The drive. [17 part 3.25]

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"So, what's this called?"

"It's called a freeway Luz." Amity answered

"Wait then what's a highway?" The witch asked, dumbfounded.

"It let's you turn more, freeways sperate every once in awhile. Highways are just bigger streets."


"You don't understand do you?"

"I do I do! Just confused on why that guy is on a weird bicycle."

Amity looked out the window Luz was, spotting what she was talking about. "That's called a motorcycle. It's like a bicycle that runs on a motor but very advanced."

Their tires squealed, the rider using the back wheel to pick up the pace, their vehicle making a loud Vroom like noise. Luz didn't like that, it was loud. "AH! WAGENVOLKS BEETLE!" Luz shouted, punching Amity's arm.

A yellow Punch Buggy slowly passed them, the driver being an old woman who was wearing sunglasses and a flower printed white dress. "I don't play that game- Don't involve me-"

Amity spotted one to the right of herself, it was a light grey, the human punching Luz back; "Punch buggy."

"You just said you weren't apart of it!"

"Oh well, I changed my mind."

"Ladies if you look up ahead.."

They unbuckled themselves, carefully going to the front of the limo, looking out the window. A pink punch buggy, and a white one right in front of them. They both sighed, holding their arms out to the driver. He hit them, not hardly, also not gently, just enough for them to hate the interaction.

Luz took her phone out, taking out a small piece that looked like a Y, and headphones, two of them. "Want to watch a movie?"


Their movie was connected to the magic television, their headphones connected to Luz's phone, the TV being connected to Luz's phone as well. "Y'know, this movie isn't that bad." Amity stated, taking another pretzel.

Luz took it from her, the human sighing; "I take it back Luz, ignore what I told you to do earlier."

"You told me to not let you eat anymore snacks and you said not to believe you if you said to stop." Luz recalled. "I will not break our promise."

"Luz- Let me have a pretzel in peace-"

Luz bit off half of it, offering the rest to Amity. The human hesitantly took it; "It's better then not getting anymore."

The witch took the bag, folding it over itself, keeping it at a distance from Amity. "Gary?" Luz called out.

He picked up the square device again, pressing the side, speaking in to it; "Yes Luz?"

"When will we get there?"

"Just a few more minutes. It's only 6:32, so I estimate we'll be there around 6:39."

"Thank you!"

He nodded, putting the device back, continuing the safe drive.

Eventually they came to a stop, the cars motor stopping. A small click ensued, Amity opening the door, taking her things, Luz following with her belongings as well. She closed the door, Gary getting out as well, locking the car with a button key. "That's a big house.." Luz mumbled.

"I've seen bigger houses, but yeah it's pretty big. Come on, I want to get this over with." Amity said, walking to the gate.

It opened, the trio going up the path, the gate closing behind them, the group going towards the big house. They finally made it to the top, knocking on the door. A man opened it a second later, a Butler. "You're late."

"Cut us some slack we're only thirty two (32) seconds late." Gary muttered.

The butler rolled his eyes, opening the door more, letting them enter, closing and locking the door behind them; "I do suppose he's already up there?" Gary asked.

"Yes he has been waiting for two (2) minutes."

Gary led the way upstairs, stopping in front of a room, knocking before opening the door. A Caucasian shepherd dog walked out, glancing at the girls, looking away like he was disgusted, Gary walking in the room. "Mean doggie.." Luz mumbled.

"Female dog." He growled.

Luz flinched, Amity noticing it, gently nudging her; "He called me a female dog.." The witch whispered in her ear.

"It's fine, he won't get a partner the way he's acting. Might as well die alone."

He looked back over at Amity, this human bellow his standards. "Mattias does not like your attitude."

"He says he doesn't like your attitude.."

"Me? With an attitude? His IQ must be pretty low Luz. We'll loose braincells just by hearing him bark, come on." Amity said, walking in.

Mattias, the dog, growled, following them in the room. He bit Luz's calf, the witch letting out a small yelp, covering her mouth. She hit the bottom of his jaw a bit, the dog backing up; "Listen, Mattias was it?" Luz asked, squatting down in front of him.

"The Mattias."

"You don't want to mess with me. I can end you just like that." Luz snapped, a small spark coming from her fingers. "If you don't cooperate and try to get along with me, your owners will forget you existed. I have the power to do as I please, so be a good boy kay?" Luz smiled.

He let out a questioning whine, backing up; "Do you uh- Need help cleaning the wound..?"

To be continued.

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