Full of lies. [26]

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Ooh boy, this episode took some out of me, I had to study the language witches apparently used called Theban alphabet and-Sigh. That's enough explaining, to know you cared for my efforts, please vote for the episode, thank you.

9:26 am, still Friday. Luz raised her pencil, the teacher pointing to Luz with her marker. "The answer would be zero (0) since ten (10) would be useless in the equation." Luz said, using her eraser to point at the problem in her book.

"Yep! Correct! Think she's smarter then you Amity."

"That is false." Luz blurted out.

Amity looked over at her, a few students looking back at the witch. "Is that so?" Mrs.Brown asked.

"Yes it is so. Amity is the smartest student I'm aware of, so it is very rude that you're making up lies." Luz pouted.

The students giggled and laughed amongst eachother, Amity smiling slightly, a small blush spreading on her face. "Well sorry."

"It's alright if Amity says it is. You made up the lie about her."

The Blight facepalmed, Mrs.Brown giving a slightly smug look at her student. "It's fine.."

"You are forgiven." Luz agreed.

Mrs.Brown smiled, shaking her head slowly, returning to the Lumity boat; "Back to the lesson."


"Hey Willow!" Luz exclaimed cheerfully, sitting down beside her.

"Hey Luz! What'd you bring for lunch today?" She asked, opening her own lunch pale.

"I made a salsa wrap, I dunno what the meat is called because I forgot, but it's really good!" Luz answered, unzipping her lunch pale.

She pulled out the small container, Gus coming over; "Hey Gus! You're a bit late." Luz teased.

"I needed to find my phone, it was in my hand." He sighed, sitting by them. "If only I knew where my flag went." He mumbled.

Willow facepalmed, Luz giggling, taking his mini blue flag from his hand. "I found it." Luz giggled, offering it to him.


He thanked her profusely, taking his flag back, turning it to the other side, white, waving it in the air. "I surrender. I'm not as wise as I thought I was." He whimpered.

"Oh! Luz we completely forgot to tell you. Gus is part of W.A.S."


Gus nodded. "Witch Appreciation Society."

"Wow! What's your position?" Luz asked.

"He's their leader. He knows everything about witches." Willow said.

"Is that so?" Luz pried.

Gus nodded firmly, putting his flag down, taking off his bag. "I've done some research, but I believe not all witches were bad. Just misunderstood y'know?"

Luz agreed with him on that, the smaller human taking out his metal lunch pale from his bag. "Are you curious about uhm..Anything?" Luz asked.

Gus thought about it, placing his lunch box down, unclipping the locks, lifting up the lid. Luz took her fruit tea out from her pale, taking off the lid, putting the reusable straw in, taking a sip. "Do they really eat babies?"

Luz spit out her tea, coughing, Willow patting her back; "Woah woah! Hey! Are you okay!?" Willow exclaimed.

"They- Cough- Don't eat- Cough cough- Babies anymore-"

"Well how do you know?" Gus huffed, offering Luz a napkin.

"Where did you- Ahem- Find that?" Luz questioned, wondering if this was really what humans viewed her as.

"I don't remember. I know I read it, but I don't recall from where." Gus shrugged. "There's a language too apparently, I wrote down a few things from what I understand."

He ransacked his bag, taking out a paper, offering it to Luz; "Gus, that spells aguxtgs."

"What the heck- No it doesn't it spells out Agustus."

"That's an X." Luz said, pointing to the symbol that looks like an intricate U. "And this is a G," She went on, signaling to the one shaped like another intricate U. "You got the third (3rd) symbol right the first time why would you use a different one the next time?"

Gus looked at the paper, having separated each signal to make sure it didn't cut out with the others. The second symbol which kinda looked like a mini spear, wasn't used twice. "How do you know-"

"That's a different story-"

Gus flipped the page over, showing a bunch of other symbols, Luz examining the paper. "I like..Nem." Luz paused. "What's a Nem-"

"Luz that clearly says I like men-"

"I thought you were aromantic?"

"I thought so too but turns out that's false-" He fumbled. "I've been single far too long, it's getting sad."

"Why don't you get someone like Amity?" Luz asked, lifting the lid off her lunch, already having forgotten about the paper.

"What do you mean?" Willow asked.

Luz sliced a piece of her salsa wrap with her chopsticks, picking it up like a sushi roll, putting the roll in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed, letting it pass before she spoke; "Oh you know, the type of person who takes care of you."

The other two humans were still confused. "No.." Gus mumbled.

"Someone who..Hm..Let's you hug them without asking for anything in return?"

"Nope." Willow shrugged.

"Kind of like a lover, but not really?"

Willow and Gus facepalmed, Luz being extremely oblivious. "What? Was it something I said?"

To be continued.

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