The scroll call. [11 part 3]

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When Amity finally woke up 3 hours later, the smell of cinnamon filled the air around her. The human looked down slightly, going stiff as her face heated up fast. As she was about to push the witch away, a scroll like object poofed up right in front of her. It rang, Luz groaning quietly.

The witch cowered in Amity's chest, her ears drooping down. The human took it, answering the call and putting it up against her ear. "Hello?"

"Luzifer, that you?" A female asked.

"She's asleep at the moment..Care to leave a message..?"

"Who is this?"

"I should be asking the questions..I'm Amity.."

"You're that human Eda told us about. You hurting our witch? If so I won't hesitate to send my Griffin after you-"

"Woah woah woah, I'm not hurting her. Not anymore at least.." Amity mumbled, sitting up and moving Luz's hair back. "Who are you."

"Viney. Luz's best friend. We're unseparable-"

"You're both in different worlds. I feel as though you're not the brightest in the group.." Amity mumbled.

The girl stayed silent for awhile, the witch clearing her throat. "Friendship wise.."

Amity got out of bed, patting Luz's head before leaving the room and heading downstairs. "So, Viney, I've been hearing about a guy named Jerbo. Who is he?"

"Oh! Jerbo-rooney! Someone's calling for you!~" The girl shouted.

Shuffling ensued, a male clearing his throat on the other device. "Hello? Who do I have the anxiety of speaking to? I mean pleasure of speaking to-"

"Amity. Luz told me a few things about you, just wondering who is who and what your relationship is with her.."

"Isn't that her guardians job?"

"Yeah well I'm curious."

"Alright alright. Well-"


"She had 27 marshmallows to-"

"Hold on a second- Gotta check on her real quick." Amity interrupted, getting off the couch and heading upstairs.

She went to Luz's room, opening the door and peeking in. "She's up, I'll ask if I can call you guys later. I'll hand the phone over, but for now, bye."

"Bye Ame's!" Boscha shouted, the other two saying Blight, and a bark ensuing as well.

Amity went in the room, closing the door behind herself and going over to the witch. "Hey, your friends called. Want to know how you're doing."

Luz rubbed her head, sitting up and looking over at the human. "And you answered..?"

"Hope that's okay. You didn't want to wake up and I didn't want to decline the call." Amity muttered, sitting beside her.

Luz took the scroll from her, putting it up against her ear. "Luzifer!" Viney shouted.

"Hey Vines..Boscha there..?"

"I'm here sugar, what's up?"

'Sugar? Boscha calls Luz sugar? She said she wasn't intimate with Luz-'

"Just want to hear your voice..Really miss you..How's your mom..?"

"She's doing better, thank you for worrying. You going back to sleep?"

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