The portal and medical issues. [9 part 3.25]

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*Small crossover

'Akward..This is so akward..' Amity thought, moving back a bit.

"Stay in the portal room, the guards are on the other side so you'll have to wait in the room till I can give it back. Okay?"

Luz nodded slowly, the witch wiping her face. "Human. Come wait with her. Now."

Amity flinched, rushing over and standing beside Luz. Eda went through the portal, Luz following, then Amity. There was a small room that was all white, then another door. Amity took Luz's hand, the witch flinching and looking back at her. "Think you need it.."

Luz squeezed her hand gently, taking her to the small seating area. This portal room was connected to each and every alternate universe out there, no matter how crazy. "So..Why is the sketchbook so crazy important..?"

"It's what gives me some magic.."

"That why you won't let me take it?"

"No..I'm actually bound to it..And it's kinda what keeps me alive..It just has some of my blood embedded in it and it's kinda connected to me. So if anything drastic happens to it I'll-"

A girl that had mint green hair on the top half and a nice dark caremel at the bottom followed a white Raven that was dragging a bag, trying to catch it. She was about to take the bag from him, the Raven screeching in her face before picking up the bag with his talons and flying through. "No my book!" She exclaimed, rushing after him.

Amity shook her head, ignoring the recent action. "You'll what?"

"It's not important.."

"No no, I want to know."

"You don't.."

"Well I kinda do.."

"It's a bit crazy.."

Amity frowned. "I live with two idiots for siblings, I can handle it."

Luz trembled a bit, Amity tightening her grip on the witches hand. "I'll die.."

"Wha- Why?"

"Well, that's a story for another time."

"No. That's a story for right now."

Luz shook her head. "Spill!" Amity shouted.

The witches ears went down, Luz backing up and letting her hand go. She trembled, covering her face with her left arm. "Oh god- S-Sorry- Forgot you were really sensitive-" Amity mumbled, getting up.

She went over to Luz, the witch slowly moving her arm down to peek a bit. "Want some uhm..Pets..?"

Luz perked up, her ears staying slanted. Amity moved the witches arm down, cupping her right cheek. She rubbed Luz's ear with her middle and ring finger, the witch leaning in to her palm. "Where are those purrs Noceda?"

"You just started..Give it time.."

Just as she was about to start purring, Eda came back with the book. She went to Luz, moving Amity aside and handing her the book. "If anyone touches it without your consent, it will shock a bit okay? Not alot just enough to make them drop it."

Luz nodded, taking the book. She got up, hugging her mom tightly and kissing her forehead. "Love you owl mom.."

"Love you too Kiddo, if this happens again..Call right away okay..?"

The witchling nodded again, Eda kissing her head and going to her side of the portal room. Luz took Amity's hand, waving at her mom and taking her to the other side. They made it back to Amity's room, the portal closing and disappearing.

Luz held on to her sketch book, going to her bag and putting it away. She clenched her side, staggering back a bit. "I'll call Reginald.."


He wrapped Luz's side with gauze, the witch letting out small whimpers when he tightened it. "Anywhere else Noceda?"

"Not that I can feel at the moment.."

Luz flinched again, the witch letting out a short whine. "He's almost done, just be patient."

"Yes yes, do be patient madam. If you continue to move I will have to redo this once more." Reginald said.

Amity got off her bed, Luz already wanting her to sit back down. "Take care of her, I have to go get something real quick."

Reginald nodded, Amity quickly leaving her room. He continued to wrap Luz's lower half, eventually stopping and tying it off. This took like 4 minutes but felt like 2 hours to Luz. Reginald got up, bowed, and left the room. Luz was left alone with her thoughts once more, the witch not liking how today was going.

She put her shirt back on, laying back down and moving the blanket over herself. She shivered, letting out a cute kitten sneeze. "Cold.." She mumbled to herself.

The door opened again, closing once more. The footsteps neared, Luz looking over. "Still cold Noceda?"


"Well you gotta drink some medicine. You can stay the night if you want. I don't care." Amity shrugged.

Luz slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Is medicine like a pill..?"

"Well it's a liquid. But does the same thing a pill does." Amity said.

Luz hummed quietly, the human opening up the small bottle. "I don't want it.."

"Tough luck, you're drinking it."


Amity put some on a spoon, offering it to Luz. "Drink it. And don't spit it out."

"But I don't want it.."

"Don't care. Drink it."

"Can't I die instead..?"

"You won't die, you'll just have to deal with this for a few days. Take the medicine. It'll speed up the process."

Luz shook her head, hating it's murky color. "It looks-"

Amity shoved the spoon in her mouth, Luz drinking the disgusting substance as a reflex. She winced, shaking her head violently. "There." Amity huffed. "Wasn't that easy?"

"Gross.." Luz mumbled. "Very gross.."

"Well sorry it's not up to your standards Noceda. It happens to make people feel better."

The witch stuck her tounge out, shaking her head again. "Yucky.."

Amity giggled, closing the medicine bottle and putting it back down. "It's supposed to be yucky. You're what, 14? Only people under 10 can have flavored medicine."

"I want that.."

"But you're 14."


"Absolutely not."

"Cherries fine too.."

Amity scoffed, fixing the way she was seated. "You have to rest, I'll get someone to make lunch."

"Why are you being so nice..?"

"You did heal me.."

"After you defended me, it's just common courtesy.."

"Then I'm not sure how to respond to that question Noceda." Amity said, getting up. "I'll be back, rest for now okay?"

Luz nodded, the human leaving the room, the witch laying back down and resting once more.

To be continued.

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