The message. [19 part 3.25]

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Amity waited for Luz to get out, the witch finally finishing her shower five (5) minutes after the message was sent. Luz sighed in relief, going over to Amity, the human taking her towel. "You want me to dry it right..?"

The witch nodded, sitting down on the floor in front of her, taking her phone, unlocking the device. Amity rubbed her hair with the towel, the witch purring quietly, looking for the messages app. She found Lilith's name, clicking on it, reading the message. 'They're out of Dooby Snacks.'

Luz gasped, Amity patting her shoulder; "I didn't know how to respond etheir, it's a very bad loss.."

"NOO I'VE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR THESE!!" Luz whined, burrying her face in her palms.

"I'm sorry Luz..You can wait another week, I know you can.."

Luz called Lilith, putting her phone up against her ear, hearing the waiting music Lilith put in. After a few seconds, she answered. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE OUT!? DID YOU ASK??"

"Yes Luz, I asked. They won't be back til next month-"


"I apologize for the inconvenience, but would you like anything else while I'm still at the store?"

The witchling sighed heavily, Amity continuing to dry her hair. "Obleas if they have any..Please."

"Alright, I'll drop by later, need a potion to help with you Moon Cycles?"

"If you could, yes please. Thank you auntie."

"Yeah yeah, I'm the best I know. I still have that mug..Bye Luz."


Lilith hung up, Luz looking up at Amity, tears in her eyes. "The snacks will be back Luz, I believe in you to wait.." Amity mumbled, wiping her cheek.

"My Dooby Snacks.." Luz whined.

Note: I don't want to get sued (if it even is possible) so do ignore the dumb names I replace characters with

"It's okay Luz, you can handle it. Let me teach you a few more things before your Aunt comes."


"This," Amity began, pointing at the card. "Is a beanbag."

"What do you do with it? Does this help cook beans?"

"No no, some have rice, dried beans, dried peas, cherry pits too, inside. You put them in the microwave for as long as you'd like under three (3) minutes, then use it how you like." Amity explained. "Some women like to use them for cramps."

Luz picked up the card, examining it a bit. "It has the same name as those.." Luz mumbled, pointing to her bean bag chairs. "Are they also filled with dried beans or rice?"

"No those are filled with foam balls."


"Bit confusing. Ever heard of homophones?"

After getting some paper, something to write with, and a bit comfortable on the bed, Amity wrote down two words. "Bear, and bare."

"They sound the same and have the same letters.."

"But both have different meanings." Amity went on.

Luz nodded, humming quietly. "Bawl, and ball."

"One means cry, the other is a round bouncy or stiff object for activities.."

"Ad and add."

"Ads are those TV intermissions about merchandise correct? Add is to put more together."

"Smart witch. Overdo and overdue." Amity wrote, underlining the only differences between the two (2), do and due.

Luz examined the words, her ears slanting, the witch a bit confuzzled. "I do believe one means to do something a bit too much. The other should mean something is late. Right?"

Amity nodded, leaning her head against Luz's, writing another pair down. Which is surprisingly one of the words I just used! "Pair and pear."

"Hm..One (1) means two (2)..The others a fruit!"

"Duel and dual."

"Wha- Don't they mean the same thing..?"

Amity shook her head slowly, writing their definitions under the words. "Dual means two (2). Duel means to fight."

"Ohh. Your earth words are really weird Amity! They teach you this and expect you to memorize it?"

The human nodded, moving away from Luz a bit, writing down two more words. "Doe, and dough."

"Ones a female deer, the other is bread a few stages back."

Amity pat her head, the witch crossing her arms, resting her head in her elbows. "Going to take a nap?"

Luz nodded, letting out a yawn, Amity folding the paper, getting off the bed, taking the pen as well. She put the paper on Luz's desk, putting the pen in its place. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything-"

"Come here.."

"Do you want a blanket?"

"No come here.."

Amity kneeled down in front of the bed, running her finger down Luz's nose. "Hm?"





Luz nodded slowly, reaching for Amity's hand. The human running her finger down her nose a few more times, the witch purring quietly. "I'm going to go home actually."

"Hmm~" Luz purred, her ears relaxing.

She closed her eyes, her purrs growing, Amity continuing her little process. "Text me when you feel better okay?"


Amity pulled back, the witch relaxing herself, slowly dozing off. The human kissed her forehead, only noticing she did that two seconds after. 'Don't do that ever again. You're not gay, you are most definitely not falling for Luz. She'll go away soon. So will this feeling. I hope..'

The human went back to the door, looking back at Luz, letting out a small sigh, going out the room, closing the door quietly behind herself. 'Just a phase..It's just a phase..You'll get over it Amity. You have to.'

To be continued.

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