The cheese. [45 part 2]

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"THE CHEESE IS COMING-" Was the first thing Luz shouted when she woke up, sitting up in a panicked manor.

Amity scoffed, trying hard not to laugh, "The cheese?"

Luz sighed heavily in relief, very glad the cheese really wasn't coming..Or was it? A tap ensued on Amity's window, the human getting up to go open it, "Hey Pierre~" Amity cooed, picking the bird up. "Where have you been?~"

"Craw! Home! Home home! Craw!"

Luz snarled, the crow looking over, bouncing it's head up and down, hopping up to Amity's shoulder, preening itself, "He's a bad Birdy!"

"He's not bad, he's a good boy~"

He flew to the window, picking an object up, flying back to Amity, holding his talon up, offering the object to the human. Amity took it, a bracelet. It had a little bird pendant on it, the center of it having a little blue jem. He chirped, nudging it closer to her, "Craw! Take! Take!"

Amity let him get on her hand, the human going to Luz, "Witch! Witch witch! Craw! Witch!"

Luz hissed, flexing her fingers, slashing at Pierre. He flew up, avoiding the scratch attack, "Witch witch! Witch!"

"Don't provoke her, Pierre get out."

He chirped, nuzzling Amity's cheek, and leaving the room. Luz growled, Amity reaching to pat her head, the witch drawing back a bit. Amity cupped Luz's cheek, gently pushing the witch back down, "You go back to sleep while I go get you another pill."

Luz instantly relaxed, nuzzling in to Amity's palm, her ears drooping down, "Purrrrr~"

"..Cute.." Amity said quietly, using her thump to just wipe Luz's cheek.

The witch let out louder purrs for more, already wanting all of Amity's attention. Amity's phone buzzed, the human pulling it out of her pocket, turning it on. Luz put her hand over it, pushing it down and aside, Amity glancing back down at the witch, "Is something wrong?"

Luz shook her head slowly, nuzzling in to Amity's palm, about to doze off again. "Tired?"

The witch nodded. "It's only 4:15 pm, and I want you to be able to sleep through the night..So let's go outside okay? Get some air?"

"Okay.." Luz purred quietly.


Turns out, rich people have alot of stuff in their backyards. Luz was finally introduced to the peacocks there, many of them rude. They spread their feathers in front of her, poking at her feet, wanting her to leave. Luz thought they were pretty, but they were jerks. "Do you want to go see a tortoise?" Amity asked.

The witch looked up at her, confused. "What's a tort-hose?"

Amity ended up taking Luz to the back back, a few of the butlers coming over to assist. "These are so odd!" Luz exclaimed, poking one of the shells. "They tuck their heads in to protect themselves?"

"That's right, and there's different kinds of turtles. Some bite, others don't unless provoked, and some, don't go in the water."

The tortoise poked it's head out of it's shell, slowly turning, walking to its bowl. Luz followed it, kneeling down by it, the tortoise getting some of the fresh vegetables, and munching on it. "Herbivores?"

"This one is, yeah." Amity nodded. "Emira is calling him Flash, even though he's the slowest of the group."

Luz smirked, poking it's back, "Not for long~"

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