Lumelia. [21 part 4]

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This episode includes some kissing that goes against your religion Lumity. I will warn you again when it comes.

"Luz, whatcha doin?" Amelia asked, coming up beside her.

A little earlier, Luz had gotten up, to do her own thing while Amelia watched the movie. "Making cookies." Luz said, pouring the melted butter in the bowl.

Amelia looked over her shoulder, Luz tensing up a bit, the human resting her head on Luz's shoulder. She looked at the ingredients on the counter, humming quietly, the witch drawing back a bit. "S-Something- U-Uhm- Wr-Wrong..?"

"What type of cookies are you baking?"

"Well they're kinda like chocolate chip cookies.."

"These don't look like chocolate chips." Amelia stated, pointing to one of the chips.

Luz took one, offering it to Amelia, the human taking it from her hand, actually liking it. "It's not chocolate dummy, it's carob. Prince can't have chocolate as it's bad for him, I also don't really like sweets. These are safe for pets and us."

"I'm just gonna.." Amelia mumbled, sneakily sliding her hand over to the chips. "Take these!-"

She took a handful, quickly booking it away from Luz, Prince rushing after her, wanting some of the chips. Amelia offered him some, Prince eating it right up, Luz tackling Amelia, pushing her to the couch. "Those aren't to go in your stomach yet! Be patient!"

Amelia quickly ate them; "What? What did I do?"

Luz grabbed a pillow, smothering Amelia's face in it. "Bad. Bad Amelia!"

"Wuz! Iwwllll dwiiiee!"

"Suffer in silence!"

Amelia pushed me the pillow off, Luz having used that as support, falling on the human. "Going to finish those cookies?"

"You're insufferable..I have no idea how Amity handles you."

Amelia shrugged, booping Luz's nose, the witch shaking her head. "How does she handle you? You're a handful Luz." The human smiled slightly, cupping her cheek.


The human pushed herself up a bit, cautiously leaning in, Luz's heart racing in her chest. Prince let out a small whine, backing up, wanting to interfere, but Luz wants this and he can't go against what the witch wants. Nero's heart ached, he wanted this as well, but it felt..Wrong. He swiftly got in between them, licking Luz's cheek, nuzzling in between her and Amelia.


The witch pulled back, picking the kitten up, Nero quietly hissing at Amelia. "Clingy kitty.."

He apologized to her, licking her cheek, then apologizing again; "I know it's bad, but it felt wrong, Luz I'm sorry, it's just a feeling.."

*The words in italic are the words Luz understood

"I'll go finish the cookies." Luz said, getting off the human.

She went back to the kitchen, Prince snarling quietly at Amelia, going back to the witch. Luz pulled her phone out, texting someone quickly, putting her phone away. She hoped they'd come.


When someone knocked on the door, Prince rushed over and opened it. He barked, his tail wagging furiously, the dog jumping around the being behind the door. "Hey Prince!" A dog barked.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now