Agreed. [58 part 3]

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All tied now, except Noah and Willow, they were like six cards behind. Soup held up the final card, "Whoever gets this, wins. Literally, because this is worth like twenty cards."

"Just hurry up!" Boscha hissed.

Soup checked the card, "What..Is her favorite animal?"

"Mythical or not?" Willow asked.

Soup looked at the back, "Not."

Amity touched the button first, Viney growling quietly, "Vulture."


Willow tapped the button, "Rhinos."


Boscha and Viney pressed the button, both having the same answer, "Cats."


Noah hesitantly pressed the button, "Bunnies?"


Luz let go of Amilotl, the plushie falling on the button, "Correct."

Everyone but Soup facepalmed, the them taking the plushie, putting both cards in its paws, "Good job Amilotl, you won."

It's head fell forward, Soup putting it back in Luz's arms, the witchling nuzzling it, "I can't believe it." Boscha hissed. "I got replaced and beaten by a stupid stuffie."

"Hey, don't call it that. Luz likes it." Willow stated.

"It's got a smug face. I hate it." Boscha growled.

Viney glared at the plushie, Amilotl returning a dead stare. Luz shivered, groggily opening her eyes. She then noticed there were no cards left in the pile, "..So who won..?" Luz yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Amilotl." Amity answered, moving Luz's hair out of her eyes. "We lost to a stuffed animal."

Boscha got up, "Which is stupid, why are none of the answers me?"

Willow looked through her cards, handing it to Boscha, "This one is."

Boscha snatched it, "Who has Luz known longer." Boscha paused. "But I still got that one wrong so it doesn't count." She threw it backwards.

She answered Eda ↑

Willow took Boscha's cards, looking through them, handing one to Boscha, the witch taking it, "You got this one right."

Boscha looked down at it, "Luz's first friend. Well duh, I've known her for.. Seven years-"

"We get it, you told me this. I do not want to hear you repeat it." Amity cut in. "Please, I've never heard a more specific answer."

Luz giggled, eighty (80) percent (%) of the group blushing. Amity knew how to keep calm and not blush because, she's a model, she's figured out how to blush on cue, duh. The Blight pinched the witchling's nose, Luz pulling back and giggling again. "St-Stop!" Luz giggled, pushing Amity away.

"Don't laugh at the two minutes I heard Boscha explain in perfect detail how long you've know eachother." Amity teased. "Condescending girl she is, really annoying one to deal with. Willow knows what I'm talking about right?"

The girl snorted, roughly patting Boscha's back as she laughed, "Hear that? She knows my pain now!"

Luz sat up in Amity's lap, Soup glancing over at her, "Luz?"

Everyone hushed up in an instant, wanting to know why Soup was even talking to the witchling, "Yes Soup?"

"Why do you always sit in Amity's lap?" They asked.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now