-----. [26 part 3]

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Amity went to the nurse's office, Luz in there talking to the best nurse who bought them pizza like, seventy (70) episodes ago. "Luz?"

The witch flinched, wiping her eyes, looking back at Amity; "Yeah?"

The human went over to her, taking Luz's hands; "Luz you've been crying.."

"What do you mean? I'm okay!" She smiled.

"You've gotten really good at those fake smiles..Luz what's going on..?"

The witch shook her head; "I'm okay dummy!"

Amity gently squeezed her hand, the nurse getting up, deciding to give them some privacy. "I know it's a weird thing I noticed..But you always wave at me..Even when I bullied you..No matter what..You always waved hello or goodbye, what's going on?"

Luz's ears went down slightly before they perked up; "Nothing silly! I'm okay!"

"Please don't lie.." Amity mumbled, her voice cracking.

"I-I'm not!" The witch fumbled, looking down at the ground.

Amity lifted Luz's chin up, the witch pulling back, the human pulling her close. "Luz, please. Don't lie to me.."

The witch avoided eye contact, Amity cupping her cheek, gently caressing it. "I.." Luz hesitated.

"Tell me..Please.."

The witch pushed her back gently, the human pulling her close once more; "Don't walk away from this, Luz, tell me."

She continued to gently push the human away, Amity taking her hands; "Luz just tell me!" She shouted.

Hicc. Amity froze, the witch trying to pull back, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Luz.."

Hicc. "Please- L-Let me go-" She hiccuped.

Amity released the witch, Luz taking a few steps back, the human staying put. "Luz..You're worrying me.."

"Hicc..I-I'm allowed to keep my secrets.." She mumbled, wiping her face with her sleeve.

"I know you are..But I care about you.. You're my friend.."

Luz glanced at her, wiping her face again, feeling as though she heard that wrong. "Friends..?"

"Know I never asked you to be..So I kinda..Thought I could just take you without you realizing it.." Amity smiled slightly.

Luz giggled through tears, sniffling, and wiping her cheek. "Dummy.."

"Luz..I want to know what's going on with you..I know how you are now.. And you aren't like this.."

The witch hesitantly took a step towards her, taking a few more forward, hugging the human tightly. Amity pat her head, hugging her back, giving her a small squeeze; "I..I just feel very..Worried.."

"Worried?" Amity clarified.

"Since Sarah.."

"Just a few hours ago..I know.."

Amity rubbed her back, Luz purring quietly; "Since it happened..I've been.. On edge. You guys wouldn't notice..I'm still uncertain with you three and I know how to keep my emotions back when it's serious..! But I..Something bad is going to happen.."

"How so Luz?"

"I don't know..I can just feel it, I want to go see Sarah..I just want to make sure.."

Amity pulled her right hand back, pulling her phone out, fumbling with it while she rubbed Luz's back with her other hand. "That, I can help you with."


They had checked in to the hospital, both currently making their way to Sarah's current room. Luz knocked before she entered, letting out a small gasp; "Mrs.Hazel..What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" Luz asked, walking in.

Amity followed her in, taking Luz's hand, wanting to keep her back and close. The witch looked back at her, taking a few steps back for the human, giving her a small nudge. Liz wiped her face, pushing herself away from the bed; "Shouldn't you two (2) be in sixth (6th) period?"

"Touché," Amity began. "How did..You know she was here?"

"I went to the cafe this morning..I wanted to see Sarah because she had a shift today..But she..I got told what happened..I've been here since uhm.. Well since I found out.."

Luz looked up at Amity, the human hesitantly letting her hand go, the witch going over to Elizabeth. Luz put her hand on her shoulder, the human looking back and up at her; "She'll.. She'll be okay..Right?" Mrs.Hazel asked quietly.

"She's Sarah. She's an idiot and won't leave us alone for too long, bit of a boring person if you ask me. Wouldn't let me walk to my house without waiting for me to go inside." Amity chimed in.

Liz looked back at Sarah, having held her hand for such a long time. "I should call my wife and tell her I'm here.."

"You go ahead, Sarah isn't going anywhere.." Luz spoke quietly.


"Luz this is so disrespectful-" Amity blurted out, taking the marker from her.

The witch snorted, pulling out another marker from her pocket, drawing something else on Sarah's arm. "Hehehe! She'll never find out!"

Amity took the eighth (8th) marker from her, the witch whining, trying to take it back. "That's my last one!"

"You're being very rude to unconscious Sarah!" Amity huffed, putting on the cap.

Elizabeth came back in, putting her phone in her pocket, spotting the markings on Sarah's arm. "Luz, if we were at school, I'd suspend you."

"But you're not my teacher so ha! You wouldn't dare!" The witch said, taking the marker from Amity.

The Blight got up from her seat, grabbing Luz from her waist from behind, pulling her back, the witch whining. "No! I wAs DrAwInG!"

A ringtone made everyone freeze, Amity letting go of Luz, looking for the phone. She opened the small drawer by Sarah's bed, taking the phone out, closing the drawer again. She answered the call, putting it up against her ear; "You planned to take me out today and you ditch me!?"

"Excuse me?" Amity scoffed.

"Sarah! It's Avery! Your DATE?"

"Listen here you little-"

"Amity! No cursing!" Luz exclaimed, covering her ears.

The Blight facepalmed, grumbling quietly; "Who was this again?" She asked.


"Mrs.Hazel, take the phone or I'm going to curse her out right now-" Amity hissed.

Elizabeth took the phone, getting up from her seat, leaving the room, putting the phone up against her ear. "Sorry, who are you?"

The lady over the phone inhaled sharply, exhaling loudly. "Avery. Avery your date."

"Sorry for not telling you, but Sarah's in a coma. So you listen here you little -----. If I see you, I won't hesitate to throw you in the middle of the street. If you ever. And I mean ever. Call Sarah a ----- again, I'll make sure of it that you never see your family again." Liz snarled. "Do you understand?" She said in a sweet tone.

Avery was silent, then she hung up. Elizabeth turned off Sarah's phone, going back in the room, placing the phone down by the table. "Amity, how long will I stay in jail if I murder someone?"

To be continued.

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