Viney. [41]

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V         Episode better stay up-
Next morning, Wednesday. Hey, why do they spell it like that? Wed-Nes-Day when it's pronounced Whens-Day. No nevermind, this is garbage, English.

Three months later I got this ↑↑↑↑ answered by my teacher- He said it was because of how the names were translated from Romans or smthn-

Anyhoot, Grace had come to pick up Venom pretty early, but then asked if he could stay til afternoon cause she had a shift, having gotten Luz a gift, the witch still unaware of what it was, having to get to school.

It went great, not perfect but what is? Luz had gone home to do homework, Prince still sad about yesterday, the witch having tried to cheer him up, but it didn't work. Soup had come over, Luz wanting to learn more about pun club, then they went home later on because they had a doctor's appointment for their asthma.

When Luz thought all was bliss, the pocket watch had beeped, vibrated, and glowed, falling on the floor. Luz shot up, quickly going over to it, picking it up, and opening it. "Heya Luz- Um- Big problem- There's been a tear-" The same wizard from the Illusion fumbled.

*Tear as in ripped

"What do you mean, tear?" Luz asked.

"He managed to make a small portal- One of your friends went through- The gay one?"

"Which one they're all gay-"

"The idiot!"

"They're all idiots! They're my friends!"

"Jerbo!" He shouted.

"Oh no he'll die! He's scared of every and anything! Where did he come out?" Luz asked, getting off the floor, going to her door.

She took a few steps back, pulling a case out from under her bed, grabbing a potion, putting the case back. "Where you came out, just deeper in to the forest! We can't open the portal, you'll have to keep him safe til this blows over."

"Prince come on! You'll be my ride."

He perked up, scrambling off the floor, rushing to follow Luz downstairs and out the back. "He might be hurt, the portal came out of nowhere! And be careful Luz, we don't know what else made it through.."

"I'll be safe, tell my family I love them and to be careful, please?"

"I will, see you when this is over. Goodbye, Luz."

The pocket watch closed, Luz helping Prince drink the potion, the mutt turning in to a stallion. Luz got on his back, Prince stepping back, running straight to the fence, and jumping over. "Where to?" Prince neighed, being cautious with the trees.

"Remember where we first met? Go there, then to the forest."

He nodded, picking up the pace, rushing past the leaves. He made it the sidewalk, no people in sight. He halted, "Somethings wrong." Prince huffed, shaking his head.

"There's no time! Jerbo!"

Prince bellowed, shaking his head, moving his hooves back, returning to a slight trot, then a canter, then a run. He jumped over a log, looking around, sniffing at the air, taking a right, trotting deeper in to the forest. Luz whistled, a chirp coming at her left. Prince followed the chirp, sniffing down by the ground, jumping back.

He sniffed the pile of leaves, blowing raspberry, the leaves moving to reveal an exhausted witch. "Hey Luzifer.."


It wasn't Jerbo, it was Viney. As it turns out, she was using an illusion to make sure Jerbo wouldn't get hurt. He was though, and badly. Viney had explained that he was shot down while him, Viney, and Boscha were putting up flyers. The tear was beside Jerbo, but the witches and wizards in white were mysteriously going for him.

Viney took an Illusion of Jerbo, being pushed in, having hit a tree roughly when she came to Earth, and being knocked out, the leaves piling on top of her. "I'm so glad you were there for me Luz.." Viney trembled. "Turns out the emperor..Is a bad guy.."

"Heh..You think..?"

Viney drank the tea slowly, Luz gently applying back pain relief on the other witches back. Viney hissed at the pain, Prince resting his head in her lap, "Hey third witch, you'll feel better in no time.."

"You're a cute one pupper.." Viney sighed shakily, patting Prince's head.

Viney hissed again, Luz quietly apologizing, Viney's back all red with a slightly deep wound on her shoulder from a branch. "I'll go get you a pill, Prince, take care of her."

He nodded, Luz getting off her bed, going downstairs, Viney looking around the room. The front door opened, Luz talking with someone, that someone coming upstairs. They walked over, offering the pill and some water to, "Viney." They said. "That's what Luz said your name was, Viney right?"

The witch nodded, taking the pill, confused, "You swallow it." Prince barked quietly.

Viney took her tea, putting the pill in her mouth, drinking some of her tea, letting the pill pass. "I'm Emira."

"Hm. Didn't ask." Viney teased.

"Well, you should know me, I'm like, super popular and important." She said, making her hair look awesome when she threw it over her shoulder.

Viney glanced at the human, Emira giving her a charming smirk, "Where I'm from, if you did that in front of my friends, you'd be a pie."

"And you're a cute one." Emira winked.

She now realized Viney had no shirt, quickly looking away, Prince having done that a long time ago. "Viney do you want chicken or?" Luz called out from downstairs.

"Chicken is our version of cockatrice." Prince barked quietly, Luz having told him that awhile back.

"Uhm yeah!" Viney called back. "Thanks!"

Viney looked at Emira, the human still cherry faced, the witch wondering why. "Emira, do you know a girl named Amity?"

"U-Uh yeah- S-She's my sister-"

"She likes Luz, right?"

Emira looked back over at her, pulling the covers over Viney to cover her up a bit, "Don't even get me started on how obvious it is."

Viney smirked, "I think I'm going to like you alot Emira. Now do spill, there is much to argue about."

To be continued.

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