Forgivence. [5 part 3]

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Luz was given earbuds and access to her phone during 3rd period, the witch resting her head in her arms as she looked out the window. "Blight did it? She did it this morning too.."

"She's so rude!"

"What a jerk."

"Picking on the new kid is low bro."

"Leave her alone.." Luz muttered.

They looked over at her, all going silent. "She just ticked you off, and you're telling us to stop dissing her?"

"She just has a rude way of saying she doesn't like me. There's no reason of doing the same but behind her back. Now put a sock in it or I will, if I hear anything bad about her I'll deal with it myself." She hissed bitterly.

That shut them up real quick, they all took their seats, paying attention to the teacher nervously.


Luz had gone to her 5th class when the bell rang, sitting in the middle, third row, middle seat. She did the notes early while students entered and sat behind her. She put her right bud in, listening to a playlist of slow calming songs.

Half an hour in, Amity and Skara finally came in, the blonde sitting down in her seat. That's when it started up again. "She actually showed her face in class."

"Rude one she is."

"Blight my arse."

"She doesn't deserve to be considered a Blight."

"Teasing a new kid."

"Petty much?"

Amity got up from her seat, leaving the room in a hurry. "Pfft. What a coward."

"Shut. Up." Luz hissed, getting up from her seat. "She teased me sure, but I'm supposed to deal with it." Luz muttered, leaving her stuff there and rushing after the human.

She looked down the halls, the bathrooms, then next to Cheer class. There were only 3 periods you could be in for dance, first, second, or third. Luz spotted the girl, going over to her and sliding down beside her. "Kinda cold don't you think?"

"Go away.."

"The cold or me?"

"Leave me alone.."

"Getting kinda confused Blight."

"Go away nerd!" Amity shouted, pushing her away.

Luz moved closer to her, nudging her gently. Amity burried her face in her knees, shaking a bit. "Mm..Want to talk about it?"

"No..Not with you.."

"Okay. Do you..Want me to leave?"

Amity stayed silent, Luz putting her left hand on her back. She gently rubbed it, the human relaxing just a bit. "Why are you being so nice to me..? Are you planning to soften me up to get me to expose my secrets?"

"Titans no, why would I do that? Humans do this? That's frightening.." Luz shuddered, sticking her tounge out.

"I've been so rude to you in the past 2 days.."

"M'kay. What about it?"

"You should be mad at me.."

"Am I supposed to be?" Luz asked, tilting her head to the side a bit. "I'm pretty sure you're just letting out built up anger, you stressing yourself out Blight?"

Amity stayed silent again, Luz rubbing her back in circular motions. "Soo..What's your favorite color?"

"I call you a freak, weirdo, and creep and this is what you're asking me?"

Luz pulled her hand back, resting it on her knee. "Not a fan of colors, could've just said so." Luz muttered. "Ooh, favorite dog breed? They're all really interesting you know, if it's to hard to pick just tell me. I know it's hard to, spent 47 minutes trying to pick one."

Amity wiped her face, leaning back against the wall. "I don't know any dog breeds.."

"Cat breeds maybe?"

"Forest cats..Norwegian forest cats.."

"Ooh those are really cute. I like Toygers, sound really close to tigers. I like that. Favorite amphibian?"

"Fire-Bellied toads.."

"Ooh~ Intricate types~"

Amity smiled a bit, wiping her face again. Luz moved to be in front of her, putting her left hand on her cheek. "I only left earlier because I needed to use the restroom, first period I had to call my mom and tell her something. Don't feel bad okay?"

The human nodded slowly, pushing her hand away. "Oh- You don't like being touched- Sorry-" Luz said, putting her hands by her side.

"You're still a weirdo.."

"Yeah, but like my guardian says. Us weirdos stick together. So whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me now." Luz said, getting up. "So come on, we got a class to get to." She smiled, extending her hand out.

Amity let out a scoff and a short laugh, taking her hand and being pulled up. "By the way, really sorry about the insult this morning. It wasn't to harsh was it? I didn't mean to provoke you- Sometimes I speak what I think and thought it was really rude-"

"You talk alot. Ever going to close your mouth?"

"Oh I do that when I eat or draw. And shower- I don't want soap to get in my mouth- Not again-"

Amity snorted, covering her mouth as she continued laughing. "Soaps not a good flavor you know."

"Well it kinda tasted like lavender- And bubbly- Hey quit laughing!"

"Bubbly? What do expect? Soap is supposed to be bubbly!"

"W-Well soap shouldn't burn my eyes and sting my tounge!" Luz pouted, crossing her arms.

"There's instructions on it for a reason! For idiots like you!" Amity exclaimed, pushing her head down and running off.

Luz gasped, rushing after her. "Well I guess you were the first dummy who needed the instructions!"

"I said it first, won't work!"

"Gosh dang it!"

To be continued.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now