Smooches (yes it's Lumity) [28]

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The next morning

Camilla knocked on the door before opening it, peeking in. "Luz, hunny.. You did the right thing.."

The witch whined, burrying her face in her pillow, having been in the same clothing as yesterday, being too sad to change. "I know I did..I just..I thought he'd stay with me the rest of his life.."

"Luz..I can't play.." Prince whined, coming in the room.

"How come Prince..?" Luz asked, sitting up, looking over at her dog.

Camilla came in, offering Luz the orange juice and egg on toast, which was on a plate. "Nero's not here to shout at me to keep quiet..Can you do it..?"

"What does he want Luz?" Camilla asked.

"He wants me to shout at him to keep quiet while he plays.."

"Oh, I have some built up anger, I can do it for you buddy."

Princes tail began to wag, the mutt heading downstairs with Camilla, loud but encouraging shouts being heard around the house. Luz sighed, putting the plate and cup on the desk, getting out of bed, needing to get ready for bed. Why? Because she doesn't want to get out of bed today.

She didn't sleep much last night. She missed Nero too much, Prince was also whining last night about the house being too quiet without Nero purring. So Luz had stayed up all night to purr for him even when she didn't want to. He eventually dozed off and when Luz was going to leave, he started whining and wanted her to keep purring.

So yeah, she deserved to sleep in. And that's what she did the whole day and night. Not kidding, this is why I'm skipping to two (2) days after Nero left.

When school rolled around, Luz just stayed quiet and sad through first, second, third, and fourth period. Amity couldn't bare to see her like that for more then two (2) minutes, the Blight wanting to do something about it when passing period came about. "Are you sad because I yelled at you the other day..? I'm sorry."

Luz just looked at the floor, her ears drooped down. "Luz? Are you okay?"


"Luz is everything alright? Is Camilla okay? Sarah?"

"He's gone.."

"Wha- Who is Luz? Like- Dead gone though?-"

"Nero..He's back with the human who first found him and he hasn't visited.." Luz hiccuped.

"Hey hey- Don't cry- Luz I hate seeing you cry..Come here.."

The witch whined, hugging Amity and crying in to her chest. "I want my kitty back! I want- I want Nero home!" Luz cried, hiccuping in between pauses.

"Hey..It's okay..If he doesn't visit you, that doesn't mean he doesn't miss you..He probably does, alot..I mean look at me, not even a month ago I tried to hurt you. Now, if I even tried, it wouldn't happen."

Luz wiped her tears, sniffling, looking up at Amity. "What do you mean..?"

Amity pushed her back gently, raising her hand, and trying to slap Luz. But her hand stopped many inches away, the human trying it again. "My body won't let me. It denies it. I won't hurt you, if I raise my hand at you, I can't even hit you."

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