Gossiping. [31]

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Luz and Amity spent the rest of the day trying out some tricks, Amity getting a small show out of it. "Okay, last time before bed alright?"

The shepherd barked, her tail wagging furiously, Amity booping her nose. "Go ahead."

Luz pushed the ball with her snout, moving it up against the wall, pushing it up more, getting it on her head, carefully stepping back. She went over to Amity, the Blight taking the ball from her, Luz getting on her hind legs, Amity putting the ball on her snout. 'Okay I got this, I got this.'

The shepherd threw the ball up with her snout, Luz quickly going across the room, catching the ball in her mouth, going back to Amity, dropping it in front of her. "Longer way of playing catch."

"Let's go play catch outside!" Luz barked, going to the door, scratching at it.

"It's late, we're not going anywhere."

"It's only six! What harm could this do?"

Amity got up, going over to the door, Luz whimpering, scratching at the bottom of the door. The Blight pulled the handle down, pulling the door back, Luz scurrying downstairs, Amity reluctantly following.

They made it outside, the lights being turned on so they could play. Amity waved the ball in Luz's face, the shepherd following it with her face, her tail wagging furiously. "Do you want the ball~?" Amity teased.

"Yes yes! Throw it! Throw the ball!"

"Okay, go long."

Luz ran over to a farther spot, Amity throwing the ball, the shepherd picking a direction backing up a bit, catching the ball in her mouth. Luz very properly walking towards Amity, offering her the now slimy ball. "I didn't think it'd be this gross yet fun."

"Throw the ball! Throw me the ball!" Luz barked.

Amity shook the ball, getting some of the saliva off, throwing the ball again. Luz quickly ran after it, barely missing it. Luz picked it up off the ground, shaking her head, nibbling on the ball, making it squeak, the shepherd went back over to Amity, looking up at her.

The Blight tried to take the ball from her, Luz shaking her head. "Playing tug of war huh? You going to give me the ball?"

Luz let out one of those sarcastic growls that are meant to sound aggressive but really aren't. She kept the ball in her mouth, Amity booping her nose, Luz realising the ball, putting her paw over her snout. "We got less then fifteen (15) minutes, so are we going to play or not?"

"Yes we are! Throw the ball!"


Second day as a dog. Both currently gossiping. "So what's this about a Luz I hear?"

"Hm? Do you want to know about something?"

Luz barked, Amity thinking about who or what she talked about. "Luz? From this morning?"

"Yes!" The shepherd barked, her tail wagging.

"Mm..Let's see..Well, she's a witch."

Luz rested her head on Amity's leg, the Blight moving her fur back, "I think we're friends. I haven't asked her to be, but I kinda thought I could just take her. Is that weird?"

"Well no not really. I did that a few times."

"I like to hang out with her. I like to hear her purr, I like her hugs, she always seems to like to hug me alot now."

"You're my second favorite human. You give the best hugs."

Luz flipped over, Amity scratching her chest, going up to her chin and gently scratching it. The shepherd let out happy whines, her foot tapping on the bed. "Do you think she likes being my friend?"

"Huh?" Luz whined in a questioning way.

"I mean..When I barely knew her..I sent people to go hurt her.." Amity mumbled. "I know what I did was wrong, but does she really forgive me? Does she just think I'm using her? I wouldn't hurt her like that, at least not again..I care about her, but don't get any ideas of it being like that-"

"I'm not I'm not. I don't like you that way either. Hugs and cuddles are enough."

And the facepalm award goes to.. L-L-Luzzzzzz!

Amity sighed quietly, "I just want to know what she really thinks about me, y'know?"

"Well what do you think I'm doing to you?"

"I come over uninvited alot, but she doesn't care that I'm rich or popular. She just cares if I curse or not. Like, can she not say f---?"

"Amity!" Luz barked.

"You too? Gosh and here I thought I could curse like a sailor. But yeah, Luz seems innocent, but she can knock someone out if she wanted to. I know she's been hurt, she doesn't even act like a teen, she acts like a child."

Luz huffed, her tail going in between her legs. "But I know she didn't have a pleasant childhood or even get the chance to grow up like everyone else."

"Well at least you understand that part.."

"She has so much love to give out, she doesn't know what personal boundaries are, but she's getting the hang of it, she gives great hugs by the way. She smiles alot, she cries alot too, but I'm there for her most of the time. I just hope she knows that she can talk to me if she needs anything.."

Luz sat up, licking Amity's cheek, nuzzling her gently, licking her cheek again. "You can go wherever your home is, just be sure to visit sometimes alright?"

The shepherd moved back, Amity getting under her covers, turning off her lamp, getting comfortable. Luz layed down beside her, curling up slightly, slowly dozing off


When Luz felt the time was right, she got up, leaving the room, going out the back door, slipping through the bars, and went home.

She arrived almost an hour later, scratching at the door. She heard footsteps near it, the door being opened, Luz begrudgingly walking in. "Prince told me what happened, do you know what's going on?"

"No I don't.." Luz barked. "Lilith I haven't eaten actual food in two days. Dog food is surprisingly delicious.."

"Is that so?"

"Can you turn me back?"

Lilith closed and locked the door, going over to the kitchen. "Yes, I can." She said, waving her hand in the air.

'Poof' Luz shook her head violently, sighing in relief when she saw her ten fingers. "I'll never talk bad about you again thumbs-"

Luz lifted her shirt up a bit, checking her side. Thankfully the wound wasn't as bad as it was in the morning so that was good. "Lilith, does it help my magic if I only keep one form..?"

"If you're wondering if staying as an animal to rest, yes it does. It'll boost it up quicker then sleeping does. But when you turn back in to a witch, it takes some of it back." Lilith explained. "Do you feel better?"

Luz nodded, "I feel stronger, more.. Alive I guess? I just feel like I can summon eight (8) abominations!"

"Don't try it."

"Yes ma'am-"

"Go to bed Luz, school tomorrow."

The witch bowed, heading upstairs to her room, changing her clothes, plopping on to her bed. She grabbed her axolotl plushie, pulling it close to her chest. 'Night Amity..' Luz thought, nuzzling the soft plushie, slowly dozing off.

To be continued.

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