Oh how the panic worsens. [46]

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Ah, Monday morning! The sun is out, it's chilly, and there's a slight breeze outside! Hey, why is that window open? Joseph is usually the first to wake up, he does morning checks and makes sure everything is where it needs to be. Joseph went over to the window, peeking out, only seeing a bird fly off.

He shrugged, closed the window, and went downstairs to go wake up Luz. Joseph knocked before he entered the living room, but the couch was fixed, there was a blanket, Amilotl on the bed, and a note. He went over to pick it up, then he unfolded it, reading what it said.

'To whoever finds this, it's Luz. I'm okay, my mom wanted me to go home! So I had to leave early and go home myself, thank you for allowing me to stay the night! Sincerely yours,

love, Luz. \(^o^)/'

He shrugged, yeah, that seemed like Luz. Hey, why is this wet? And why does it have dirt on it? Hm. Well, that's not normal! Joseph shrugged again, folding the note, putting it under Amilotl's paw, and picked everything up from the blanket.

He carefully left the room, going back upstairs, going to the first room with an open door, "Ms.Amity, your friend left." Joseph said, entering the room.

Amity turned away from the mirror, tying her hair up, "When?"

Joseph shook his head, putting the blanket down on the bed, taking the note from under Amilotl's paw, "She left this behind, but I am unaware of when she left."

Amity frowned, taking the note, unfolding it, and reading it. "I'll get ready, tell Gary to do so as well, we'll drive to Luz's house to make sure she's alright."


Amity unclipped her seatbelt, opening the door, exiting the vehicle, closing the door, and going up to the house. She knocked three (3) times, and waited. The door swung open, Viney pulling Amity in, closing the door, "What did you do to her?"

"What? Me? What happened to her?" Amity asked, quickly going up the stairs.

Viney followed, both going in to Luz's room the witch lying in her bed, Camilla on the scroll with Edalyn. "I don't know! She came in from the backyard and passed out! Prince found her first early this morning!" Camilla shouted.

Panicked shouts came from the other line, Camilla rubbing her eyes from under her glasses, "No, she came back with no injuries, just a small scratch on her calf." Camilla sighed.

The shouting quieted, Camilla humming in agreement, then she hung up. The scroll poofed away, Viney just staring at Luz, petrified. "I- Something else came from out of the portal- I-I know something did- I've read every book about human animals we had back home, nothing can do this-"

Amity went to the other side of the bed, moving Luz's hair out of her face, the witch whimpering. "Maybe you should check her blood." Amity blurted out.

Camilla looked up, "Blood?"

"Luz said that magic comes from a sack by your heart, that has to pump blood, maybe somethings wrong with her blood!"

Camilla got up, going to the closet, digging around in there, coming out with a syringe and a vile. She drew out some of Luz's blood, Viney healing the small wound, then Camilla left the room again. She came back in, taking her phone from the bedside table, "I am going to work, I'll take my break when the blood has been examined."

Viney nodded slowly, Amity just quietly agreeing. Camilla left, her panicked footsteps being heard as she went downstairs and left the house, slamming the door behind herself. The limo honked it's horn, Amity looking out the window. Gary waved, pointing back, and lowering his hand up and down slowly.

He drove off, having allowed Camilla to get in the limo. "Eh, school starts in like two hours anyways." Amity mumbled.

"Oh, Camilla is sending me there. She said I've gotten too annoying here and she doesn't trust me alone in the house." Viney shrugged. "Also she said I need to learn things about this planet since I'm stuck here."

"Did she already do everything?"

Viney nodded, "Took awhile, but I'm going there temporarily. When I'm 32 days in, she'll pull me back and hope to get me home."

Luz winced, panting quietly, "....sk.." Luz muttered. "Bass......Basilisk.."

"That's what is was? Luz when did you last see it? We have to go find it!" Viney exclaimed.

Luz huffed, "Dog..Knows..Potion under.." Luz panted. "Bed.."

Viney knelt down, pulling a case from under the bed, opening it up, looking at all the potions, "Dangit! I knew I should've taken potion tutoring from Boscha!"

"Blue..Dark blue.."

Viney took that one, closing the case, putting it back under the bed, getting up and rushing downstairs. "We'll be back, you just rest, Nero will take care of you."

Luz nodded slowly, Amity leaving the room, going downstairs and outside, Viney out there giving Prince a potion. "I- Don't know how to ride a stallion-" Viney blurted out.

Amity rolled her eyes, hopping on, helping Viney up, "Fortunately, I do." Amity muttered. "Hold on."

To be continued.

Chrys storytime update.

So. I don't like Helen anymore. End of story-

Okay I'm kidding, but yeah I don't think I'll tease her anymore. Oct 8, at the end of class, some guy tried to pull her mask down, so I pushed him away and told him, "Quit touching her!"

Helen wasn't even trying to push him away, she was just pushing his hand back a bit. He pushed me back, then tried to pull Helen's mask back down. So I literally jumped on this guy, pulling him away and down, then he kicked my shin. Very hard.

He gave up on pulling Helen's mask down, but she just ignored me for literally stopping this guy with some hella sweaty hands away from her, WHO WAS FLIRTING WITH HER A LOT. So I sat down. I texted her after school, "Suffice to say, my leg hurts now."

No answer. Honestly, she never responds to my texts. I did sit with her after class, I didn't even bother her, I just sat by her to get some rest because I've been really tired. So I did, she didn't mind, she sat with me til the last minute.

But Helen has uh..Well, on Oct 7, we had a paper assignment, she asked for my answers, so I, a desperate gay, let her take my paper. Then I asked Helen if she hated me. "No not that you gave me answers."

She smiled. I'd give her my answers if she asked in a heartbeat, but now noticing it? I don't know. I think I'll just leave her alone and see what happens I guess..

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