Plans. [21 part 2]

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7:02. Luz had left Amity's temporary room, the human slipping in, taking her things, going to the restroom and getting ready. Luz went back to her room, changing and getting ready.

7:14. Luz said goodbye to Camilla, having to go to school on this Sunday to help out for something. Nero went back to Prince's room, Luz going to the kitchen to grab a muffin before heading to the front door. She grabbed her bag and new jacket that had a high chance of being stolen by Amity, and opened the front door. "I'll be home at twelve (12)!" Luz called out.

"Be safe!" Camilla shouted back.

"I will! Bye-"

"Wait wait wait, where are you going?" Amity asked, reaching the first floor.

"To school." Luz said, putting her bag on properly.

"It's Sunday."

"I know."

"Then why are you going?"

"Personal, you don't need to know what I do when I'm not with you." Luz said, closing the door.

She followed the path to the street, walking to school.


When she arrived at school, she went through the front office, greeting the principal who was about to go to a meeting with the staff. "Morning Luz, they're in floral if you're wondering." He said patting her head.

"Thank you Mr.Green."

He waved at her, heading down the hall and into a room. Luz went through the doors, recalling where floral was and heading in that direction.

She made it in a few minutes, knocking on the door, said door opening a few seconds later. "Luz! Hey! You're quite early, come in come in." Liz said, allowing her to enter.

"How early?" The witch asked.

"Just a few minutes, by the way, have you seen Sarah?"

"Why do you need to know?"

Elizabeth fixed her glasses a bit, going to her desk. "Well, she left me a note with a bouquet of chocolate roses and said she wouldn't see me as often."

"Oh. Tough luck I know nothing!"

"Luz, you're very sweet and can't keep a secret, where is she?"

The witch shook her head, taking off her bag and putting it by a chair, crossing her arms. "Not tellin' you."

"Hunny, sweetie, Luz, tell me where Sarah is."

"Not until you tell me why you need to know." The witch huffed, sticking her tounge out.

"I don't need to know, I want to know."

"If you don't need the information you don't need to know where she is."

"Please just tell me."


"I'm going to start panicking if you don't tell me-"

"Wait don't panic- She works at the Cafe I do-" Luz blurted out, taking her hand. "Please don't panic-"


"Yes she works there now! I have her number! Wo-Would you like it?"

Elizabeth sighed in relief, nodding slowly. "That'd be appreciated.."


"Alright, now that we're all here," Liz began. "We need to talk about grades."

This was for the elective teachers like dance, cheer, floral, art, avid, etc. Luz was here because she's in ASB and participated in almost every elective with Ms.Willis. "Why do we need to talk about grades if you don't mind me asking?" Luz enquired.

"I'm joking Luz, grades are boring and we give that task to our TA's." Liz laughed. "We're going to talk about rewards."

"Ooh rewards?~" Luz cooed, her ears perking up. "For doing what?"

They talked for a bit, wanting to do this system where if the class behaves great for one day, the teachers will add some points, aka coins, to a jar. For what? They'll think about more options. But it'd be like a mini fundraiser, if a student brings money to add to the jar, that student gets a small candy, bracelet, or a cute eraser.

They'd use the funds for small parties at the end of the month or watch a movie in the gymnasium but half of the funds raised would go to the school for field trips or other things. Students would bring their own snacks to the parties or movies, getting to bring blankets or pillows no cells though, it'd disrupt the movie.

The teachers and single student came to an agreement, all deciding to go out for breakfast. "Maybe we should get donuts!" The dance teacher suggested.

"Or bagels!" Ms.Willis exclaimed.

Luz and Elizabeth lingered behind; "We should make it harder for the students, like not giving over five dollars in a week." Luz suggested.

"Yeah that would give other students a chance to participate." Liz agreed. "We could make it a competition if it comes to it, see which class gives more money for a week and we'd use some the funds to give the wining class a trip, the others would get lollipops or something."

"Penny Wars."

"Penny Wars?"

"I've researched online and not every school does it. Apparently you give an announcement a week before Penny Wars begins, said war lasting a week. Pennies are worth one (+1) point, nickels are minus five (-5) points, dimes are minus ten (-10) quarters are minus twenty-five (-25) and dollars are minus one hundred. (-100)."

"That's a great idea. We'll have to ask Mr.Green." Elizabeth spoke. "You sure like to research alot."

"I love to read, helps me pass the time." Luz smiled.

"Why don't you go to the library? During breaks or lunch you can go hang out in the library, read the books there. The librarian knows good books."

"I might check tommorow, thanks."

"Now come on, let's get some bagels."



'What in the Isles is a bagel?'

To be continued.

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