WHAT?! [52 part 3]

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Game was back on, right now, Panthers have two touchdowns, Lions have three, and the thrower for the Panthers was given a red card. So it was kinda fair now. Luz, out of nowhere, blurted the most weirdest yet honest thing, "All of my friends are not straight-"

The Incineroartor looked over at her, confused, "What?"

"My friends- None of them are like- None of them are not normal!"

"Uhm, I'm your friend and I'm normal sexuality and body wise- I fully support though, my cousins a Lesbian and she's just as normal as anyone else-"

Luz wasn't listening though, she was sorting her friends out, three of them were straight, at least she thinks so. Amity is straight, so is Incinaroartor, and Soup. Actually wait- No no, they are non-binary, but Luz has no idea if they are bisexual, straight, gay, or pansexual.

The witch mumbled to herself, trying to remember if they ever told her. No. They haven't. Luz shook her head, waving that thought away, "You're loosing." Incinaroartor blurted out.

Luz looked back up, adjusting her mask, "What happens if you win?"

"We get a trophy I think.." He shrugged.

Luz ooed, "I hope you get a shiny one. They're pretty to look at."

He nodded, "They really are."

A buzzer went off, everyone stopping as a few players took off their helmets. "God damnit!" One shouted as he threw his helmet down.

Lions had lost. Luz put her mask back on, Incineroartor doing the same as the crowd murmured amongst eachother. "I'll see you next game Incineroartor." Luz waved.

"See ya Luz," He waved, heading back to his side of the field.

Luz went to the band, Skara putting her friends saxophone away as they had gone for some late lunch. "Hey Skar Skar! Feel like grabbing some dinner later?" Luz asked.

"Sure, I should call my mom first so she knows I'll be out. Go ask the other idiots in our group." Skara said, waving Luz off.

The witchling nodded, patting Skara's head and going to the cheerleaders. Amity was with Noah, the female drying his sweaty hair with a towel. Amelia was upside down with a towel over her area, and a twistlers hanging from her mouth.

She spotted Luz, and waved, "Hey Luz," Amelia quickly ate the candy and sat up. "We still on for the coffee Monday or come to cancel?"

"No no, I never cancel. I was just wondering if you wanted to go have dinner with Skara and I." Luz said, taking off her mask. "Wow it gets hot in here.."

Amity glanced over, a small frown on her face. 'Why isn't Luz asking me? We go everywhere together..'

"How about you Amity? You can bring Noah if you want." Luz smiled, looking up at the human.

Then Amity realized something, "Oh.. We can't, we have a date tonight.."

Luz paused, before she shrugged, "It's okay, have you seen Brian? He has Alex's number."

Amity pointed to her left, a male rubbing his head roughly with a blue towel before exhaling sharply. "Come on Amelia," Luz tapped the stands. "I have like ten more people to ask."

Amelia got up, ruffling Luz's hair and following the witchling. Amity gloomily finished drying Noah's hair off, the female getting up, "I'll go dress out," Amity stated. "Gary's out front. He'll be waiting for you."

Noah nodded, getting up, "Do I at least get a good job kiss?" He cooed.

Amity playfully pushed his face away, letting out a light scoff, "In your dreams Creed. I'll be back in a bit."

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now