Drunken up. [32 part 2]

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So, spoiler alert. Gus's plan did not work. It failed miserably. He suggested Luz dress Prince as a human to make Camilla think that was her. But Camilla, being partially blind, knew that Luz was not that short. Then parental instincts kicked in.

Luz was sent back home when Camilla started arguing with the person at the desk that Luz was kidnapped but really was not. Smart human, right? "Ms.Noceda, please allow me to remove the substance on your face humans call makeup." Luz huffed.

"NoOo..I..I look so $3xy..!"

"You look like a bit like a clown. Mom you need to drink water!"

"It's spicy..! Stupid spicy.."

"Camilla you're Hispanic, you live off of spice."

"Ha! Who..Did you see my doctors notes about mee? Does..Does he think I'm hottt?"

"Camilla! I thought you were a lesbian!"

"Ohhh riigghhtt.." She whispered. "Iii reeemmeemmbbeerrr..! Haha..She's kinda hot tooo..The ooothher nursse."

"Ms.Noceda..Where is the other bottle.."

"I ainttt tellinn'! Noobooddy..!'

"Camilla. Tell me where the flipping bottle is or I swear to the Titan I'll find it myself!"

"Guesss you'rreee sweeeaarriinng!" Camilla laughed, picking up a bottle from the side of her bed, pulling out the cork, downing the bottle.

Luz snatched it, Camilla hiccuping, getting on to her side, grabbing on to the drawer. The witch quickly went to the restroom, grabbing one of the cleaning tubs, going back to Camilla, putting the container down by her. "Bllleeggghh.."

The witch pat her back, Camilla throwing up once more, the human so close to passing out. "I don't feel so good.." She mumbled.

"Ah..Well..You did just drink a bottle and a half of wine.." Luz spoke quietly. "Need anything..?"



Camilla groggily looked up at her, the witch shaking her head, wiping away the very visible tears. "I..I didn't mean to shout..Anything but medications Ms.Noceda.."

"Cold water or a soda.."

Luz nodded slowly, going downstairs, washing her hands, grabbing both beverages, putting them on the counter. The witch put her hands on said counter, lowering her head, shakily sighing. "Ryme.." She said quietly.

The witch clenched her left fist, lightly slamming it on the counter. "One for sorrow..Two for mirth..Three for a wedding..And four for a birth.. Five for silver..Six for gold..And seven, for a secret never to be told.." She mumbled. "Can't tell anymore secrets Luz..Keep it inside..Keep it all inside.."

She shook her head, lightly slapping herself, grabbing the drinks and heading back upstairs.

Disclaimer, I found that on Pinterest, it's not really mine

Camilla threw up as much as she needed to, having dozed off about an hour ago. Luz was doing class online, and by online I mean using her phone which had the work from Skara, the human having sent her the work. A crash made Luz sigh, the witch getting up and going downstairs.

The witch rubbed her eyes, letting out another sigh, "Ouch-"

"Ms.Noceda..Go back to bed.."

The human closed the cabinet doors, getting up, patting herself down. "I'm just looking for headache pills..They seem to be missing.."

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