Her crush? [11 part 4]

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"Incident at school- It's nothing-"

"Uh-huh. You should move your shirt down, gauze is seeping out." Boscha said, opening a water bottle and drinking some. "So, Amity.."

"Huh- That's me- Y-Yeah..?"

"Luz go take a shower, I gotta talk to Amity real quick."

The witch got out of bed, going to her drawers and getting her clothing. "Then you'll give me your undying love?"

"Yep. Go take a shower."

Luz waved at Amity, going to her in room washroom, closing and locking the door behind herself. "She's listening in, I know she is, go to another room."

Amity swallowed the lump in her throat nervously, taking the scroll and leaving the room. She went down to the kitchen, placing the scroll up against the fruit bowl. "You might think Luz has told us about you, and you're wrong. She has never told us about you, but we know every thing we need to though."

Her ears fell back, her tail curling up by her side. "O-Oh?"

"Luz has an aunt in your world, she's been telling her sister about everything you've done to her. Getting to know you, you're alright, pretty cool and all. But hurt our witch again, and you'll never see your certificate. Got that?"

Amity nodded slowly. "G-Got it.."

"Now that I've settled this, what do you know about her?"


"I'll call next week to see how you're doing. Love you Luz."

"Love you..Too.." The witch yawned, her ears relaxing as she dozed off.

Boscha smiled slightly, resting her head in her right palm. "Take care of her for me.."

"I..I will..Bye Boscha."

"Bye Ame's."

The FaceTime ended, Luz's scroll poofing away. Amity sighed, looking down at Luz. The human layed down beside her, facing the witch and pulling her over. "You'll fall off the bed idiot.."

Luz nuzzled in to Amity's chest, her purrs appearing. The human wasn't on the injured side of the witch, somewhat above it but not on it. Amity sighed, knowing she wouldn't be able to get out of this one if Luz hugged her back. She was stuck til the witch would wake up.

Much later

Amity managed to escape, get home, and do her homework. "So, Pumpkin, shouldn't you be at school?" Her father asked.

"Was taking care of Luz, thought I told you." Amity said, taking a bite out of her meal.

After trying Luz's cooking, she wouldn't want anything else, nothing could compare to her food now. "Oh now I remember." Alador said, letting out a light chuckle.

He looked to his daughter, the human having a small frown on her face. "Do you not like your meal? Finally got tired of having the same thing?"

"Luz's food is better..No offense Henry, your food is great."

He shook his head. "The older you get, the blander your food gets. No harm done ma'am."

"Her food is better?"

"She made Brunch, it was really good and I really like the way she makes her food.."

"Should I call her over?"

"No no she's healing- We shouldn't bother her."

He hummed quietly, nodding slowly. "You know, you invite her over often. We should get her the guest bedroom since Amelia and Skara have their own."

"No, we shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"We still know nothing about her, it's much to soon."

Alador pouted, looking over at his wife for assistance. "Amelia sent me something." Odalia started. "About the Lockdown.."

Amity flinched, glancing at her mother. "She gathered what she could and thinks you might've..Kissed this girl."

The twins ooed, the youngest Blights face heating up, Amity denying every possibility of it. "No! We didn't! Not in a million years!"

"Never seen you this red Mittens~" Edric cooed, snickering behind his hand.

"Tomato cat~" Emira teased, nudging her sister.

Amity burried her face in her palms, wanting to leave her family immediately. "Didn't you kiss her Em?" Edric questioned.

"Hm? She kissed me. Totally worth all that food I bought." Emira said, rather proudly. "I'm totally going to do it again."

"You nearly bought the whole store for a peck on your cheek!" Amity shouted. "We had to rebake almost everything after your stupid act!"

"Me and stupid in the same sentence? Seems about right." Emira muttered.

Amity rolled her eyes, continuing to poke at her food while she calmed down. "Besides..Luz is crushing on Amelia.."

"You sound bummed out, got a little crush on her?" Edric cooed.

"No! Absolutely not! Never will!" Amity exclaimed. 'It's nothing. Just a fluke. I gotta think this through..'

To be continued.

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