Teasing. [17 part 2]

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"Do you want me to hold your bag?" Luz asked.

"No." Amity responded.

"How about your jacket?"

"No, Luz."

"Your backpack?"

Amity glanced at her; "Do you really want to hold something?"

Luz nodded slowly; "Do you want to hold my hand?" Amity asked.

The witch held her palm out, the human putting her hand over hers, interlocking their fingers. "Well, this works too I guess. Why can't I hold your bag?" Luz asked.

"Because I don't want you to." Amity answered.


"Luz, I don't want you to overwork your body, it's only been a week since you were injured." Amity sighed.

"But why?"

"Luz if you ask why one more time, I'm going to hit you."


Amity pinched her cheek; "You're so annoying Luz."


"Ammittyy~" Luz whined, letting go of the humans hand, trying to get her to stop.

The Blight pinched her other cheek as well; "Whaaaattt?"


"Are you going to stop asking whyyy?"


"Then I won't stoopp." Amity imitated.

"You're going to leave a maaarrkk.. SttOopPp." Luz whined.

Amity teased her, letting go a bit before pinching her cheeks again; "I won't stop until you promise to stop asking whyyyy."


The Blight let her go, the witch rubbing her cheeks; "Meanie.."

Amity lifted her hand, Luz covering her cheeks; "Eep! No! Don't touch my faceee!!"

The human snorted, ruffling her hair, adjusting her bag; "You're a funny one Luz, come on, let's return that phone."

. . .

Luz knocked on the class door, just wanting to be polite, both waiting patiently for it to open. A male peeked out, both girls knowing him well. "You two. Great." He hissed.

"Mattholomule. Still bitter about loosing to me?"

"Amity don't start arguing.."

The Blight huffed, looking elsewhere, not wanting to make Luz mad, the witch pulling the phone out. "Was this yours?" Luz asked, offering the phone.

"Ya. It is." He muttered. "Dumb@$$.."

Luz cowered a bit, not liking the human curse words; "Amity, don't engage." Luz stated.

She clicked her tounge, her blood boiling, he cursed in front of Luz, not only that he was talking about- "Sorry, I lost it earlier and I was being stupid." He sighed. "Thanks, real life saver. I would've had to get a new phone and everything. Goodbye." He smiled slightly, going back in his class, the door slowly closing behind him.

"See? He wasn't talking to me." Luz said, looking up at Amity.

"He looked at you and said it." She hissed. "Also Boscha told me to keep you from knowing curse words and he's ruining this for me." Amity muttered.

Luz giggled, gently nudging the human, the Blight looking down at her. Luz put her hand on Amity's cheek, pinching it; "Doesn't it hurt?~" Luz asked, her voice sounding way to sweet for comfort.

"Luzzzz~ Stooooopp~" Amity slurred, trying to pull back.


Amity pinched her cheek, the witch whining; "Stoooooppp ittttt."

"Yooouuuu stoppp itttt." The Blight imitated

"Lettttt goooo onnn threeee..Ooonnee, twooooo, threeeeeeee!"

Luz let go, Amity, did not. She did become more gentle with the pinching, not actually wanting to hurt her. "If this is actually bothering you, I can stop." Amity explained. "Just tell me."



"You're supposed to go hoommee.."

"Oh- I forgot." The Blight blurted out, letting the witch go.

She adjusted her bag, remembering where she was, and going back towards the office, Luz quickly following. "Where are you going?" Luz asked, rubbing her slightly aching cheeks.


"With who?"

"Dad's designer friend."

"That so?"


"You'll be back tomorrow?"

"What, do you miss me already?" Amity joked, pausing in her tracks, looking down slightly at her.

"Well kinda.."

Didn't expect that. Amity blushed a bit, patting Luz's head; "I might be back tomorrow, still unsure. We'll have to drive far and it'll get quite boring."

"How so?"

"My siblings have to stay and do their own thing to build the family name a bit. I'll be driven in a separate car with Gary for four to five (4-5) hours with boring background music." Amity sighed, just talking about her boring future made her bored.

"Like that scary sound those boxes that take people up and down from floor to floor make inside?" Luz asked.

"Elevators. Yeah those songs are really boring. Do you like elevators?"

"No, they make me nauseous. I like the magic stairs though, they are very fun to get on and off of."

"Escalators. But yeah I might be back by second period tommorow if I'm not tired." Amity said, continuing the walk.

Luz quickly caught up to her, a bit nervous to ask this question; "Can.. Can I come with you..?"

To be continued.

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