed."

Luz locked the door, going upstairs with the pets, Luz turning on her night light. Amity was snuggled up to Rose, which is surprising because neither have met. The kitten was temporarily replacing Luz, because she could purr.

Rose was a white kitten with light blue eyes, but, she was Bear's daughter. Alex's cat. Bear was a brown cat, with brown eyes. But this is something else- Rose very much liked Amity now, the human currently quietly snoring. The kittens ears perked up, then she sat up, "Oh! You want her back now right?"

Luz shook her head, "I need to get ready for bed.."

Rose nodded, layed back down, and continued purring.

When Luz was finally ready for bed, she layed down by Amity, the human letting go of Rose, flipping over and hugging Luz. She pulled the witchling over, nuzzling in to her back, Luz shivering. Amity was warm, Luz was not. Rose slept on top of Amilotl with Nero, Amilotl by Prince, the mutt side hugging it.

All was bliss, quiet, and most, most, most, most, most importantly, gay.

----------------The next morning--------------

Saturday morning, Amity was no longer with Luz, but, not to worry, they met up later at the park. Luz had brought Amilotl and Bungii, making sure both plushies were puffy. She lightly flicked Bungii's bell, adjusting it's collar. "There we go."

It's head flopped forward, Luz looking around, drawing a small circle, the bunny perking up. It adjusted how it sat, wiping it's nose, then sitting up properly. "Bungii Bunny." Luz said, booping it's nose.

Luz picked up Amilotl, holding it up in her arms, taking its spot, patting Bungii's head, "Good bunny."

Bungii layed down, flipped over, and looked up at Luz, the witch scratching its chest. Their cotton ball tail wagged swiftly, their foot waving in the air. "You should really stop using magic Luz."

The witchling looked up, smiling brightly, "Amity!"

Bungii sat back up, then fell forward, the magic having worn off, "Hey Luz, do you want to go down the slides?"

Luz shook her head, patting the free spot beside herself, "Come come! Tell me how your day is going so far? I'd really like to know!"

Amity smiled softly, going over to sit by the witchling, picking up Bungii and taking their place, "First things first, have you eaten?" Amity asked.

Luz shook her head, "I have not. Well I had a bit more of yesterday's meal, but just a small amount."

Amity ruffled her hair, "I'm glad you are getting back to eating. Since you are still new to outside food, would you like to go get breakfast and try something new?"

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