The gossip, and the lockdown I guess. [10 part 2]

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"She didn't!" Luz gasped.

"She did! She totally did!" The P.E teacher reassured.

"And she just walked out like she didn't just do that?" Amity asked, flabbergasted.

The teacher nodded a big slow nod, high fiving the next person. "I'll tell the rest of the story next time though, bells about to ring."

Luz and Amity groaned, both sadly getting up. "Promise?" Luz asked, holding her hand out.

The teacher shook it firmly; "Promise."

Right on time, the bell rang and both girls said goodbye, taking their leave. They dressed back out, taking their bags and heading back to the on site classes. "Can't believe Jessica would kiss Jenny like that and expect her husband to be okay with it." Amity muttered.

"Well he did cheat a few months before it happened." Luz added.

"I mean it was a toxic relationship sure, but he was possessive and she knew it." Amity said, putting her hands behind her head.

"Exactly, it was both a good and bad thing she did. Kissing a female, which is totally okay, when being in a legal relationship was very wrong. She should've at least ruined those papers with one of those.." Luz pouted, trying to remember what they were called.


"Divorssseeee. Such an odd word- She could've divorced him since she had a reason to. So I believe Jessica is only responsible for the heartbreak she caused her husband." Luz said, looking over at the Blight.

Amity huffed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah but she kissed Jenny who also had a fiance. She always reassured him she wouldn't cheat."

"But that wasn't her fault!"

The cheer captain clicked her tounge, crossing her arms. "Technically it was since she allowed Jennifer to kiss her." Amity hissed.

"But don't you think they'll be better together anyways?" Luz questioned, giving her a gently nudge.

"No. That's wrong."

"Well I can't hang out with you if you don't approve of relationships that are different." Luz said, picking up the pace. "See you around." She waved, heading her own way.

Amity slowed down, eventually coming to a halt. "Wha- Luz-"



Skara nudged Amity, her captain not responding. "You okay cap? You haven't yelled at anyone."

"Don't feel like it today.." Amity mumbled.

"You haven't been like this when your ex broke up with you- And you were only like that for seven (7) minutes- It's been thirty-four (34)-"

Amity let out a sigh, a sorrow sigh, a sad sigh. Skara looked over at Amelia, the green haired girl shrugging. They didn't know how to help their unhappy friend, but maybe someone else could- "Alright! We'll be practicing the drill now!" The teacher clapped.

"May I be excused..?" Amity asked.

"Fine, just don't be alarmed if the doors are locked when you come back."

The youngest Blight arose from her seat, leaving the classroom. "What do you think happened?" Skara asked.

"Dunno, must've been something with Luz. They were together during and after P.E!" Amelia explained. "Should I call her?"

"Sure, these drills aren't important anyways."

They both got under their desks, Amelia taking out her phone and unlocking it to call Luz. After some fumbling, she put the phone up against her ear, waiting the witches voice to go through her ear. "Hello?" Luz asked, her tone sounding like a whisper.

"Hey what happened between you and our Blight?" Amelia asked.

"We can talk about that later! Why are you calling!?" Luz whisper shouted.

"We're curious..And bored.." Amelia mumbled.

"In the middle of a lockdown!? Why isn't Amity scolding you- Where is she?" Luz asked, her voice quieting.

Amelia looked up at Skara, then over to the window. "S-She went out.."

Over with Luz

Those three words were now stuck in her head, the witch was now very worried for the Blights safety. She quickly hung up, muting her phone. Luz put it away, crawling towards the door and closer to the windows. "Luz? Where are you going!?" The teacher whisper shouted.

"I'm an experienced fighter. I can handle this. Do be quiet till I return." Luz said, pushing the door open quietly.

She stood up, slipping past and closing the door carefully behind herself. 'Body, don't fail me now..' Luz shakily sighed, clenching on to her side.

The witch looked at her surroundings, not alot but not a little. She stepped out of the shade and in to the sun, stepping on to more of the elevated stuff. She spotted movement, not Amity, but also not a staff member. "Who's there?" The witch asked.

The figure perked up, holding up their weapon and aiming it at her. A loud bang ensued, then the sound of someone clapping or paw-sibly high fiving themselves ensuing. "I've almost been murdered 7 times.." Luz mumbled, holding her palm out. "This is child's play.."

She dropped the small pellet, the figure taking slow steps back. 'Alright, body. Don't give up on me just yet..

To be continued.

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