The morning of. [15]

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"Guys, go to sleep." Willow whisper shouted, covering her ears.

"Okay okay, just one more minute." Amity said, waving her off, not wanting her to ruin this moment.

Luz hummed quietly, really focusing on the movie, Amity pulling her up a bit, the witch nuzzling in to her shoulder. "Alright Luz, my phone is going to die, I'm going to turn it off."

The witch sat up, rubbing her eyes, handing Amity her phone back, laying down properly on her sleeping bag. The Blight turned off her phone, also laying down, Nero curling up by her chest, liking the way she rubbed his ears. Then everything went silent, the cackling of the fire downstairs could be heard, but that too, eventually died down.

---------------The next morning-------------

Luz was the first to wake up, having school today like everyone else, getting ready first. She went downstairs, no one in sight, she heard snoring in a room beside her, still asleep. She went over to the kitchen, looking around, examining all the ingredients.

She could work with this, very easy.

Nearly fifteen (15) maybe seventeen (17) minutes later, Mister.Park came out of the room tiredly; "Morning.. What are you doing..?"

"Making breakfast before school, would you like ham or..?" Luz questioned, flipping the omelette

"More cheese if you wouldn't mind.." He yawned, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

Luz nodded, getting some more eggs, plating the next omelette, and going back to the pancakes, flipping them over. Mister.Park counted the plates; "You're not eating?"

"Oh no, I'm eating with a friend today."


"So how was your weekend Sarah?" Luz asked, taking a bite of the fluffy pancakes.

"It was fine, shouldn't you be at school?" Sarah asked, drinking some of her water.

"Shouldn't you be driving a bus?"

"Touché. I'm off today, personal stuff."

A waiter passed by, stopping by their table; "Would you like anything else?"

"A birthday ice cream if you wouldn't mind." Luz smiled. "Happy birthday Sarah."

"How did you-"

"Wasn't hard, want to go out to shop later? I can get you something. Anything you'd like." Luz said, clearly excited.

Sarah shook her head. "You being here is enough Luz."

"I have my ways, as Amity says, I can get you anything you'd like. Are you sure?"

"Yes Luz, I'm certain. I don't want or need anything." Sarah said, taking another bite out of her meal.

"How about a job?"


"I noticed recently that you've been really tired, and I know you've been overworking yourself.." Luz said, opening the door, letting Sarah in first. "I work here sometimes after school, I'm certain if you get put on my shifts you'd get extra since lots of people usually come by for my number."

"Luz, this is sweet, but no."

"Why not?"

"I'm 28."


"I don't do coffee shops."

"I think it's a bakery.."


"Yes Sarah?"

"I don't want your job."

Luz pouted, Sarah patting her head; "I know you're trying to help, but I'm okay."

"It's 13 dollars an hour.."

Sarah clasped her hands together, rubbing them against one another, looking around. "Where do I sign?"


Luz had to walk to school alone, having left Sarah there to be taught by the manager, nearing the school. When she finally arrived, she opened the office doors, walking to the front desk, waving at the student who got the shift to man the station. "Why are you so late?"


"Oh. What class do you have now?"

"I should be at math.."

"K. You can go Luz, I'll fill it for you."

"Thanks Macy."

They waved her off, the witch going past them and entering school property, walking towards her next class. She took off her bag, opening the class door, peeking in; "Where..Is everyone..?"

Luz hummed, closing the door, opening her bag, taking her phone out. She unlocked it, calling someone and putting the phone up against her ear. 'Ring! Ring!' Luz opened the door again, looking over at Willow's desk, a pocket in her bag was glowing, definitely her phone.

The witch hung up, calling someone else; "Yellow?"

"Pfft- Hey Skara." The witch giggled.

"Sup Luz, something up?"

"Well, I just got to school after doing something and went to class..But no one's here.."

"You can come to my class if you want. We have math right now. Lesson 10.2."

"I'm there too, which class?"

After getting some information, Luz hung up on Skara, making her way to the humans class. After some wandering around, Luz opened a room door, peeking in; "Skara..?"

"Hey! I'm over here!" The human waved.

The teacher looked over, waving Luz in; "Got told what happened. No one in your class is there?"

Luz shook her head slowly, the witch entering the class and slowly closing the door behind herself. "Their stuff was still there.."

"Find an empty seat and learn with us then, I'll check in with your teacher later."

"Thank you.."

The teacher nodded, Luz sitting in the second (2nd) row, second (2nd) seat to the left (←), being beside no one at the moment. She had spotted Amelia and Amity, but they had full seats, Skara was in between both girls, being in charge of keeping both idiots from arguing over what problem was right or wrong.

The human at the front of the class was apparently named Mrs.Brown. She continued teaching, explaining everything, giving off examples, just wanting to speed up.

To be continued- WAIT, KEEP

I've reached a point in the story where I need you guys to start deciding ships. Here are some you really need to answer before I get too far ahead.

Should Elizabeth (the flower teacher) divorce her current partner for Sarah? (Our lovely ex-bus driver) Please hold down this paragraph and click the comment box on the top right to answer.

-----Character not introduced yet x Prince-----

Cat and Skara?

Bo and Amelia?

I'm just struggling with those for now, til I introduce other characters, I'll do this again. Until next time readers.

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