Her first curse word. [23 part 3]

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So. Grace threw up. On Amity.

Yeah let's just skip that part it was scary- "I'm going to kill her I swear." The Blight hissed, adjusting her new shirt.

Luz smiled nervously, Amity sitting down in front of her, the witch taking her towel. "This our thing now?" Luz asked, drying Amity's hair off.

"Hm..What is?"

"You coming over for no reason."

"It's nice to feel welcomed when you don't care that I'm popular."

Luz hummed quietly, Amity leaning back a bit; "Know it's a rude question, but..What was Joey's real name?"

"Jessie. She's gone."


"Few people still think she's alive. Those humans suck. Jessie wasn't in the nicest home but she's in a better place. Joey is the new Jessie, he puts her to shame." Luz spoke, folding the towel neatly.

"When did he know?"

"Seven (7). She was seven (7) when she left."

"What happened when he..?"

"Kicked out. Joey stayed with their friend and their mom for most of his life til he was eighteen (18). Had three (3) part time jobs when he turned fourteen (14) up til he was older. He doesn't like to talk about it, only to his therapist. He's about four (4) days clean right now." Luz answered, getting up from her bed walking to her desk.

Amity got up as well, Luz sitting on her chair, putting the towel on her desk. "What happened to the other days?"

Luz shrugged. "He was about a day clean when I met him, seven (7) days ago he started again. He lasted a month if you were wondering. Jessie's parents called Joey seven (7) days ago, wanting Jessie to come over for dinner."


"Jessie's mother got an illness, they don't know if she'll make it so they want Jessie to come over to leave on a good note. Joey declined, not knowing any Jessie, they argued, and Joey gave himself cat scratches. Few, not much bleeding, so they were okay. He almost cut today because Jessie's parents started calling him names.."

Amity gave her a gentle nudge, the witch looking up at her. "Joey's lucky to have a friend like you.."

"He likes to call me his little sister, I just hope he actually stays for me.."

"Who'd want to leave you?" Amity teased, ruffling her hair.


"I wouldn't leave you."

"Heard that one before.."

"Boscha hasn't left you. Nethier has Viney, Barcus, or Jerbo."

"Right now we're friends..But I know one day they'll forget about me.." Luz mumbled.

Amity stayed silent, wanting a way to break the silence. "Did you..Think about the rose offer..?"

"I'll take the hug.."

The Blight sat down on the bed, Luz getting back up, begrudgingly hugging Amity, the human pulling her down. The witch sighed, the human patting her back; "There there you dumb witch."

"Go back to idiot..I'm used to you saying it.."




"What does ----- mean?"

"Luz who taught you that?" Amity asked in one (1) breath.

"Skara started using it when she was telling me about times she got mad at people..What does it mean?"

"Ehm- Female dog-"

"Huh..Are you sure it's not a bad word..?"

"In some cases yes-"


"It ehm- Depends on how you use it in a sentence-"

Luz hummed, thinking about a way to put it; "Skara said..This blonde ----- took my hair tie and never gave it back."

"..I'm going to kill her. When did she say this?"

"Bout..Two (2) days ago.."

Luz moved up a bit, nuzzling in to the crook of the humans neck, purring quietly. "Luz, I enjoy when you hug me, but I need you to get off."

"Hmm..My house..My rules.." Luz mumbled, letting go of Amity.

The spell she casted was catching up to her, but it was for Joey, this was okay. Luz crawled on to her bed, getting comfortable, waving Amity over. "What?"

Luz waved her over again, the human getting up, kneeling down in front of the witch. "Want me to help you sleep?"

The witch nodded, Amity running her finger down Luz's nose, the witch purring quietly. "What'd you do?"




Amity began to cafune the witches hair, Luz relaxing herself, her ears drooping down. "Bit early to sleep y'know.."


"When do you think you'll wake up? Next year?" Amity joked.

"Probably.." Luz smiled slightly, closing her eyes.

Amity pulled her hand back, the purrs quieting, eventually stopping in a matter of seconds. "Bye Amity.."


"You aren't staying remember..?"

"Oh, right. Night Luz."


Amity ruffled her hair, getting off the floor; "Don't let the mutt bite."

"I won't.."

The human went to Luz's desk, turning off the lamp, going to the door. "See you tomorrow Luz."

"See you..Amity.."

The Blight opened the door, exiting the room, closing the door quietly behind herself. Prince came over to her; "Bye Amity."


"I said, bye Amity..?"

*The words in italic are the words Amity understands


"Oh my dog..I said..Bye. Amity."

"I've gone crazy- I'm talking to the dog-"

"Actually no. You're talking with the Prince."

"Right barking-"

"Bye Amity."

"Oh yeah- I gotta go- Bye Prince-"

"Bye!" He yipped.

Amity pat his head, going downstairs, towards the living room, grabbing her things. "Have a nice night Ms.Noceda, don't forget-"

"My vitamins, yes I know. Careful on your way home, thank you for always worrying about Luz."

Amity smiled to herself, walking to the front door, unlocking it and opening it; "It's my pleasure, goodnight."

"Goodnight Amity."

The Blight walked outside, closing the door behind herself, taking a deep breath, following the path down the street.

To be continued.

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