No Luz! [39 part 3]

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Luz had finished work, it's now, 6:13 in the evening, Sarah had gotten back on and was told to take Luz home by Camilla. "Alright Luz," Sarah began, wiping her hands with the cloth. "Let's go, I'll take ya home."

The witch nodded, drying her hands off, taking off her apron, hanging it up, grabbing her things, "How's Zach doing?" Luz asked.

"He's still pretty clingy right now, he's just glad I'm okay. I'm also glad my neighbor could take care of him for me, he's a sweet guy, really." Sarah said, taking her keys out. "Actually, are you free?"


Luz was invited to go to dinner with Sarah and Zach, Camilla allowing this because she had work and needed to be there for tonight, the twins taking care of the pets at the manor. Luz took Zach's hands, the seven year old smiling up at her with his one missing tooth. The witch spun him around, the boys grin widening, "You'd be a great dancer Zach, let's hope you're not better then me." Sarah teased, ruffling his hair.

He was just a few inches shorter then Luz, he had poofy hair, kinda spikey but if you touched the points, they'd just be super soft, and this cute cartoonish painters hat. "Hey, want to see a magic trick I learned?" Luz asked the boy.

He nodded, Luz pulling her hands back, holding out napkin, actually going to use real magic to complete this. She closed her palms around it, then blew into it, opening up her hands, a butterfly taking its place. Zach clapped, smiling up at Luz.

The butterfly flew to Zach's nose, the boy looking up at Sarah, pointing to it, "Ain't that pretty." Sarah blew on his nose, the butterfly flying away. "But no bugs inside, you ready?"

He nodded, taking Sarah's hand, then Luz's, the woman at the stand taking two kids menus, "Right this way please."

The trio followed her to the booth, this one being capable of sitting 8 people but only six plates. The kids menus were placed down in front of Zach and Luz, both opening up their crayon packets, flipping their menus over to start coloring in the drawings. "Any drinks I can get you started with?"

Zach raised his hand, the waitress looking over, "S-Sprite! No ice please!"

"Kids or adult size?"


Luz thought about her beverage, humming quietly, "May I have a cold water also with no ice, please?"

The woman nodded, adding it in a kids cup, then she looked over at Sarah, "Pep-see, easy ice." Sarah nodded.

"Gotcha, I'll be back in a bit."

She walked off, heading to the kitchen. Luz checked the kids menu, spotting her favorite side dish, "Garlic bread sticks!" Luz pat the table, already very excited. "May I have those and some calamari pasta?"

Sarah nodded, "Don't have to ask, I'm inviting you out, get what you want. Zach, what would you like buddy?"

He checked out the menu, nudging Luz, pointing to the option, "Mac N cheese," Luz followed his finger to the side dish. "With berries!"

"Please." Zach whispered to Luz.

"Oh, please." Luz corrected, looking over at Sarah. "Mac N cheese with berries, please."

Over with Amity, she was gloomy, she wanted Luz to try something new, but Amity wouldn't get to see that, because Luz wasn't here. "Oh that's lucky!" Willow exclaimed.

Gus nodded, "Think we can find her?"

"Find who?" Amity asked.

"Luz." Gus answered, showing his screen to Amity. "Apparently she came here with our old bus driver and her son!"

Amity looked at the screen, her eyes still focusing on the picture. Luz was taking a picture with Zach and Sarah, Zach doing to bunny ears with his fingers over Luz's head, Sarah sticking her tounge out while Luz was copying Zach, doing the same thing to him with the bunny ears. "Wait- She's here?" Amity asked, sitting upright.

"Yeah!" Willow said, getting out from the booth, letting Gus and Matt exit, sitting back down "You guys better come back in five minutes."

Gus waved her off, Mattholomule nudging the shorter male, both going to the small gaming section near the back. Noah lightly elbowed Amity, the Blight looking around, "Think she knew we'd be here?" He asked.

Amity shook her head, "I was going to drive her here, I didn't tell her." Amity answered, trying to spot- "Luz!"

Willow looked over where Amity was, spotting the witch drinking some water then making bubbles with Zach. He was the first to start laughing, Luz soon following suit. "Looks like she's having a good time with straws and a beverage." Willow teased.

Noah's plan was already failing, Luz had Amity's attention, whether he wanted her to, or not. "I'll be right back-"

"Oh no you don't missy." Skara huffed. "You have been spending too much time with her, now it's us time. Not Luz and Amity, us and Amity, no Luz tonight."


"No buts, you're not going anywhere." Skara stated.

Amity crossed her arms, leaning back in the booth, "Luz would let me go see her.." Amity grumbled.

"She's doing her own thing Ame's, let her be." Skara said, also having used Boscha's nickname for her.

Amity glanced over, her eyes widening, the human clicking her tounge, "But look at Soup!"

There they were, they had spotted Luz while going to their table, now talking to the witch. "I don't care who or what Soup is doing, you're spending time with us, right now."

Soup waved at Luz, walking to their table, Luz's waitress coming back with the appetizers. Amity watched Luz get excited and do her little process to eat the bread sticks. Get a napkin, pick up a bread stick, lightly blow on it to cool it off, and take a bite. The witch liked these, she pat the table, Zach also doing her process, wanting to try it too.

He liked it too, Sarah wanted to join in on the party, doing Luz's process, taking a big bite out of her bread stick. "Psst, Amity." Willow whispered. "You're staring, and simping."

Their waiter came back over, placing their meals in front of the empty and not empty seats. "Anything else I can get you?" He asked.

"I want her." Amity said, pointing to Luz without looking away from the witch.

He looked back, "Who?"

"The girl, with the purple beanie, black pom pom on top?" Amity said, hovering her hands over her head. "Her hairs kinda short, but she's growing it out-" Amity continued.

Skara kicked her leg from under the table, "No Luz tonight!" Skara huffed.

"Zip it Scar! I want her."

He nervously scratched his cheek, nodding slowly, heading in to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, he came back out, going to Luz's table with their waitress, both talking to her. The witch nodded, then shook her head, then nodded again telling them something, then the waiters left. Luz continued talking with Zach, Amity slamming her head on the table.

Another few minutes later, the waiter came back, placing a dessert in front of Amity, "She said to do this instead, she'd like a peaceful meal with her friends tonight."

It was a yellow heart, made of carob ice cream and yellow whip cream, "She said she'd pay for this as well, call me over when you've finished with your meal or would like me to take away plates. Have a nice evening." He bowed, and returned to the kitchen.

Amity just stared at the heart, her face slowly heating up. She burried her cherry face in her palms, 'She's just a friend, she's just a friend, she's just a friend, she's just a friend, she's just a friend, she's just a friend, she's just a friend, she's not just a friend- She's a best friend- Right?'

To be continued.

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