Tiresome witch. [9 part 3.75]

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"So..Why is she here?" Skara asked, pointing to Luz. "Did I miss anything interesting-"

"No no, leave her alone. She's just resting right now, she got sick and just needs to rest- SKARA-"

The pinkish-gray haired girl snickered like a child who just stole a candy bar from their mother, going over to Luz. Amity grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back. "Wake her and I'll slit your throat."

"Ooh~ Defensive Blight?"

"Skara I swear to God if you wake her I'll kill you. Just let her rest for gods sake.."

The girl snickered like the baby Krinch from How the Krinch stole Christmas. She tiptoed back to Amelia, whispering in her ear. "If you're going to gossip at least involve me in it."

"If, you tell us why she's here." Amelia smirked.

"On second thought you guys can go home."

Skara whispered something else in Amelia's ear, the green haired girl giggling. "You're right she is boring."

Amity rolled her eyes, going over to Luz to check on her fever. She put the back of her right hand on her forehead, a bit warmer then she was but Luz was okay. Amity suddenly felt like someone was looking over her shoulder, getting a shiver.

She elbowed the creep, Skara letting out a grunt and a small curse. "I- Oh god that really hurt- Hate you..-"

Amelia snickered, patting Skara's shoulder. "Idiot."

Amity rolled her eyes again, checking the time on the alarm clock by her bed. 5:52. She got up, going to Luz's bag and taking out her phone. "What are you up to Blight?" Skara asked, pushing Amelia away.

The cheer captain unlocked Luz's phone, going to contacts. "Just calling."

She went to recent calls, pressing on Camilla/Mom. She put it up against her ear, Camilla answering after a few seconds. "Hello? Luz? Maybe Amity?"

"Yep thats me. Know this is an odd question, but where's the dog?"


Prince was escorted up to Amity's room, the dog being treated like a king. The butler opened the door for him, Prince nuzzling his knee before entering. He went over to Luz, sniffing her out before getting on the bed with her. "Okay, greet her first." Skara pouted.

The dog curled up by Luz, nuzzling in to her chest. The witch let out silent purrs, gently moving his fur back. He licked her cheek, Luz putting her arm over his side. "Don't.." She mumbled.

He let out a short whimper, licking her face. "Yuck..No..Bad..Let me sleep.."

Prince thought this was entertaining after the first no, oh he liked this alot. He licked her face, Luz pushing him away gently. "Amity..Get him off.."

He let out a short bark, going back to licking her face. Luz pushed him away and off the bed, removing the saliva from her face. When Prince fell, he let out a loud yelp then a thud to follow it. The witch sat up, wiping her eyes. She shrieked, backing up and falling off the bed herself. "Ouch.."

Amelia and Skara laughed, Amity going over to the witch and helping her up. Prince went over to her, sniffing her out again. He got on his hind legs, his paws on her thighs. "You meany.."

He let out a questioning whine, tilting his head to the side. "Prince! Come greet me now!" Skara exclaimed.

He perked up, jumping on the bed to reach her and in to her arms. Prince barked, nuzzling the side of her head. "I'll get Reginald to start you a bath, you smell like dog slobber now. Once you finish lunch will be ready." Amity said.

Luz wiped her face again, the witch not liking that she was awoken by slobber and people watching her. "We gotta go home though.."

"Well your guardian does prefer you stay."

"Really? But we haven't finished moving in.."

Over at Luz's new place

"This is horrible! Move that there, and that- Yuck, get rid of it- Actually move it to the left a bit- PERFECT!" The women slapped her hands together over her head. "Okay, next bathroom!"

Three men followed, making sure to clean the handles once more before proceeding. "Odalia, that was the last restroom. Two rooms remain." One mumbled.

"Thank you Bobby, who's rooms?"

"The guest room and dogs.." Bobby responded, fixing his name tag that said William.

She hummed, tapping her chin with her head resting in her palm. Odalia snapped, rushing downstairs. "Come on come on, let's go buy a few more things! Pick up this mess too, gosh don't make them think we're barbarians!"

Two men sighed, one of them groaning loudly. "Stephen, let me quit already-"

"Greg, you know she gives good pay. All you have to do is listen." He replied. "Nothing wrong."

"Yeah, but at least she gets your names right! Not even an hour ago she called me Preston! My name is William! WILLIAM!"

The other two pat his back, taking him downstairs and out to the car. He got in first, then Stephen getting in the driver's seat, then Greg getting in the back seat with Jerry- I mean William. "Before we get going madam, would you like your animal crackers?" Stephen asked.

She clapped, getting giddy. "Ooh! Yes please!~"

He pressed a button, a small box opening. Stephen took out a small baggie, closing the box and handing her the bag. "Where to?"

"To DogsMart!"

To be continued.

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