Human knowledge. [21 part 3]

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Luz did not like the bagel. She gave it to Elizabeth who ate the entire thing in less then a minute. Ms.Willis offered Luz some of the cream that came with it, the witch declining, knowing how sweet it was. The sweetest thing she's had so far was the chocolate kiss Amity gave her.

It was good but a bit too much sugar for her taste. "Alright, I'm going home." Luz spoke.

"Bye Luz!" They exclaimed in unison. "Some of us will you see you tomorrow." Elizabeth finished.

The witch waved, heading down the street, actually going to the store. She needed a few things for tonight's dinner as it was her turn to cook. She walked inside the store, noticing a new staff member, going over to them. Female. About 5'7, brunette, brown eyes, timid. Very timid. Luz could fix that timidness just a bit.

The witch cleared her throat, wanting the human to acknowledge she was there before moving forward. The brunette looked back, blushing profusely, definitely an introvert. "Eh- Hi!"


"Yep- Two minutes in and I want to go home-"

"Cheryl can be intimidating at first huh?"

She nodded slowly, the blush decreasing just a bit. "She's very grumpy for a twenty-five (25) year old.."

"You know about her pronouns huh?"

She nodded. "They said she was a boy, turns out it was just a phase. When I first read her name I thought it said Cherry, now I keep mixing up her name." She laughed nervously.

"What's your name newbie?"

"Uh- Grace! That's my name! The name I have been given-"

"Not used to telling people your name does get nerve-racking. I'm Luz! You should come with me to at least get used to the store and people." The witch smiled.

Grace nodded slowly, following Luz down the isles, the witch humming to a happy tune. "How are you so optimistic..?"

"I'm not I just like to be myself." Luz hummed, stopping and looking up at the shelf. "Could you please get that for me? I'm a bit too short.."

Grace got the small snacks for Luz, handing it to the witch; "Thank you so much! Do you know where the dog friendly stuff is?"

"Like stuff dogs can eat too? Yeah, down by isle 13 I believe." Grace recalled, leading Luz out of the isle.

She walked past a few isles, stopping in front of one and going down it, Grace tapped her chin, resting her head in her palm, humming quietly. She paused, pointing to a shelf, Luz examining it's contents. "This is good for common house pets like cats and dogs."

Luz picked one of the cans, finding the ingredient list and looking over it. "Ooh~"

"That all?"

"Yep this is it! Thanks Grace!" Luz smiled sweetly.

The employee smiled sheepishly, the blush returning, being pretty much exposed to anything. 'Click' Luz's ears perked up, the witch looking back, the human she spotted holding a pen. "Hey Skara! What's that?"

The human walked over; "It's a uh.. Retractable pen." Skara answered.

"Can I see it?"

She shrugged, offering the pen to the witch. Luz thanked her, examining the object, having something like this at home but this one felt more uh.. Naked. The one she had at home had a gem on top that glowed if you pressed the top. She pressed down the top of the pen, another click ensuing, the witch very much liking the sound of it. "Clicky click."

Skara snorted, shaking her head slowly. "Clicky clack."

"Clack? Clicky clack.." Luz hummed, shaking her head. "Clicky click."







"Click and that's final!" Skara huffed.

"Yes you are correct, click is final." Luz smirked victoriously, sticking her tounge out.

"I agree with Luz, click is final." Grace stated.

Luz left in victory, Grace following her to the front, they left Skara dumbfounded, honestly if you could SEE the look on her face..Priceless!


Our witch, being the friendliest being we know, gave Grace her number. She did expect a nervous phone call later, but that's later. Luz walked down the street with the small bag, humming a happy tune, making sure to look both ways before she crossed. Safe. She picked up the pace a bit, taking a left then heading down that street.

She passed a few houses then took a left, going to the pathway, taking out her keys and putting it in the lock. She unlocked the door, pulling her keys out, then twisting the knob, pushing the door forward. "Mom! I'm home!"

Frantic footsteps ensued, a human coming down the stairs. "Good good! I'm going to work!"

"Wha- But you-"

"No no I feel great, I really needed that extra sleep. Thank you Luz, I'll be back for dinner tonight, promise."

"If not?"

"It'd be appreciated if you could bring me dinner-"

"I know, be very careful okay?"

Camilla kissed her head, ruffling her hair, taking her own keys, coat, and bag. "Remember, if you don't recognize the phone number don't answer."

"Got it!"

The human waved, closing the door behind herself, Luz locking the door after. Prince's room door opened, the dog slipping out, stretching, letting out a loud yawn. He shook his body, trotting over to Luz, sniffing her out, his tail wagging. "How was school?"

"It was more of a meeting."

"Well then how was the meeting?" He barked, his tail wagging swiftly.

"Great, we're going to do some type of fundraiser for the school. I think I can convince the principal to allow pets, only if they're for specific reasons."

"Like me! I'm a good boy!" He yipped.

"I know you are, but not for you. There is this human thing dogs are needed in, apparently dogs are told to sniff out if something is happening."

He tilted his head to the side, backing up a bit. "What do you's mean?"

"Some humans can't be alone or have some issue that requires other people to assist them. Say I have diabetes, like Camilla taught us about, and I have low blood sugar but don't know. I have a dog who can tell me."

Prince let out a small whine, his tail wagging furiously. "That's cool! Worker dogs! Dogs! I'm a dog!"

Luz giggled, ruffling his fur. "The best dog."

To be continued.

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