Vulture. [47 part 2]

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One of the humans out of the eight (8) got a worker for Luz, the witch just watching the vulture preen itself. Nobody stopped to watch, well, one kid did, he stopped to call it ugly. Luz used a small spell to trip him so he'd drop his ice cream and scratch his cheek. She wasn't a monster, just teaching him a lesson.

The human that got a worker for Luz was Mattholomule, the male having needed to go the bathroom anyways. The humans in this group that tagged along were Amity, Amelia, Bo, Cat, Gus, Matt, Skara, and Willow. Amity came because Edric was getting ready to move out with Emira so they could go to college.

Amity thought it was stupid because they were still staying home, just downstairs so they could be monitored more often. Amelia came because her ex had creepily walked with her home, Skara was her hero, having spotted her while driving to Amity's house with her mom.

Bo and Cat were here because Luz. Gus and Willow were here because they happen to be Luz's friends and were invited. And Mattholomule is here because Gus invited him. The worker walked over, adjusting the arm bracket, "Which one.." They asked gloomily.

Spencer pointed to the one Luz was still staring at, "She wants to feed that one, specifically, that one."

The worker nodded slowly, sadly walking to the enclosure door, and doing her own thing while the others talked.

After awhile, she got the vulture on a stick like stand, handing Luz a small bowl of carrion. The vulture looked at her from the side, leaning down and eating the bowls contents. Luz purred quietly, already very excited. Amity carefully took her hand, gently squeezing it, "Gotta relax.."

Luz's purrs grew as the vulture fluffed up it's feathers, clearly happy. "Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird-" Luz purred, gently shaking Amity's hand.

Eventually, the vulture gulped down the last bite, nudging the bottom of Luz's hand, lifting it up, rubbing it's head against her hand. Spencer took the bowl from her, Luz carefully petting the vulture. Amity nudged the witchling, Luz's purrs quieting just a bit before they grew, "Birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie!" Luz smiled. "Pretty bird~"

The vulture leaned in to Luz's palm, then gently flapped it's wings, shaking it's head and body, doing a small jump to adjust on the stick. "Ten minutes, I'll take him back now." The worked said, carefully picking the vulture up.

It hopped on their arm, the worker taking the stand and bowl, the witch ga(y)sping quietly, "No.." Luz said silently.

The worker walked back to the enclosure door, letting the vulture hop around in the enclosure. Amity pulled Luz in a side hug, the witch already very pouty, "It's okay you goofball, was just a bird.."

"Birdie.." Luz mumbled.

"Did he make you happy?" Amity asked in a baby tone.

Luz nodded slowly, "Mhm.."

"Do you want the birdie back?"


"Let's get a stuffie of one." Amity said, taking Luz's hand again, beginning the walk to the nearest store.

Willow tugged at the small leashes, Bo and Cat very angry that they were put on a child's harness. Gus always had one on. He got distracted pretty easily, so Mattholomule was in charge of keeping him close to the group today. Spencer was just in charge of Luz. Skara and Amelia had ran off from the group to eat junk food and get their faces drawn.

First store, searched, no vultures. Next store, no vultures. Next next store, no vultures! They went around the entire zoo, and the last store, the very last store, had vultures. Luz spent nearly two seconds picking one out. She stood from afar, looked at them, and picked the one on the lowest shelf, second one in the back, the only one with blue eyes.

The others had brown or black eyes, this was the one Luz picked. She skipped over to Amity, wanting to show her first, "Isn't it cute?" Luz purred quietly. 'I picked it because it reminds me of you! It's an Egyptian vulture~'

Amity smiled slightly, "It is very cute." Amity agreed, patting it's head. "Is that all you want to get?"

Luz hummed, spotting bracelets by the cashier, going over and examining them. "Want to match?" Luz asked.

Amity froze. 'Matching bracelets? As in couples matching bracelets? Or sister matching bracelets? Somehow that would hurt my feelings-' Amity gently slapped herself, turning around and going to Luz. "What colors did you have in mind?"

Play it cool Blight, play it cool.


Ended up getting a color of the others favourite. Luz got a pink bracelet, and Amity got a yellow one. It was just a matching bracelet. No words, just a Ying Yang one. Bo got Luz a matching couples bracelet, and so did Cat. Luz didn't know about matching couples bracelets, only about bracelets shaped like hearts.

If you wanted to know if two people who were holding hands were a couple, you'd ask or assume. Luz payed for her her new stuffie, her and Amity's bracelet, and a small candy. Cat and Bo paid for the matching bracelets, Willow got a stuffie her new pets could play with (the plants), Gus got an ice cream, Matt got a cool phone case, and Spencer bought a rainbow chubby unicorn shirt.

Yes, the zoo actually had a chubby unicorn shirt. It was a running joke through the park, but people still respected rhinos. When they finished shopping, they had found Skara and Amelia, the two having a bouquet of candy flowers.

They were nervous, both talking to eachother quietly as they approached the group. Skara stopped in front of Cat, nervously offering the bouquet of cherry flavored flowers. "Wha- For me?- Did you overwork your brain to study in social studies?" Cat blurted out.

"N-Nevermind-" Skara muttered, pulling back.

Cat put one hand around the bouquet, the other over Skara's taking the bouquet from her, and pulling Skara's hand down, gently squeezing it, "No, whatever drugs you're on- I'm going to keep this-"

"I don't take drugs-"

"Too bad so sad." Cat said, nudging Skara to make her turn, pushing her forward with her shoulder. "We're leaving, let's go."

Amelia had confidently given Bo the bouquet, but instantly got nervous when Bo just stared at in disbelief. Willow helped Bo take it and thank Amelia, the greenette panicking by Amity. "What if she doesn't like it? Her silence means something-"

"Amelia, shut up. She likes it." Amity sighed. "As your friend, I get to say, you're being dramatic."

"Lesbian in distress." Spencer whispered to her.

"Oh shut up-" Amelia huffed, waving him off. "Your boyfriend's worse-"

Spencer nodded, "Alright, true. When your rides here, Luz and I will go to the mall in my dad's car, so we'll see you guys around." He spoke, then went around to Luz's side.

The witch let go of Amity's hand, taking Spencer's, the male picking up the pace with her just a bit. "So you let him take Luz?" Willow asked from the side of Amity, lingering behind the group.

"Yeah, he's gay. Besides, Luz trusts him..So I do too."

To be continued.

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