It begins. [27]

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Luz and Amity didn't stay for long, the duo had gone to the Cafe where thankfully the window was replaced, the table that was cracked was gone, and there were customers who still wanted coffee despite the bad day yesterday, Amity also decided to join Luz to go shopping with Bo which went well. Then they went to Luz's house after getting some iced tea back at the cafe, Amity and Luz having watched a few movies for more then a few hours.

Amity ended up staying the night since it was the weekend, so right now, it's one (1) am, Saturday. The door to Luz's room creaked open, Camilla peeking in; "You two are still up?" Asked the human.

"Hey mom, yeah we're just watching some movies." Luz explained, drinking some of her water. "How was work?"

Camilla gave a light shrug; "It was tolerable, cutest thing happened today. Woman named her daughter after me because apparently I saved her life."

"Did you?" Amity asked.

Camilla gave a half nod; "You can say that yeah, the doctors didn't believe her back pains, turns out she had a tumor. She wouldn't have had her baby if I didn't insist a second scan." Camilla put a basket on the floor. "She also gave me all this. The benefits of saving rich people."

Luz cooed, getting up, taking the basket, turning on the lights; "Ooh, she gave you some spa stuff! This is uncommon where I'm from, you have to go to the black market to buy these. Momma sells these though, alot cheaper might I add-" 'Ring! Rrring!'

The witch handed the basket back to Camilla, going over to her phone, unplugging it, answering the call. She put it up against her ear; "Hello?"

Silence. Luz gave it a few more seconds, hanging up and putting her phone back down. "They didn't say anything-" 'Ring! Rrrrring!!'

Luz sighed, picking her phone back up, answering the call, putting it back up against her ear; "Hello?"


"Erm- Yes that's me.."

"Luz Clawthorne."

The witch froze, no human besides Amity and Camilla know her real name; "Who is this?"

"You'll get to meet me soon enough, do keep the noise down, you're rather loud."

-Beep- Amity got up, going over to the witch, gently taking the phone from her; "Who was it Luz?" The Blight asked quietly.

"I don't- I don't know.."

"Are you okay? What did they say?"

"I'm okay- I-It's nothing. Wrong number, it's common!"

"Luz. You can't lie."

"Sure I can! Know how hard it was trying not to tell you your hair wasn't divided correctly?" Luz covered her mouth. "Oops-"


Luz covered her own mouth with both hands, trying so hard not to laugh, the Blight going to the in room washroom to fix her hair. "I don't think she's too happy with me-"


"Amity- Please talk to me-" Luz fumbled, taking the humans hand.

The Blight pulled back, crossing her arms, letting out a small huff. "Tell Luz I don't care." Amity muttered, looking down at Prince.

He nodded, barking at Luz, the witch whining quietly; "Amity-"

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now