Up to no good. [35 part 2]

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Luz had bought highlighters, Amity very confused on the reason why she did. The witch opened up the packet, taking out the green one, Amity taking her phone out. Luz took off the cap, the human slightly distracted. The witch drew a flower on the back of her hand, Amity now a bit ticked off. "What was that for?"

The witch put the cap back on, putting it back in the case, "You said they're used to show important things. You're important to me." Luz smiled slightly, a light blush spreading on her cheeks.

Oh, there goes feelings for Noah, out the window they go! Welcome back feelings for Luz, you've always been my favorite feeling anyways. I shake you warmly by the hand, congrats on being our number one- Amity felt her phone vibrate, looking back down at it, spotting the caller.

Oops! Bye feelings for Luz, we kinda hated you anyways, greetings feelings for Noah! How was your day on the outside for two seconds? Amity answered the call, putting her phone up against her ear, "Hey Noah, something wrong?"

"Very wrong. They- Guys cut it out I'm on the phone!" He shouted to others. "They want to know what my contact name is on your phone and want me to take you out for dinner- I really don't want to because practice comes first, but they got coach on board..And if I don't do this, he'll kick me off the team!"

Amity ohed, "I mean, we can set something up I guess..?"

"Guys cut the crap already! That might work, they're idiots. Just pick some random restaurant. I'll pay, just a picture and they'll believe me. I'll just tell them you put my contact name as Noah, for now at least." He said, making his voice sound like a girls when he spoke his name. "Okay?"


"Sorry for having to put you through this, being pretty must be tiring. Call me when you're ready, bye Blight."

"Bye Noah."

He hung up first, Amity getting up from the bench she was seated at, Luz grabbing her things, quickly closing the box of treats, putting it back in the bag. "Is everything okay?" Luz asked, putting the long stick like food in her mouth.

"Luz are you eating pocky- Yeah, everything's okay. Just a small setback."

Luz hummed, cracking the chocolate dipped biscuit, swallowing her small piece, putting the Pocky back in her mouth. "Luz, do you know what people usually do with those?" Amity asked.

The witch shook her head, "What do humans do with Pocky?"

"Some play the game."

"Game? What is it?"

"It's just called Pocky."

"What do you do?"

"Well, two people start at one end of the pocky. The first person who stops eating the Pocky is out, or if the other player gets to the middle first, the person who got to the middle wins. If the participants end up kissing..It's a tie."

Luz hummed, thinking about the rules, "Do humans do this game often?"

"If they like the other person, yeah it happens often." Amity nodded.

"Can we try?"

"We have to go home first, I have somewhere to be."

Luz nodded, taking Amity's hand, not wanting to be left alone if they got stuck in a crowd or Titan forbid Luz gets nervous and starts to panic if she can't find Amity. "Do you remember the axolotl plushie you got me?"

"Yeah I do." Amity spoke. "What about it?"

"I named it."

"Oh? What'd you name it Luz?"

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now