Mission accomplished.. [53 part 2]

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Luz had slid down right after Amity, standing up slightly as she went down the slide. She barely missed the human on her descent, so she had to chase her. Nothing better then catching your own prey! Luz jumped off the side, carefully don't worry, and went right after her.

Amity had scrambled to get up the stairs, waiting at the princess tower there with a huge slide. "Leave me aloneeeee!" Amity cried out.

Luz hissed, "I will poke you!"

"This is scarier then Touch and go!"

Luz climbed up, Amity getting ready to go down the slide, but the witchling had a plan. When Amity goes down, she'll throw her jacket baby and distract the human, and tag her. Super easy, right?

Spoiler alert, it was not

The second Amity slid down, Luz threw her jacket baby, Amity standing in the middle of the slide, catching the baby, and jumping off the side. "AH! MY BABY! AMITY RETURN MY JACKET BABY!"

The human carefully placed it down, and went to the monkey bars. She pulled herself up, balancing on top, Luz going down the slide and over to her baby. She picked it up, going over to Amity, "How..?"

"Ha! You can't use these!"

Luz went to the ladder, and pulled herself up on top, "Amity, you fool!" The human cursed to herself, taking careful steps back.

The witch got on top, walking over to Amity, the human going down and grabbing the bars. She swung to be on the other side, Luz clicking her tounge, "That is unfair!"

"Not if it's life or death!" Amity let the bars go, going back to the stairs.

Luz jumped off, rushing to the slides, retreating up to the one Amity would- n't see her going up at. The human came to the top, panting heavily as she looked around, "..Luz?"

She was hugged from behind and electrocuted temporarily. "I got you! I got you I got you!" Luz laughed.

"Scared the bejesus out of me!" Amity sighed sharply. "Time for you to find out what the other stuff is used for right?"



Luz didn't like any of it. All she needed to have fun at the park, was a slide, and Amity. The spinny thing made her dizzy, and she regurgitated her breakfast in the trash, she was too weak to use the kids workout things, and she didn't trust the rock wall, and yes, Luz got her shoes back.

Right now, Luz said she needed to be dropped off at home since Amity had plans, and she didn't want to bother the human while she was busy. Amity (weirdly enough) begged her to stay, not wanting the witchling to leave. Luz only accepted because Amity got pretty sad and Luz didn't like that.

Luz pat Amity's arm, "Better?"

The human shook her head from behind Luz, "No.."

The witchling shivered, Gary having gotten hot in the front with his fire beats, but it got fairly cold. Amity let go of Luz, the witchling getting out of her lap, the human taking off her jacket. Amity put it over Luz, pulling the witchling over again, "Better..?" Amity asked this time.

Luz nodded, zipping up her new jacket that she would most definitely keep, "Yeah, better."

♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪

Third wheel. Luz was now a third wheel. Amity had spotted Noah, her other favorite person, while herself and Luz were getting Pocky for the witchling. But since Noah was in the now trio, Amity gave all of her attention to him. Luz had gotten lost once or twice, having to find the group with the help of nice strangers.

And now it was happening again. Luz exited the store, her friends not having waited for her when she said she'd be here. Luz looked around in the close vicinity, not wanting to leave if they came to look for her. Luz sat in front of the store and ate her Pocky. For how long? About half an hour.

She called Amity over thirty times, but Noah had taken her phone from her and put it in his pocket. The manager from the store came over, squatting down in front of Luz, "Come on kid, you've waited long enough. Let's call your parents."

Luz shook her head, "Mom's at work." Luz said. "I'm sure my friends will come back! Thank you for worrying Mr.Manager."

"Five minutes. If they're not back by then, you'll have to call someone to pick you up. Can't leave minors unaccompanied."

Luz nodded, smiling up at the manger til they walked back inside. Luz gently squeezed Amilotl, glancing down at it, "Think I did anything wrong..?"

No response. Why would it respond? It's a plushie. Luz unlocked her phone for the umpteenth time, calling Amity one more time. Finally, an answer. "Luz where the heck are you!? I look away for a second-"

"I'm going home, Amity." Luz cut in. "Thank you for letting me come but I do believe I have a job to do."

Silence, then she finally spoke up, "It's been over half an hour, hasn't it?"

"Yes, yes it has. I'll be taken home so if you think you can catch up I'll be happy to spend the rest of the day with you. But it seems you've lost me for the third time today, goodbye Amity. I'll see you on Monday for the photoshoot."

"Ay is picking you up- Luz just wait outside for a few minutes-"

Luz cut in again, "I'll have to find my way out first. Goodbye Amity."


"Goodbye." Luz hung up, powering off her phone, and getting up. "Sorry Amilotl, but I'm not taking you with me anymore. I hope you find a nice home with someone else."

Luz sat it up against the wall, waved at the employees in the store, and retraced her steps. With the help of a few passerbys, she found her way out. Luz knew she was naive. Apparently too naive to find out the human she knew the most, could care less.

A limo pulled up, Luz opening the door, "Hey Luz. Ready?" Ay asked.

The witch took off her beanie and dropped it, looking back, then at him, smiling softly. "Yes I am, thank you Ay." Luz got in, closing and locking the door.

The handle was tried many times, then a pound on her window, "Luz please open the stupid door! I'm sorry! Luz I'm sorry!" Amity cried out. "Ay please unlock the door! Please!"

Noah pulled her back as the car slowly crept forward, Amity trying to pull herself free. "Amity! Amity calm down! She's not going to open the door! Step back! More cars are coming!" Noah shouted, grabbing ahold of her in a bear hug.

He pulled her back, Amity tiredly trying to escape, "Hicc- L-Luz-" Amity cried as she could only watch as the limo drove off, and see it merge in to traffic, then it was gone.

Noah hesitantly let her go, Amity staggering to the ground, the male picking up the stuffie and beanie, "Let's get you home.."

"S-She'll come back Noah- I-I just have to wait here and she'll come back-"

Noah pulled her up and in to a hug, rubbing her back, shushing her, "I'm sure she'll forgive you, just give her time.."

But he made this happen. That text Luz got the other day? That was Noah. He told Luz to leave Amity, or he'd hurt both girls. Luz thought this would happen on another day, but no. He didn't give Luz time to apologize and say goodbye, he broke both girls.

Now he had Amity. The broken rich girl, was his.

To be continued.

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